
Last Preparations III

Part 3

3rd Person POV

Arriving at Zekram's Castle several hours later, Nora looked somewhat tired and he was unable to hide it even if he acted normal.

"Young master, you seem rather... weary, would you like if I prepared a room for you to rest?"

An older gentleman working as a butler, Nil, spoke to Nora as soon as he saw him.

"The old guy is waiting for me, I presume, so I would love to make him wait more, but I would rather end this since I am still busy dealing with some other businesses." Nora sighed.

"Understood." Nil bowed.

It was difficult to try and change the youth's mind once he set up to do something so Nil simply took it upon him to escort him to the master of the castle.

Despite being surrounded by servants loyal to Zekram, no one seemed bothered by what he called the older man. It was not simply thanks to the role the youth will take in the future, but it was because they were used to it as well. If the housemaster was not angry, how could they get angry? Not to mention that he might curse their master, but he had never directed any malice to him. Most of the devils and even some humans who happened to use magic to preserve their life for a long time were extremely old and they saw the youth's actions as a rather cute rebellious phase from a youngster. He was also extremely polite and respectful when dealing with everyone but the master of the castle, except in a few special cases so no one raised an eyebrow even if he yelled 'old fart' like he was used to, in the middle of the castle.

"Sometimes, I feel like everyone's warm looks are kind of annoying." Nora felt ticklish.

"Haha, is that so? I think they are the eyes the elderly use when looking at their grandchildren." Nil chuckled.

Going through the corridors of the castle, the several servants doing their shores stopped their actions and bowed at the youth with gentle smiles on their faces.

"...elderly should not be working hard like this." Nora clicked his tongue. "You guys tell me if the old bastard is making it difficult for you. If we all fill a lawsuit, we can win the case."

Shaking his head, Nil just smiled wryly.

"How have you been?" Nil asked. "It is a little lonely when you don't visit... I also have not gotten replies from the two young ladies for a while."

"The kitties are busy trying to become kunoichis." Nora shrugged his shoulders. "I will remind them to write back but since it is supposed to be a secret village, they might be trying to follow the script."

"I heard that Ninjas are a terrifying force in Japan. Even the Maous in the past tried to get their hands on that elite force to win the war back then, but they came back empty-handed." Nil sighed.

"...are Maous alright in the head?" Nora face-palmed. "Ninjas... urgh, whatever."

Deciding to forget it, Nora pushed back the memories he just recalled about some angels that wanted to learn ninjutsu and made him vow to introduce them to some ninjutsu users he knew.

"...Young Master." Nil suddenly stopped walking.

Just outside the door of Zekram's study, Nil had paused his steps.

"..I am well aware that you find Zekram-sama's words to be annoying, however, it cannot be denied that he is thinking of your grow." Nil muttered. "The proof is how much you have archived."

Not hearing a reply from the youth, Nil inwardly sighed.

"I am not saying your accomplishments are actually his, or anything like that." Nil said. "You worked hard to reach your current self."

"...are you sure he did not have a hand on it?" Nora scoffed.

"Nothing worth mentioning, even if he had not made a move, your Maou acquaintances would've acted." Nil replied.

"...I can see Grayfia kicking Sirzechs' butt and telling him to make a move, and Serafall behind her ready to contribute to the cause." Nora remembered- imagined how things happened in another situation.

Deciding that it was better to put that in an obscure corner of mind, Nil kept what he learned in secret.

"He has constantly made you face challenges and you have successfully emerged victorious." Nil commented. "However..."

Turning toward the youth, the older man felt like he had aged considerably given how much that weak child had changed.

"If you feel burdened for what he asks of you, you can always turn him down." Nil said. "If you honestly speak to him, he will listen."

"I highly doubt such a thing would ever work." Nora smiled bitterly.

"...if it does not, you can rest assured. These old bones will fight for your sake." Nil smiled. "You don't have to be bound by schemes."

"...if I use the benefits he offers me, I must respond by fulfilling his requests. It is not a matter of wanting to do it or not. It is a matter of responsibility." Nora mumbled. "Plus... He is aware of how much he can push me and knows when to stop."

"That sounds like him indeed." Nil nodded. "Nonetheless, please keep in mind what I said. I know I say it every time I escort you here, but please do not think of it as lip service."

Bowing at Nora, Nil left him in front of the office alone.

Opening the door, Nora casually entered and sat in one of the chairs placed in front of the desk where Zekram was reviewing some documents.

"It is bad manners to enter a room unannounced." Zekram did not glance at the youth and said as soon as he sat.

"You should've been eavesdropping since we arrived at the door, the word 'unannounced' makes it sound like you did not expect me to be here when you knew I would come after the little stunt you pulled back there." Nora snorted.

"As blunt as always. If they only knew this side of you, people might wonder how you can charm so many ladies." Zekram still kept his eyes on the paper.

"If being blunt will make me less popular, I would do it all the time. However, I seem to attract women regardless of how I treat them." Nora muttered.

"Words worthy of a scumbag." Zekram smiled. "They could also earn you the rage from the male populace."

"You were a scumbag and a casanova as well, hundreds of years ago." Nora rebuked.

"It takes one to recognize another one." Zekram replied.

"...alright, I have no come back for that one." Nora sighed.

"Do you think I have lived that much without hearing snarky comments?" Zekram smirked. "I sometimes stay quiet because I am too lazy to retort to you."

"You are annoying." Nora clicked his tongue.

"There is always someone better." Zekram advised. "Always act with that thought in mind."

"...I always do." Nora said.

"I am well aware, but you also vastly underestimate yourself." Zekram put down the document on the desk. "If you continuously underestimate yourself and deny your abilities, you are just wasting your potential."

"...save yourself the talk." Nora spoke in a cold tone.

"Curt as always, very well." Zekram snorted. "I complied with your request and got the champion some free time despite his busy schedule. It seems you have an emergency of some sort going on to contact the guy all of sudden, but if you waited for a couple of days, your regular classes under the rating games champions would've been a less cumbersome meeting."

"Time and place?" Nora asked.

"He is at the usual location they take you to train." Zekram muttered.

"What do you want in exchange? Killing someone again? Destroying someone's drug operation? Maybe seduce the woman of someone getting in the way of one of your schemes?" Nora asked.

"None, I have no missions for you at the moment." Zekram said.

"...have you been consuming 'magical' muffins or something? You will ask for nothing?" Nora asked in an incredulous tone.

"Nothing has picked my interest lately so I have nothing to have fun with." Zekram sighed.

Raising the document after flipping the page, Zekram seemed to recall something.

"Oh, don't forget to visit the maid quarters in the castle." Zekram added. "They are quite eager to show you their new recipes of apple pie. Above all, I want you to do something about the head maid that keeps daydreaming the whole day."

"...isn't the champion waiting for me?" Nora asked.

"So?" Zekram lowered the paper and raised an eyebrow at the youth. "He got the whole day free, you can make him wait for all I care. How you manage the time I got you with him is up to you, if you want to go running after him or simply let him wait under the rain is none of my business. It is up to you to manage your personal and business relationships."

"Understood, I will contact him and do as I please." Nora sighed.

Standing up, Nora thought that it was weirdly unsettling that he had not been tasked with something absurd.

"...by the way." Zekram's voice was a little more gentle.

However, regardless if it was strict or not, Nora still tensed up slightly. He briefly wondered if round 2 would start here to continue testing his abilities.

"That woman is quite old, but her position never allowed her to be close to a man before given the rules back in the day. Getting used to being alone, she saw everyone but her get married and start a family. She is what you call, and funnily enough, an old maid." Zekram mumbled. "She has served me well so I would be grateful if you did not play around with her and just abandoned her later on."

Turning back toward Zekram, he saw the old devil giving him a difficult-to-read look like always.

"...just be nice to her." Zekram seemed to have a lot more to say but he said no more.

Nonetheless, Nora got angry at that.

"For a ruthless man like you, acting like a wuss is rather strange. Are you not willing to face one of your descendants and acknowledge her existence? Or perhaps the fact that she does not carry the same power as you is getting in the way." Nora said.

"...it is as you say, however, it is also because her mother wanted it that way." Zekram muttered. "Off you go, I have matters to focus on and don't have the time to talk with you anymore."

The response was enough to dissipate Nora's anger somewhat.

"Understood." Nora said and left.




After 'fooling' around, Nora teleported toward a somewhat hidden location from regular devils deep underground and far off on the unexplored wasteland.

The large underground dome-like spaces that were specially designed to resist supernatural attacks greeted him from each side as he passed by the hallway. He walked a long way before he found himself near smaller rooms on each side of the hallway. Only one presence other than him could be felt so he walked toward it and entered the room. A man, with short grey hair and grey eyes waved at the youth in greeting. His graceful aura hid great powers and the harmless smile made him seem like an easygoing guy.

"Oh? I thought you would be taking longer."

Putting back his phone in his pocket, the gacha Game on the screen was caught briefly by Nora, however, the youth said nothing to his 'customer'. Recalling that the person in from of him was a huge whale in the game and held a high rank in the competitions he added to the game.

"I stopped briefly to chat with some acquaintances." Nora nodded. "I don't have the guts to waste the day of the Emperor."

Smiling wryly, the man tapped the pocket where he just put his phone.

"Thanks to you, I had some time to play again. It is a habit of mine to try and aim for the highest spot, but I am afraid I have no time for it." The man, Diehauser, sighed. "Normally, I would try to go without using money but..."

Scratching his head, the man confessed.

"There are these old and new players I just can't do anything about no matter how hard I try." Diehauser seemed vexed. "They have unique nicknames... I wonder who Cat-Onee-chan who holds the highest rank is. Not to mention, the new dark horse Cat-mommy."

Sighing, the champion of the rating games expressed his disappointment in his skills by showing Nora the scores. No matter how many challenges he had issued, there was not a single win against those two.

Feeling like facepalming because the youth knew who those players were, he just smiled wryly.

Closing the game, the youth managed to catch briefly, the wallpaper of the phone. A vibrant little girl with similar features to Diehauser along with the champion as they both smiled happily.

"...she came over to stay with my parents last week." Diehauser mentioned.

"Is that so?" Nora nodded.

"...it is odd how fate works." Diehauser suddenly paused. "My cousin almost died for some unreasonable reason, yet people never questioned it and those committing the crimes do not feel a small amount of regret."

"The world is unreasonable." Nora's bitter tone carried some resignation. "More than once, you will be hit harshly. Everything seems grim, yet..."

"After despair, there will always be hope... isn't it?" Diehauser completed the phrase before the youth could.

However, unlike how the youth usually did, he seemed a little lost before smiling brightly, like the previous pause did not happen.

"Yeah, so don't be getting into any trouble. You need to maintain your status and be a role model for that little girl." Nora chuckled.

"...so you are aware those people contacted me again huh." Diehauser sighed. "Are you keeping tabs on me? You think I would continue down that path?"

Shaking his head, Nora looked at the man who had a bitter smile.

"Not at all. I understand why you wanted to go along with those people's plans. I am well aware that you cut ties with them after learning that Cleria-san was alive." Nora said. "I just knew they would talk to you or try to rope you in again since your ability's value is high."

"I see." Diehauser nodded.

"You can send them these and they will most likely never contact you again after they curse you for a bit." Nora pulled a file and handed it over to the man.

Somewhat curious, the man opened and found several pictures. Various women in lingerie looked extremely enticing and Diehauser coughed awkwardly since he did not expect someone younger than him to hand him something like this.

"...is this a bribe?" Diehauser asked.

"No?" Nora furrowed his eyebrows. "Those are pictures of the women from the guys tasked to contact you. I got them from the ladies themselves who are more than happy to send me material hoping I visit them again."

Muttering something extremely terrifying with a calm expression, Nora shrugged his shoulders.

"...did you?" Diehauser could not help but ask.

"Not really." Nora smiled wryly. "I did not explicitly ask them for those. I just happened to listen to the troubles of some of my clients while I was doing house visits, and these ladies liked my massages too much. I understood their intentions when they asked me to stay the night and said their husbands were not home so I decided to avoid them. Who would have expected that they began sending me outrageous pictures? I had already heard their husbands were quite dodgy people so I wondered if their actions were because they were too pent up after being abandoned by their husbands for long... a simple investigation gave out their ties to the Khaos Brigade."

Rubbing his temple as a headache assaulted him, Diehauser wanted to say the youth was speaking rubbish. However, the youth's way with women was something he could never see himself overcoming.

"...this one of those situations of "don't ask" and "just grin and bear it", isn't it?" Diehauser asked.

"For your mental health, I recommend it." Nora nodded.

Sighing, the champion kept the file. A bitter feeling inside his heart. If he handed the file, wouldn't it be like he was blackmailing the other party? They were from a criminal organization but he was the one committing a crime.

"...did you call me for this?" Diehauser inquired.

"This was just something on the side." Nora shook his head. "I need to spar with you."

"...need, huh." Diehauser mumbled. "Sure, it is always entertaining to face you. Your rate of improvement is the best I have seen."

"Please, it is only good among the younger generation." Nora smiled wryly. "Talented people like Rias, Sona, and Sairog will soon take the lead from me."

"...as humble as always." Diehauser chuckled. "However, I cannot agree to that. They might be the best... if you are not on the list. Power, Technique, Strategies, Quality, and even other aspects I have not mentioned. You are cut above the rest."

"Surely, you jest." Nora smiled bitterly. "I don't have the talent. They can achieve great things with less effort and time."

"To me, your unrelenting will and desire to grow stronger are a talent. Trying hard for so long, regardless of what people say about you. Not getting drunk on the small success you attain." Diehauser muttered. "How many people could reach the point you are currently at? I dare to say that even mentioning a couple would be an overstatement."

"...it is because I had no other choice. There is nothing virtuous or honorable about my hard work." Nora sighed. "If I had talent... If only I could grow strong as fast like them, however, hard work requires time, and I don't have it."

"I see." Diehauser said no more.

There seemed to be something eating the youth away at the moment. If he asked now, he would not get an answer.

"Then, let's spar, shall we?" Diehauser smiled. "It has been a while since it was you and me fighting."

"Isn't it because you are too strong?" Nora complained. "Even the other champions just mop the floor with me."

Swallowing the need to retort, Diehauser almost said that they are no longer holding back for the sake of their different status as the older generation and high-rankers in the rating games. The youth was indeed easily taken down when he first started to train, but nowadays it is not that simple.

"I want you to do your absolute best this time." Nora muttered.

"Oh?" Diehauser raised an eyebrow.

"Put your ability, Worthless, to the best use. Make sure to analyze and counter everything I throw at you." Nora said.

"...any particular reason?" Diehauser asked.

"You have already taken your time to prepare strategies against me, but you must be aware that I have not shown everything I can do." Nora added. "I don't want you to hold back at all."

"...that's quite the statement." Diehauser sighed.

"...otherwise, you might die." Nora spoke.

Raising an eyebrow, Diehauser could not ask anything because the youth had begun walking toward the training grounds.




"You have done well." Nora spat out a mouthful of blood. "I hope you make sure to analyze everything you saw."

Dragging his body away, the youth held his stomach which had a large hole enough to even place his head there. Scattered on the ground, there were several parts of his body. Arms, legs, tails, hands and feet. The current ones had been just regenerated and the hole in his stomach was closing exceedingly fast. The collapsing dome was just one step from crumbling altogether and holes on the end showed that the battle had been going from one place to another, even shifting to other domes and even the tough material capable of withstanding years of powerful brawls was unable to hold a candle against their one fight at the moment.

Laying with his head facing up, Diehauser coughed a mouthful of blood as well. Ignoring the soreness and pain all over his body, he uncapped the healing medicine Nora left on his hand before leaving.

"...kid, what am I supposed to say after being shown all that?" Diehauser bitterly laughed.

How many trump cards did the youth hold? However, the most terrifying aspect of Nora was how he kept coming back even if he was knocked down.

"I barely won." Diehauser mumbled in a disbelieving tone. "If we had fought with the intention to kill, I doubt I would've survived."

Recalling everything the youth threw at him put Diehauser in a complex mood.

"...your expression though." Diehauser could recall meeting him after he had found his mother.

The youth looked a lot better, but now he carried an even more complex and heavy look.

Shaking his head, Diehauser focused on doing only one thing. Processing the information about the fight so that worthless could work as Nora expected.


3rd Person POV

Already in a new outfit, the youth had changed into a pair of blue jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. As he strolled the maid guild, he waved at everyone with a gentle smile on his face. Perhaps because of the hour or the place he was walking to, the traffic was being reduced the closer he got to his destination.

A large room, with a separation for each person and a long space filled with targets to shoot. It was a shooting range and it was almost empty at the moment.

Sighing, Nora had come and found someone else here.

Walking over, he paused just beside the person shooting. He could tell there was another presence as well, but his interest was with the person shooting at the moment.

"I thought there would be no one at this time of the day." Nora pulled his personal weapon and placed it on the stand as he began to inspect it.

"Should I apologize for using the shooting facilities belonging to the guild I belong to an outsider who most certainly is not registered in the guild?"

The blunt answer made the youth smile slightly.

"How have you been, Felis?" Nora asked.

Stopping her actions because of Nora or perhaps because she finished her round, Felis, the petite maid took back a few steps after putting away her weapon and offered a polite bow to the youth.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, my master." Felis spoke in her usual deadpan tone.

"I have not hired you yet." Nora chuckled.

"A maid maniac like yourself is bound to own the whole guild at some point. Hiring every single maid and making a city just so that every single person there is actually a maid ready to serve you." Felis muttered.

"...I think Nanami has been influencing you." Nora smiled wryly.

Shrugging her shoulders, Felis gazed at the youth with some expectation. Nora saw the corner's of Felis mouth slightly form a smile.

"Do you want to hold a small contest?" Nora understood her.

"I think I want to see how much you have improved after all this time." Felis commented. "I am your teacher after all."

"...please go easy on me." Nora expressed his honest thoughts.


"You still have some areas to improve." Felis nodded, pleased.

"I guess I still have a long way to go. Missing for 0,3 millimeters in such a favorable position is a shame." Nora clicked his tongue.

"Normally, supernatural beings just prefer to simply ignore using weapons like these so I can say that your skills are among the top 10 of those I have seen." Felis said.

"I think there should be many people among long-lived beings who are good with weapons though." Nora retorted.

"I am using an overall score regarding the use of several weapons. Some might've picked using rifles as a weapon and polished their skills, but perhaps never held a shotgun. Some can use handguns but never a machine gun. Absolute mastery is being capable of using all kinds of weapons just because you took one to the absolute limit... Do you think someone like that exists?" Felis asked.

Recalling his Shishou, Nora could not answer that for certain.

"Even among warriors with divinity, there are weapons they would rather not use for several reasons. My evaluation about being able to use any weapon takes into account such matters as well." Felis mumbled. "They can be good at using multiple weapons given their good senses, but in the end, if they have aversion to a weapon, they will reject their potential."

"...a point I cannot really nitpick." Nora smiled bitterly.

"That said, my ranking is a lot more relaxed and includes only maid guild people." Felis explained.

"...I was feeling good about my skills, but I guess I shouldn't have." Nora sighed.

"There is no need. This is simply a practice in a controlled environment. In a real fight, even if you excel here, it does not mean you are going to do badly." Felis commented.

"That is a good point." Nora shook his head.

"So, is there something on your mind?" Felis asked.

"What?" Nora awkwardly smiled.

"You hesitated more than you usually do when shooting. It did not impact your accuracy, however, the hesitation was still present." Felis said.

Looking away, Felis went back to her booth and began to take away pieces of her guns. Once it was neatly arranged on top, she began to clean each part carefully.

"It is simply because I don't have enough maidnium." Nora chuckled.

Glancing back with a cold look, Felis stared deeply into the youth's eyes. Her cold gaze continued for a while until she sighed.

"Is that so?" Felis mumbled.

"If Felis gave me a hug-" Nora's words were cut short by a bullet piercing the ground just in front of his feet.

"My apologies, my master, my gun needs some maintenance since it shot without my control." Felis spoke in a deadpan tone.

"...is that so?" Nora smiled wryly.

"It is so, my master." Felis nodded in her usual deadpan tone.

"I guess I will just find some other maid who wants to snuggle-" Nora's words were cut short once again by another bullet lodged in the ground.

"My apologies, my master, another wild shot my gun did by itself." Felis's not-so-apologetic voice was once again heard.

Narrowing his eyes, Nora did not feel like playing games. His right hand extended to grab Felis and she dodged by taking a step back. However, Nora smiled and leaped forward. Felis did not dodge backward anymore since she might bump into the other person there and Nora took advantage of it. His hand once again extended forward but this time he grabbed the barrel of the gun. Using a series of adept hand movements, he took apart the gun. In response, Felis pulled another gun using her other hand and aimed it at Nora. The youth used his other hand to go after it, but Felis raised her heeled foot to kick Nora's chin.

Easily evading it, Nora twisted his head to avoid a hit. Using the force of the kick, Felis ended up doing a full turn and below her maid dress was caught by Nora who whistled at the sight. However, Felis broke the deadlock by forsaking her guns and rolling to one side as soon as her feet landed on the ground again. Nora let her do that as he took apart the other gun and left it in pieces.

Felis took her distance and once again pulled weapons on her hands. Dually wielding a pair of submachine guns, she briefly hesitated but the youth read her concerns and raised a barrier using paper talismans to protect the other person.

Smiling at that, Felis pulled the trigger and a barrage of bullets assaulted Nora.

A cat had an incredible reaction time so the youth used that adeptly to pull himself away from the barrage of bullets by moving far from the trajectory of the bullets before the barrage could reach him. Rolling on the ground and even using the walls on one side to climb it and reach the ceiling as he dashed ignoring the laws of gravity. The submachine guns were emptied of bullets, and this was a moment that left Felis open. The youth and the lady both knew that. They were also aware that instead of reloading, bringing a weapon from the storage dimension was faster. Yet, it was also true that there was a delay in such an action.

Dropping the submachine guns and then summoning her next weapons. Felis did just that and Nora was already in front of her. Bullet after bullets were fired at the youth, but he had already used his footwork to dodge to one side and place himself behind Felis. The petite maid did not give up and shifted her upper body forward while using the momentum to raise her left leg to deliver a kick behind her. The youth's stomach felt like it was made of steel, or perhaps it was simply that his abdominal muscles were too strong. Regardless of the case, Felis did not expect to do much damage since the beginning. Instead, she used him to leap away as she spun midair, dual guns accurately shooting at him even as Felis spun in the air.

The youth smiled and dodged to one side. Despite the accuracy of the bullets, they were far less in quantity to the possibility to dodge became higher.

Clicking her tongue, Felis threw her guns at the youth and this time, pulled a grenade. Finally changing the expression of the youth.

"No, no, isn't a grenade a bit too much?" Nora grumbled.

Smiling at his expression, Felis enjoyed herself as she opened her mouth and offered.

"Isn't it just a grenade getting in the way?" Felis muttered. "I thought you wanted a hug."

Those words were the trigger.

The youth stopped playing nice and his body was enveloped by Touki. The overwhelming amount compressed to the very limits made Felis gulp and wonder if she made a mistake.

Nora took a step forward, and that was it.

His hand easily grabbed the grenade and crushed it in his hand. The explosion never came to be or to be precise, it happened on the youth's closed hand, yet it was sealed there and never escaped.

His movements became a blur and Felis soon found herself being princess carried by the youth.

"I win." Nora spoke.

"I wonder about that." Felis smiled slightly.

Lowing his head, the youth noticed that Felis had summoned another weapon, a gun, and it was aiming at him. Compared to the bullets before, this one was clearly made to deal severe damage to Youkais.

"Haven't I told you to never lower your guard even until the last moment?" Felis pulled the gun away.

"...I just wanted to hug you as soon as possible, Felis." Nora smiled.

Clicking her tongue, Felis looked away. His lines had become more effective on her the older he got.

"If you are in trouble, you can rely on me, you know?" Felis softened her expression. "I know I am just a simple human, but I can surely do something, no matter how small."

"...sorry." Nora shook his head.

Sighing, Felis did not push it.

"I can't just say it." Nora forced a smile.

Looking at him, Felis wanted to say something else but-

"However, this is something I have to do. I cannot and I will not drag anyone else onto my problem." Nora said.

"You are dumb." Felis glared at him.

"It is going to be ok." Nora chuckled. "I am the strongest cat."

"I would believe if you said the most idiotic." Felis clicked her tongue.

"I am the most handsome nekoshou." Nora smiled.

"Aren't you the only male in your race?" Felis snorted.

"...my words still stand." Nora stuck up his tongue.

"So a win by default." Felis sighed.

"On the other hand, Felis is the cutest." Nora grinned.

Pulling out her gun, she pointed at Nora.

"How many women have you used that phrase on?" Felis spoke with her usual expressionless face.

"How many women have I gifted that kind of lingerie?" Nora retorted.

"...double digits?" Felis asked.

Looking away, Nora decided to remain silent.

"As expected of the master who is a scum." Felis did not seem surprised.

"I thought I would get shot." Nora raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to get shot?" Felis pressed the gun harder on him.

"Who would want to get shot...?" Nora shook his head. "You know what I am talking about."

"I met a youkai last year. She called herself your 'Supreme-Ultimate-Fox-Shrine-Maiden-Wife', and she explained certain rules about you." Felis spoke in a nonchalant tone. "In particular, what getting this kind of gift could mean after a certain cat left me flabbergasted about it."

"...I mean, I cannot deny any kind of thought that could've crossed your mind after a healthy male gifted a set of extremely erotic underwear to a beautiful woman like yourself but you have to admit that your habit of not wearing underwear is not good." Nora smiled wryly.

"I cannot deny that I find you attractive and perhaps you do the same." Felis muttered. "Still, my master, you should still be mindful of explaining your motives when doing something like that."

"...I already got an earful from Yasaka-san, so I will exercise more caution in the future." Nora sighed.

"Good." Felis nodded. "As long as you are willing to be clear about it from now on, I won't have to 'educate' you using weapons."

"It is at times like these I wish to strangle my past self for creating this mess for me." Nora mumbled.

"Then?" Felis ignored the youth's desire to kick his past self's butt.

"...then what?" Nora asked back.

Raising an eyebrow, Felis moved her hand toward her skirt.

"What did you think?" Felis asked. "You gave it to me based on your taste, so tell me what you think."

"...It makes me want to push you down and ravage you." Nora replied in an honest tone.

"Is that so?" Felis stared into his eyes for a long time.

"I cannot do that though." Nora smiled wryly.

"You can be quite the troublesome man." Felis complained. "You lead women by the nose, you continuously edge them and then you resist with all your being crossing the last line. As your maid, I am proud of having a master with such an upright character and unbreakable will, but as a woman, I consider it a pain in the behind."

"I made a promise." Nora said.

"I am well aware." Felis replied. "If it was for some nonsensical reason or simply because you are chickening out, none of us would've been considerate enough and would've certainly pushed you down instead. However, we know that you will keep that promise even though Yasaka-sama has told you several times to bed women."

"That was just her trying to make me forget about her." Nora sighed.

"...big words for a guy who still has plans on taking in all those women as well." Felis snorted.

"I thought I could just have Yasaka, but I realized that I could not." Nora spoke in a bitter tone.

"...if you are forced-" Felis wanted to speak but the youth held her stronger and pushed her toward himself.

"I would be lying to myself if I never considered that. I mean, it is hard to think otherwise when I was told to go and do a dozen cat girls for the sake of my race." Nora chuckled. "But amidst all that insanity, I understood that I created bonds with many people that could not simply be left as being 'friends'. I had clear desires to possess and have more than one woman for myself. I could not even stomach letting another man have you, not to mention, leaving you alone and hurting you in the process."

"That is a pretty way to say you are a horny guy who has put his hands on more than one innocent lady and has now taken responsibility." Felis bluntly said.

"Not a lie." Nora did not seem bothered. "Whether I did it consciously or not, I have made sure to stay lodged in many ladies' hearts."

"Quite full of yourself huh." Felis snickered.

"...well, I was just considering the emotional aspect, if we are talking about my physical appearance-" Nora stopped himself. "Things would be crazier."

"It is why there is a rule that strictly forbids you from going shirtless in the maid guild." Felis commented.

"...I never expected to see so many women openly drool." Nora had a faraway expression.

"The pictures still circulate to this day. We have many applications to join from many noble families low in rank hoping that they will be hired by you." Felis smirked. "They really underestimate what being a maid is about."

"...do everything in moderation." Nora prayed for the safety of the new recruits.

"That reminds me." Felis hopped down from Nora's arms and gestured for the other person in the shooting range.

"That's a new face." Nora nodded.

The girl looked to be around Shirone's age and she had a petite build. Dressed in a maid outfit like Felis, the girl seemed like she was a lady of few words. Nora noticed certain bruises on the girl's face and arms but did not ask.

"I took her under my wing last week for certain reasons." Felis said.

The lack of explanation was enough for the youth to get a rough picture of what happened to the girl before Felis took her in.

"Now Nanami will have a kouhai huh." Nora smiled.

"Indeed, she will so I need to make her training even more harsh so she becomes a good role model." Felis said.

"...everything in moderation." Nora sighed.

While the duo talked, the girl stared at the youth with her big and round blue eyes.

"...are you going to be my master?"

Asking in an uncertain tone, there was fear and expectation mixed in her question.

Smiling gently at her, the youth placed a hand on top of her head and carefully caressed her hair. The girl seemed to be taken aback by the action but she did not push him away, instead, she let him do his thing.

"Who knows? You can never be certain about it. You are still starting up, once you are as good as your senpai here, then we will talk about it again. By then, you will surely be an outstanding maid." Nora said.

Once his words were said, the youth left the girl alone moved to the shooting gallery, and took out a gun. Without waiting for any sort of reaction from the other two, the youth began to shoot.

"We shall continue these classes at a later time." Felis said.

"We are leaving?"

The girl asked as she placed her own hands on top of her head, trying to feel the warmth from the hand stroking her hair a moment ago.

"It is an important skill of a maid to know how to read the mood." Felis gave the youth a look. "Observation is simple enough and there is only one way to do it. Nonetheless, what you do next is what defines each kind of maid. However, you must always put your master's needs first."

Her words were the only clue she planned to give to the girl as Felis began walking away, only stopping briefly behind Nora and bowing respectfully once before continuing to leave. The girl hastily followed after her in slightly panic despite her expression remaining mostly deadpan, yet, she suddenly halted and went back to bow to the youth in a slightly exaggerated manner.

"My name is Toki, it has been a pleasure to meet you." Toki, the girl, said this before leaving in a hurry to catch her senpai.

Her actions seemed to be more of a 'ritual' than to be made expecting the youth to react.

Nonetheless, the youth smiled brightly as he used his ability to observe the awkward movements of the new apprentice under Felis.

"Time sure flies." Nora unloaded a magazine and reloaded his gun as soon as it happened.

The youth focused on shooting. His accuracy had nothing to be envious of anyone's, yet the youth did not seem satisfied as he continued to shoot. He focused and focused until a small pile of magazines had been made beside him and it was then, with the last bullet being shot that he stopped.

"What a pointless behavior, why waste bullets..." Nora gritted his teeth. "...it is not like it will be helpful to you even if you practice anymore."

Waving his hand, the mess around him was fixed instantly. The empty magazines and bullet caskets were gone and even the shooting range was cleaned thoroughly. A simple gesture from the youth hid numerous spells being cast in parallel at the same time with extreme ease, yet the youth did not even show any signs of having trouble doing it.

"...I can't just ask you for your help, Felis. Not you... Not anyone..." Nora sighed. "No one will know the truth."

Giving a cursory glance around and confirming for the Nth time that he left everything clean, the youth left. His next destination was slightly special and the way to arrive had to be special as well so he headed to a rather hidden relay point.




"Ara, I didn't expect to see you here."

A gentle voice reached the youth's ears as he arrived at his destination. Beside him, a floating blue orb with a cracked stone platform lost its light as he was teleported at last.

"Kaguya-sama, is it a jab at me for not visiting often?" Nora smiled wryly.

Gazing at the lady who walked toward him to greet him, the youth felt apologetic. The overflowing elegance despite wearing a simple traditional white kimono accentuated by a deep blue obi was difficult for just anyone to bear. The lady giggled and used the wide sleeves to hide her smile, exuding extreme refinement with each movement that anyone could tell she was not a normal person. Her ink-like black hair framed her face enhancing her piercing black eyes that gave a sense of calm that nothing could break and unyielding determination, but above all, a deep affection toward the youth that one could see if you dared to stare deeply into her eyes long enough.

"Maybe it is." Kaguya giggled.

"I have been busy, but I made sure to send a lot of refreshments for you to enjoy as an apology." Nora said.

"...say that again." Kaguya smiled.

"...I send refreshments on several occasions, with the funny vampire and Yukari as well." Nora understood what happened.

"I see." Kaguya nodded. "It was not like you forgot about me, but rather that they stole my property huh."

Keeping a graceful face with a smile (?) hidden behind her sleeve, Kaguya giggled.

"I have some refreshments I planned to deliver in person this time so why don't we chat over some tea?" Nora hastily asked.

Suddenly, the chill that had somehow crept at him without noticing it disappeared as Kaguya nodded.


"Do you need more manpower?" Nora asked.

The duo settled for something light but unhealthy at the lady's plead while they walked.

Carrying several unhealthy snacks such as potato chips and the like inside her sleeves, Kaguya carried an opened one and kept eating nonstop, somehow without making her look less elegant and grateful.

"Even if we add more people, there is not much that can be done. The damage is something that cannot be repaired since it had a flaw in its design so when it shot back then, it caused the current damage." Kaguya explained.

"...I see." Nora bit his lips.

"You don't need to feel down. It will be done by the time you need it the most. However, the main issue is the power source. The lunarians back destroyed the power source and there is nothing to work on." Kaguya said. "Unfortunately, I never played any role in its construction during the war. I am unable to offer anything more than a crumbling weapon."

"You have done plenty." Nora replied. "I also asked for the impossible. There might even be a chance of it being unable to fire at the time... I know that, I know it, but..."

Sighing, the youth stopped walking. The duo arrived at an open space where several individuals were moving frantically from one side to another all while carrying materials.

"I am thankful that this weapon made to cause harm to people will be used for something good." Kaguya muttered. "Not as a weapon to reap innocent lives, but for a greater purpose. That is why I will make sure it is working by the time you need it. That is something I will guarantee."

Looking at the sight further away, Kaguya sighed.

"...yet there is not a proper power source we can use." Kaguya said.

"I will take care of that." Nora muttered. "I worked hard to find it, but I managed to get my hands on an extremely durable material capable of storing a lot of energy."

Pulling a crystal full of several symbols and runes, the youth gazed at the dim light stored inside without any particular emotion.

"I am not sure how they managed to do it, but this spell was able to reduce the size of the crystal considerably albeit for a limited time. I managed to charge it to the limit before it affected the spell and it is almost ready to use." Nora muttered. "I worked on the formulas and I believe you can use it to power up the weapon after some adjustments."

Widening her eyes, Kaguya moved closer to the youth and observed the crystal.

"...how in the world did you find it?" Kaguya asked.

"There is a certain woman I know that lives in a hellish winter castle. She has a big ass crystal there so I borrowed some." Nora shrugged his shoulders.

"Borrowed, you say..." Kaguya understood the underlying meaning behind those words. "Isn't she a friend?"

"...it is not a matter of being friends or not." Nora shook his head. "I will carry with the responsibility. If it is ever investigated, she can remain free of any charges."

"...I don't think she will be happy after hearing your reasons." Kaguya sighed.

"...everything will ok." Nora smiled.

The woman knew that it was not as simple as the youth said since his smile looked forced.

"At that time, I will apologize alongside you." Kaguya said.

"...there will be no need for that." Nora replied.

Before the two could say anything, a small explosion happened nearby and the duo hastily turned their heads, however, upon a clear inspection, they noticed that it was a simple accident.

"...I will go place the power source and confirm if the adjustments I had prepared to make will need to be revised or not." Nora took the chance to leave. "Send the geek lady to check up on it by tomorrow and do not disturb me while I work since this will require a lot of brain power. Especially keep that geek lady away, she is way too into this technology."

Before Kaguya could stop him, Nora had moved far away.

"...the power source huh." Kaguya sighed. "That crystal should be the same thing used back then. I remember a piece of it crashed on the moon while the rest scattered on the earth."

Raising her head, Kaguya looked at the blue planet kilometers away. So close, yet so far.

"So many years after the war, and this place looks so lively." Kaguya chuckled. "...it will so be time to use it. This cursed weapon that threatened to destroy the earth because of my race."

With mixed emotions, Kaguya ignored the youth's 'orders' and decided to follow him.

Taking intentionally a long way to reach her next location, she walked slowly to give him time.


By the time Kaguya arrived, the youth was barely standing. He fell backwards and she had to rush forward to catch his body.

Just like she expected, his hair had turned white and there were signs of destruction around since the area could not handle the pressure well. However, it was perfectly kept inside and no one else seemed to have noticed the youth using all of ki to fill the crystal with energy.

Kaguya saw the now enlarged crystal, perhaps its real form about the size of a large truck. It was shining brightly and the device to extract its energy for the weapon was properly plugged and ready to use.

Back in the day, the crystal they used to shoot the weapon was not as bright as the one in front of her.

Gently holding the youth whose face seemed to have aged considerably, Kaguya felt pain.

"...why go so far as to reduce your life expectancy? It is a miracle you can recover by simply bathing directly in the ley lines. Ordinary people would normally die before even being able to harness their life energy. Yet here you are, doing it again." Kaguya seemed to be speaking to herself as she was aware that the youth would not answer her even if he was awake.

Shaking her head, Kaguya had already decided to let him sleep in her room.

Many rooms were ready to be used and he even had his own bedroom, however, Kaguya could only say one thing to anyone asking why she did not take him to his room.

"Who told him to faint after acting all reckless? Leaving his body there, there was bound to be anyone to pick him up and do what they pleased with your body... you cannot blame me." Kaguya sighed.

"Etto... I came at a bad time, I guess..."

A lady wearing a black tank top and what seemed to be a black legging as well as her work clothes stood awkwardly on the door.

It was the person the youth asked to send to check the device the next day.

"I saw the sweet pea enter and I thought he might've found a solution to the problem..."

Scratching her chin awkwardly, the woman looked away. Kaguya saw her every gesture and her eye twitched due to a pair of reasons jiggling nonstop.


"...he told me to call you to make revisions if necessary, be careful-" Kaguya spoke but before she finished her words, the woman had moved past her.

Her eyes filled with admiration, and the woman began to check Nora's work.


With every movement of hers, her chest would jiggle, and it happened a lot.

Kaguya felt oddly annoyed by it. Nonetheless, it had nothing to do with hating the woman. She was an interesting talking partner if you took away her crazy obsession with technology in general. Her skills were worthy of being called a genius, a prodigy. However, putting aside her big front assets, Kaguya felt somewhat annoyed by another aspect as well.

For someone whom the youth spoke highly of and whom the woman also spoke highly of, she had completely ignored the youth who was unconscious.

Stopping for a moment, like she could feel Kaguya's reason for staying with her eyes on her, the woman looked what with a wry smile.

"...my brain is only made to deal with machines and the like. If it is about people, I am terrible at it. Relationships or taking care of people. I am immensely grateful to him for the opportunity of learning about the supernatural."

Picking some scattered documents that were filled with technical data, the woman sighed.

"...there is nothing I can do for him even if I start pestering you. I can only do what I am good at because that is why he brought me here. That's the only way I can help him. That's... what everyone who follows him is doing. We are doing what we can, the best we can."

Understanding the woman's point, perhaps Kaguya was acting slightly unbecoming of her usual self given the stress of the short time they had.

"...if you need any more data translated from Lunarian, just let me know. I will assist you in any way I can." Kaguya said as she easily carried the youth.

Not hearing an answer, Kaguya did not feel like turning back since she knew the other part was putting her whole effort into helping the youth in any way she could.

"...you are not alone." Kaguya whispered in the youth's ears. "So you should let others help you instead of trying to carry the weight by yourself."

Carrying the youth toward her room, Kaguya placed him in bed and left momentarily to look for some medicines that could assist his current low vitality. However, by the time she came back. She could only sigh. The youth was gone by the time she arrived again.

"...you can be a bit of a jerk. I wanted to chat with you, you know?" Kaguya moved to the bed and picked a bag of limited edition potato chips along with a note with a simple 'sorry', written in neat and beautiful handwriting.

Shaking her head, Kaguya sat on her bed. At one side of her room, there was a large window in which the earth could be seen.

"...I can only hope everything goes smoothly." Kaguya mumbled. "The records of my people said Outer Gods were beings one should simply avoid getting mixed with no matter what."


3rd Person POV

In appearance, the pound looked normal. However, upon closer inspection, an overwhelming amount of vitality could be felt from the water inside of it. The tranquil water's clear reflection of the sky was soon destroyed by a hand making a motion of reaching toward one side of the pound. Just like that, Nora dragged his body out of the pound and crawled until his body was fully outside the water and he collapsed. His breath was erratic and he felt like everything was spinning but his body had regained his youthful and healthy look again.

"I need to go back and refill it to the limit. There should be more space in the vessel. The more energy I provide, it could be either used for a prolonged attack or maybe an even more powerful shot." Nora mumbled. "...a mere reproduction is all I am capable of, the power will not be the same so it is better to make sure I don't slack off in any aspects I can improve."

Feeling his limps cry in pain, the youth ignored it and stood up with some difficulty.

"What time was it again? I already faced enough people in duels and collected enough information. Materials should be on their way and the Ara Ara Squad should provide the necessary 'tools'." Nora pulled out a pocket watch and checked the time. "...oh, I guess I need to tackle this."

Snapping his finger, his appearance was fixed. He changed clothes again, and he was now dry. Nora stood up and ignored the side effects of diving right into a pound that led directly to the ley lines.

Putting back the pocket watch, Nora cast a teleportation magic spell and immediately went away.

As he disappeared, a large eagle arrived and the rider, Kasen, clicked her tongue.

"...late again." Kasen grumbled.

"It is not your place to be here. Go back."

A voice warned and from a certain distance, a giant flower flower bloomed after growing larger at an incredible speed. A certain woman with short green hair, carrying a parasol, pointed a finger at Kasen.

"...you plan to stop me from meeting him?" Kasen gritted her teeth.

"It is not your place to question him, is it? It is also not allowed that anyone comes here."

Glaring at Kasen, the woman said.

"However, you still let him come here and even dive inside that dangerous thing." Kasen pointed at the pound.

"Why would I question him of all the people? You should be aware of my answer, yet you still ask."

Shaking her head, the woman seemed unamused by the exchange.

"What if he collapses from going there so often? No, to begin with, normally, someone cannot drain their power pools until they have to use their vitality as well and live to tell the tale. It is a 100% suicidal move. Yet, he has been continuously doing it for several days!" Kasen angrily stomped her foot.

The earth beneath trembled and her companion, the eagle, took off in fear.

"Your killing intent is showing."

Glancing at the eagle leaving, the woman warned.

"It should be even stronger but I am doing a great of holding it until now." Kasen spat out.

"...is that so? However, I find it meaningless to point it at me. I will not be intimidated. Even if you had been 'complete', you are unable to threaten me here. As long as I am here, I am the closest to him in 'that' form."

"I can still blow that head of yours a couple of times." Kasen narrowed her eyes.

"I can regrow it just like any flower can still grow their petals after someone thoughtlessly pluck them. If that makes you feel better, feel free to do it."

Without caring for Kasen's feelings, the woman strode toward the spot Nora climbed from a second ago. The youth had carelessly forgotten one of his talismans. The youth who would not make that kind of mistake was slipping off this much.

"...that only applies here so do not get cocky. You were not even of real help all this time to him-" Kasen's comment was met with thorns growing from the ground around her and stopping just before stabbing her neck.

"...we are not all as free as you."

Giving Kasen a cold glare, the woman walked over to her and extended her hand for Kasen to grab the talisman.

"I have only one task and that is to prevent anyone from carelessly accessing this unique spot. If the cult had managed to taint this place hundreds of years ago. This land would've been destroyed and unable to recover. It might be unable to taint the whole planet, but Kyoto would've never existed afterward."

Almost like speaking to herself, the woman sighed.

"...you also stayed here to protect the land, his home. I understand your pain and apprehensions. However, you are being selfish. Do you want me to stop him? I cannot do that. I am unable to become a wall he has to overcome and add to the weight in his mind. How much do you think he has in his mind right now? How many people he is deceiving and how many he will have to deceive in the future? Do you truly want me... to stand in his way because I cannot withstand the sight? His pain is far greater than any of us can imagine."

The words were met with silence from Kasen.

"He does not need to deceive me because I will turn a blind eye to him. He does not need to rack his brain thinking of a way to deal with me because I have not even directed a word to him..."

"...isn't there anything we can do?" Kasen gritted her teeth.

"...if it was as simple as killing the outer god, that could be doable. However, it is a terrible situation since that thing will carry more than just its own power. Nyarlatothep, Cthul... dozens of Outer Gods have forced their powers into the vessel. The power exhibited will be abnormal. Saya became abnormal after Nora's birth and one of the two perfect vessels capable of displaying the greatest compatibility."

"...why could they not choose any other person but her?" Kasen sighed.

"I am unable to give a proper answer, but I think no one else could handle being the vessel of so many Outer Gods' power."

"If the cult had not moved to stop us back then, she wouldn't have been captured." Kasen grabbed the talisman.

The thorns went back to the ground as soon as that happened.

"The pope himself made a move. It was impossible to do anything at all."

Shaking her head, the woman looked at the sky, the eagle that sensed how everything had become peaceful again was coming back.

"...just do what you can for him. The plan will be carried and it must not be changed."

Saying as such, the woman went toward the flower that bloomed and stood inside. The petals closed again and it was like time flew backward, the size of the flower became smaller and smaller until it was swallowed in the ground.

"The plan, is it? Is a plan where we have to make him suffer really something we should betting everything on?" Kasen sighed.

Shaking her head, Kasen decided to leave.


3rd Person POV

A dark and silent forest where light could not even enter thanks to the dense foliage had a visitor wearing a black hood and cape to cover his body. The visitor remained completely unmoving for hours until he heard the sound of steps.

"...it is pretty impressive how much you can erase your presence."

"I didn't know cultists were interested in idle chats." Nora snorted.

Watching the hooded figure, the youth had to bury his emotions deep enough for his presence to not be picked on until now, however, he was still unable to go past a certain distance without being found out.

"It is not like we are all the same. You know quite a few of our own who have different views, don't you?"

Without getting angry over Nora's lack of answer, the hooded figure simply replied.

"...fair enough." Nora clicked his tongue.

Using his ability, the youth failed to find anyone else other than figure no matter how he looked at it.

"You actually came alone. I wonder if you are not afraid that I was making a trap to end you." Nora asked.

"I believe you are on your own as well so we are both alone. There is no need to fear such a thing if that is the case."

"Oh? What makes you think I am alone?" Nora raised an eyebrow.

"...the gap youkai is not near you. Otherwise, she would've attacked me at first sight. She also would not allow you to negotiate with any cultist."

"...I see." Nora nodded. "I could still have my ways even without her to take your life."

"It matters not. I died the same day my family did. Even if you managed to kill me, it would make no difference since I have ways to fulfill my purpose even if you destroy me. Nonetheless, you would waste your time."

"...it is an impressive work, your golem." Nora narrowed his eyes.

"So you were able to tell the difference, that is quite impressive. Yet, you still threatened me."

"Cut the unnecessary chat. I came here for something." Nora clicked his tongue.

"I am sure you did. You want me to hand you over my techniques about golem creation."

As he spoke, the figure raised its hand and showed a worn-out book that could barely be kept together by the cover.

"...you are simply going to hand me over that book?" Nora asked.

"Only if you offer me what you mentioned before."

"...a seed of the World Tree. Do you think that book has the same worth as it?" Nora scoffed.

"Hardly. It is like the difference between heavens and earth, as they say. However... for someone in desperate need of it like yourself, I believe the value might even be greater than dozens of the seeds from the World Tree."

"...this is the best I can do." Nora searched inside his pocket and pulled out a small and rugged seed.

Seeing this, the figure dropped the book as it walked toward Nora. The youth threw the seed at the guy and reached for the food hastily, barely preventing it from falling onto the pile of dung.

"It is in a terrible state."

After examining the seed, the figure states.

"Nonetheless, it is indeed the item I require."

"You got what you wanted." Nora stored the book in his inventory.

"...I am quite confused. I assumed you would use a dummy or even something like a trap."

"The chances of ever germinating are only 0,00000001%. There is no need to do it." Nora spat out. "I also had not enough time to make a convincing one that could trick you."

"Time, I see. It is indeed your greatest enemy. No matter how talented you are, if you have no time, you cannot develop."

"...I will raise the chances of the seed germinating by quite a bit. However, I want you to do something for me." Nora said.

"...let me hear it first."

"I want you and your army of golems to stay out during the next operation." Nora spoke.


Shaking its head, the figure expressed its denial immediately.

"You want me to raise the chances more?" Nora bit his lips.

"Hardly the main issue. That would be a clear betrayal."

"...I see." Nora nodded. "I will make it so the chances are at least 0,01%."

"...are you insane?"

"Yes." Nora nodded.

"No, I am unable to-"

"1%." Nora raised one finger.

"You have lost your mind. Not even the gods of Asgard can guarantee to be capable of making a World Tree Seed to have such a high chance."

"I don't care what you think. I want you to stay put." Nora stated.

The figure was silent for a moment before the youth saw it nod slowly.

"...I will not have my army of golems to make a move."

"...I want you to make an oath by using your soul as collateral, along with this seed. You will also have to accept to be put out of your own free will in several Geass." Nora added.

"Very well. I can accept all of those terms. Only if you can do as you say."

Making its point clear, the figure seemed to accept easily.

Feeling like it was strange that everything was going smoothly, Nora looked around yet he saw nothing strange using his ability.

"...curious about why I am willing to do this?"

"...no, I guess I can understand." Nora shook his head.

Despite not looking at the real eyes in person of the other party, the youth could tell there was a particular madness that was unable to be hidden in the person behind the golem. It was easy for the youth to recognize it because he had a similar mindset.

"Shall we start with the oath?" Nora muttered.

Pulling a vial with concentrated Ki to the point it was a liquid, they took another vial half-filled with a reddish liquid.

"This is all you need..." Nora muttered.

There was a pause from the figure that seemed to be studying the contents of the vial.

"...what a unique creation."

Nodding its head, the figure did not try to even check if the content was what it needed as it spoke in admiration.

"I must say. This is almost like a miracle potion."

"Hah, someone like you talking about miracles sure sounds strange." Nora scoffed.

"You might say that because you happen to have it but... do not underestimate the value of such a superb catalyst."

Snorting, Nora said nothing.

"I am willing to go through the process now."

Speaking as such, the figure stretched its hand toward the youth.


Once the figure left, Nora sat right where he stood and began to read the book he got. He focused fully for a long time. The youth only raised his head only to find some curious and brave animals near him. Birds perched on his shoulder, squirrels playing using his clothes to go from one side to another and even a deer poking at him.

"...aren't you all mischievous ones?" Nora smiled wryly.

Pulling some food he distributed to the animals, the youth sighed.

"The spell has certain parts similar to how shikigamis works..." Nora mumbled. "I already know how that works. I would need to make some cross references with other spells to confirm it works as intended."

Looking around, the youth picked some branches from the ground and made a simple human-shaped figure made of wood on a small scale, just slightly taller than the squirrel standing close to it curiously sniffing it.

"...a core is needed huh." Nora pulled a simple stone from the side and filled it with ki.

Putting it above the wooden that fell apart on the ground after the squirrel took away one of the feet, Nora then found another branch as a substitute and placed his hand above.

Mumbling to himself a shortened version of the spell he came up with by himself, the stone glowed, and to the surprise of the squirrel that tried to steal the other branch working as the leg... the woodman trembled. 

Awkwardly and with much effort, the woodman stood up.

"...first step clear." Nora licked his lips, somewhat pleased with himself. "...now then, how do I make an army of actually functional golems now?"

Standing up, the youth looked at his creation.

"...I have to give it a command as far as I recall." Nora nodded. "Protect the forest, do not harm people unless you are provoked... I wonder if it can even understand my speech."

Smiling wryly, Nora was not sure his words got through but he decided to leave it at that.

As he left to visit the Kesaran Pasaran company. The youth could not have imagined that for a long time, his simple command and the golem he left would become something akin to a guardian deity to the forest.

Part 4

3rd Person POV

"...let me get this straight. You want me to change the ownership of all the land and properties you own as per the documents you presented to me?"

The Kesaran Pasaran, the fluff ball wearing black glasses, asked Nora after hearing what the youth asked and readying the file he was given.

"Could you please stop pretending? I know Kaa-san came here before to leave all I had out back on her name to me again. I am well aware of the way she acts." Nora snorted.

Sitting in a chair in front of the desk of the other party, Nora had a pile of junk at his side. The Kesaran Pasaran, Takeru, had decided to ignore the pile given the problem the youth had handed him to rack his brain over as soon as he arrived, but the youth was doing his best to make it hard to ignore as he dropped some kind of stone above the pile and this one began to shake.

"You should be aware that I have a great debt I could never pay to your mother." Takeru muttered. "You are asking me to go against her wishes."

Sighing, Nora stopped looking at the golem he had created and stared back at Takeru.

"...then, how about this? Let's add some different clauses to the contracts." Nora pulled some paper and pen as he began to write a rough version of the changes he wished to make.

A couple of minutes later, Takeru ended up getting the page filled to the brim with terms and conditions that gave him a headache.

"If the issue is about me putting things how they should be making Saya Shiki owe everything again, and to have Nora Shiki keep everything... The document will go as this. Mr. Shiki will be officially leaving all the belongings to the following individuals in the specified manner." Nora mentioned several names, firstly mentioned Kuroka and Shirone. "However, given their young age and lack of proper knowledge to handle the legal actions necessary, the appropriate guardian will be keeping everything under their name. This person will be Saya Shiki as senior and full of experience compared to all the parties involved."

Pondering, Takeru did not find anything particularly strange. It had an odd way of expressing everything but it was not technically going to go against what Saya had asked of him. Several 'if' clauses included what Saya had asked of him and the text gave an explanation about making Saya the owner in the name given her higher authority and if someone more fitting appeared given any circumstances, taking into account the parties involved, they would become the owners.

"...what are the two of you planning?" Takeru asked.

"Nothing much." Nora waved his hand and the golem came apart. "At this stage, magic meant to jam spells or the like can tear them apart. Hmmm, I need to change the approach then. Adding complex counter spells to target jamming magic will raise the consumption by a large amount. Making use of this kind of spell could make it so the control becomes difficult and that no new commands can be given."

Pondering, the youth tapped his chin. Shaking his head, the youth paused and looked at the youkai who had been helping him through the years.

"I am... just trying to stop that idiot from repeating past mistakes." Nora muttered. "No, I will definitely stop her."

"...I see." Takeru sighed. "I owe a lot to her. However, I also owe you quite a bit to you as well."

Jumping from his seat to his desk, and getting closer to the youth, Takeru put away his glasses.

"There were many times you have let me take more profit than I could ever make. I know you did it because you felt bad for helping to take care of your problems when you started to buy properties for various uses." Takeru said.

"Nonsense, it was your hard-earned money." Nora shook his head.

"...you resemble your mother in more ways than you think." Takeru sighed. "You were both aware I would not take money upfront so you would make situations where I would be tied to accept it."

Closing his eyes, Takeru seemed to recall those moments as he smiled.

"...I believe she plans to do something stupid." Takeru mumbled.

"Yeah." Nora nodded.

"...there is no need for a genius to guess you want to stop her." Takeru muttered.

"That is correct." Nora replied.

"Do you think you can stop her?" Takeru asked.

"...it is not a matter of being able or not. It will be done." Nora responded.

"I see." Takeru chuckled.

Turning around, the Kesaran Pasaran went back to his seat.

"I will help you with everything you ask." Takeru said. "As long as it does not overstep what Saya asked me for, you are quite free to ask what you need."

Standing up, Nora pulled a small piece of paper.

"Thank you." Nora expressed his heartful gratitude and bowed to the youkai. "I also want to apologize."

"What?" Takeru asked.

Activating the magic circle on the paper, the youth summoned a sexy librarian who stood beside him holding a large and ancient-looking book.

"I wanted to convince you without resorting to this. I wanted to come out of your free will. However, I cannot allow you to remember about this conversation and what happened today. If Kaa-san heard the faintest rumor about my visit, my movements would be read." Nora did not raise his head. "That's why I have to apologize, I am going to do something extremely rude to you and it will be against your will."

As those words felt, Kaoruko raised her tome slightly and began to write using an old fountain pen. By the time she finished, Takeru had lost consciousness.

"I have made the changes you had asked me about before." Kaoruko sent a worried look to the youth who had not raised his head.

"Thank you for your trouble." Nora raised his head. "I am also asking you for the impossible."

Shaking his head, the youth had a bitter smile on his face. 

"Sorry about that." Nora sighed.

"Not at all, if anything, I am the one who is sorry that I could not provide with greater-" Kaoruko muttered.

"You have done well." Nora said. "I do not know what I would do if I did not have help from the organization... no, I guess I would be lying if I said that. I know I would've been stumped trying to learn more advanced hypnotizing techniques among other things."

Chuckling with a bitter look, Nora turned around.

"...the only other person aware of my appearance today should've been the secretary. We will follow the same process and then you may leave." Nora spoke.

Nodding at that, Kaoruko wordlessly followed after the youth.

There were many things she wanted to say, but the youth did not seem like he would listen to her.


3rd Person POV

Walking inside the store, the youth had blatantly ignored the sign that said closed after hiding his presence fully with ease. Avoiding detection of a pair of orange-haired tengus patrolling the zone.


"You called?" Nora spoke.

Inside the store, the was a woman waiting for him sitting perfectly in seiza with her eyes closed and at her side, there was a phone.

"I managed to send the message using this black box, just like you taught me." Shion replied.

"...if you disliked it, you can always use magic." Nora smiled wryly.

"I would never dare. It was a gift from you so I shall make use of it despite my poor ability with it." Shion nodded.

"Did you finish the product?" Nora asked.

"It was not easy to make the specifications you asked for, but for the cause, no effort can be spared." Shion said. "This fabric should be able to perform better than some armors and has high resistance to magic. I also made a body suit to wear underneath that can even stop a deadly hit once. There is a limit to it so I would not put my full trust in it."

Pulling out a kimono from her storage dimension, Shion showed the youth her latest work.

"It should fit Kaa-san perfectly." Nora nodded.

"Will it? You asked me to make it somewhat bigger on the hips and chest." Shion asked. "Unless she grew..."

Giving the youth a peculiar look, the spider youkai decided not to ask any further regarding the topic of the subtle chemistry between the mother and son.

"Is everything going according to your plan?" Shion asked.

"I wonder." Nora shrugged his shoulders. "Is there anything that will always move according to what you envision?"

"Then it is because you did not prepare enough." Shion retorted.

"A fair point." Nora smiled bitterly. "You have lent me your strength before... are you still willing to follow my will? I am not Kaa-san, you owe me nothing."

"Are you sure you should be asking that at this point?" Shion sighed. "I am the descendant of one the most terrifying Youkais. There were no places that accepted me. Your mother was the first person to extend her toward me back then."

"Then why...?" Nora inquired. "I am an outsider to that event."

"For several reasons, I am unable to find a mate. Spiders have quite the reputation after all." Shion chuckled. "Back then, your mother said that if I was unable to find someone strong enough to not feel intimidated, she would give birth to someone who would be a perfect match."

"...that woman, how many ladies did she prepare beforehand for me to get laid with?" Nora face-palmed. "At this point, I can't just shake the feeling that it is not just one or two women."

"...hehe." Shion chuckled but said nothing.

That only caused the youth to feel like the number would be always beyond his grasp.

"Shion-san, putting aside whether my mother sold me out again, why would you rather hide what I am doing from her?" Nora asked.

"You made a funny question. Why do you assume I am just helping you and not saying anything to Saya?" Shion smiled.

"Sora-san is the loose-lipped, you, on the other hand, are the type to take a secret to your grave." Nora replied.

"Oh? Is that what you think of me?" Shion did not change her expression.

"You never told anyone about the times you helped me, even though some of those times I almost wound up dead." Nora said.

"...maybe I did, and they know, but decided to never tell you." Shion mumbled.

"Yasaka-san only knows about a limited number of times I almost died. Otherwise, she would've stopped at nothing to keep me from going out and breaking havoc." Nora snorted. "Kaa-san, she also knows a bit, but she said nothing as she feels it is not her place because she was not there for me."

"...you make a fair point with both." Shion commented.

"Nothing unusual. I know them well enough." Nora retorted.

"You have your plans, I have mine." Shion decided to come clean.

"Oh? So you plan to stop me?" Nora narrowed his eyes. "Telling me this at this point, what is your deal?"

"You misunderstand, I will not stop you. I could never stand to get in your way. It is not a matter of being able or wanting to. You are, pardon me for saying this, insane. If I got in your way, there was virtually nothing I could do to stop you. Even after having you restore my strength and heal my old injuries... I can not see myself winning against you." Shion smiled.

"Nonsense, you know that is the other way around." Nora denied.

"Is it?" Shion stood up.

Walking toward the youth, she made a full turn around him and then grasped his left hand.

"If you used this without caring for what others thought of you, it should be possible for you to grow into an unparalleled powerhouse. You could 'eat' me and the whole youkai population and even Shinto Gods before anyone noticed... by then, your strength would be on par with some of the strongest beings in this world." Shion smiled dangerously.

"...spiders are really evil." Nora clicked his tongue.

"Ara, that is a preconceived notion. I am just stating one of the options you have before you and the reason why I would be unable to truly defeat you if we both went all out." Shion narrowed her eyes. "For you, it would be easy to do that. However, you do not want to go down that path."

"Shishou would have my neck severed if I did that." Nora muttered.

"Oh, yes." Shion nodded. "I heard quite a bit about her but never met her in person. She is an interesting person. Did she like the maid outfit you made me make for her?"

"...I almost died consecutively for a month, but I got her to wear it for me." Nora smiled.

"You are quite wrong in the head." Shion chuckled.

"...I can't just let myself be consumed by my own power." Nora muttered. "Although I guess that does not matter now."

Chuckling to himself, the youth looked at Shion who would show a serious and even hard-to-approach expression to anyone other than her friends, and wondered what she had in mind, however, he shook his head. None of it would matter in the end.

"...I shall make sure the task entrusted to me will not end up as a failure." Shion spoke.

"The cultist will surely make their move." Nora said. "I will entrust you along with Sora-san to keep things in order. Two Great Youkais with their strength back will surely make a scary trump card to use against them."

"I will make sure to surpass your expectations." Shion let go of Nora's hand.

Nodding at that, the youth took his leave and stopped at the door by a certain maid of his.

"...so please, be sure to come back alive." Shion mumbled in a low tone as the youth disappeared from her view.

Hello there, showing myself again. Close to overworking myself to death here. Why did my boss add to new people at work that need me to do their job for them is quite an issue. Busy with work.

Migraine is now a daily issue thanks to those two. Not to mention, we have no electricity almost every day for the whole day. Imagine working in an illumination store with no electricity. What a joke. No electrictiy plus the heat these days plus those new coworkers...

Does anyone know about a good ol' bridge I could live under in some other country?

Ranting aside.

Here is the chapter, had to divide since I was unable to post on time since I had no electricity a couple of times at home either.

Nyarlathotep00creators' thoughts