
Highschool Dare: A Heart's Game

"A promise is a debt" "Every vow made is meant to be kept, not broken." Isn't that right? But what happens when that promise is keeping you from healing and experiencing that which your heart needs? High School senior Ray is hesitant to fall in love again after his last heartbreak. He had made a vow to steer clear of any relationship and so far, things have been working out for him. Little did he knew that the blue eyed girl, Mia who he met and helped out on the first day of his last year in high school is going to make him waver in his vow; to either keep it or break it. Mia on the other hand, a new transfer student in Westside High, found Ray to be an intriguing personality and out of her curiosity, she accepted the dare to openly date him for a month. Faced with the fact that what started as a simple game is starting to become something real they both feel, the two of them have to come to terms with their feelings while trying to stand up to Lily, who is obsessed with Ray and would stop at nothing to separate him from Mia and have him to herself. Torn between school work, his love life and the new responsibility of taking over his father's multi-billion company, Ray tries to navigate his daily life. And just when they began to get some clarity about their feelings, Ashley, Ray's ex girlfriend comes along with memories of their past relationship. So what's it gonna be? Go back to dwell in the past with Ashley? Stay and enjoy the present with Lily or build a step-by-step future relationship with Mia while living the present?

sam_marfe · Urban
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43 Chs

"We'll see about that."

School the next day was very busy. I didn't see any of my friends until after 3rd period. I went to drop my things in the locker, then went to change for P.E. and left for the school field.

I belong to the school's basketball team and I'm also the captain of the football team.

My dad wanted me to learn golf instead. I remember him taking me to golf fields with his business partners then, but I had preferred football and basketball.

He had to get me a private coach for each sports which helped me as I grew.

Mr Greenberg, our school coach was nowhere to be found so I just wandered around, responding to a few greetings.

Finally, I saw Mia on the bleachers. I went to where she was sitting. She looked uncertain like she was deep in thought.

She fiddled with the tip of her hair, her brow furrowed in concentration. I couldn't quite tell what was in her mind, but her body language had me feeling like she was thinking about a lot.

I wanted to reach out to her, to tell her that everything was alright and to know what was troubling her, but I don't how to say it. Plus she didn't tell me anything was wrong, so I didn't want to intrude on her privacy.

Instead, I just did the only natural thing that came to my mind.

"Hy, Mia. Mind if I sit with you for a while?" I said, gesturing to the empty seat next to her. She looked up at me and gave a small nod.

We sat in silence for a few moments. While I sat quietly beside her, I reminded myself to be patient if I wanted to get her to talk about what was bothering her.

Yet, I couldn't help but wonder more about her. She seems happy or in a good mood at times but then other times, she seems like she's got a whole of shit she's trying to figure out.

I made a mental note to ask her about it later when she's in a chatty mood of course. I just sat quietly, hoping that she would open up to me in her own time.

Finally, she spoke up.

"Thanks for yesterday." She said, her voice quiet and uncertain.

Before I could say anything, she continued.

"Kira told me all that happened after I almost got hit. I'm embarrassed. I shouldn't have taken so much."

I looked at her, my heart filled with compassion. "No, it's okay," I said looking into her eyes. "It happens. Don't worry about it."

She smiled for a bit and I smiled also. I could see a sense of gratitude and relief in her eyes. I knew that she appreciated my understanding and kindness, and I felt glad to be there with her.

"Have you seen the rest?" I asked her.

"Nah. I haven't." That was the last thing she said as she continued staring at the field.

"Em…. Can I ask you a question?" She said, I could sense the hesitation in her voice.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

"Is Lily your girlfriend?" I looked at her, taken aback by her question. I looked away for some time.

"Nah. We aren't dating. Lily just loves fooling around."

"I see." She said slowly while nodding.

Mr. Greenberg's whistle resonated around the field catching and drawing everyone's attention to him.

"That's my cue. Catch you later?"

"Yeah, sure. See you around, Ray." Mia answered putting on a little smile.

With that, I joined the others running to form a circle around him. The grass was cool and damp beneath my feet as they padded softly on it, making my way to where the other guys are.

The morning dew had yet to fully evaporate, and the smell of freshly cut grass filled the air.

While Mr. Greenberg was giving out instructions, I saw Phoebe and waved at her. Soon, we were on the field, following our coach's lead.

The new guys were auditioning for the football and basketball team, while the females were auditioning for the cheerleaders' team.

I, as the captain of the football team and a part of the basketball team, I had to help judge the auditions.

The football and basketball teams had a lot of tough competition from all of the guys who auditioned, but we managed to find some great players for each team.

I was already feeling exhausted so I went to relax exactly where I and Mia sat before, with Luke taking over as my assistant captain.

I looked at the girls auditioning for cheerleading and was surprised to see Mia auditioning too. Well, not too surprised since Kira was already on the team.

Mia and I seem to be having a strong connection, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something more might come out of it. Not that I want anything to.

But at the same time, I knew that Lily was getting the wrong picture and is going to be a constant thorn in our sides, and I wasn't sure how long I could keep fending her off.

My mind drifted to Lily and Mia's encounter the other day and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I watched Lily strut around the field, barking orders at the other girls trying out for the cheerleading team.

I knew firsthand how vicious she could be, and I couldn't shake the feeling that she was already scheming ways to make Mia's life a living hell. I just hope Mia can manage to keep herself off Lily's radar.

I moved closer to see what they were doing. The leader of the cheerleaders, Lily was instructing them on what to do.

"Two back flips and a front flip landing with a split." her voice echoed.

Some were able to do this, others unable to. It was Mia's turn and I held my breath for a second.

As I watched Mia execute a flawless backflip, it was clear she was a natural at gymnastics, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as I watched her land the front flip. I also felt a mixed feelings of fear for what was to come.

'Wow!! She did it.'

She was applauded but I could see the scowl on Lily's face. I Hope Lily doesn't take her threat the other day seriously.

One of the girls was doing the stunts when she missed a footing.

'Geez. That hurts.' Someone was trying to help her up.

I could see the anger and frustration on her face as she stumbled and fell. From the determination etched on the girl's face as she struggled to get back up, it was clear she hated failing.

That little fall earned the rest a little break. I quickly got to where Kira and Mia met each other.

The sun was gaining intensity and the heat seems to be shimmering off the field, making it feel like an oven. Sweat dripped down my face as I jogged to where Kira and Mia were resting and drinking from their bottles.

"What was that about?" Kira asked Mia.

"Are you OK?" Sam asked. I never knew he was even around.

"Yeah, I'm fine," She said.

"You were awesome during your audition. I never knew you were good at gymnastics" I said to Mia.

"You didn't mention anything about being a footballer and basketball player"

I scratched the back of my head, not knowing what to say.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the P.E. period. I and Sam waved the girls bye and headed for the locker room.

"I was right from the onset." Sam started.

"About what, Sam?" I asked, giving Sam a questioning look.

"Seems you are already having feelings for Mia." He said.

I opened my eyes in shock and stopped in my tracks.

"That's not true." I defended, hoping he'd drop the topic.

"Really?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," I said almost immediately, trying to sound convincing.

Sam just laughed and clapped me on the shoulder.

"Come on, man, I see it in your eyes. You don't have to pretend with me. I know you like her, and I can help you if you like."

I hesitated before answering, unsure of what he was suggesting.

"No man, you're just looking for a rice grain in a bean sack," I said dismissing the topic.

Sam gave me a knowing smile and said; "Don't worry man, I've been in your shoes before. Remember how I and Phoebe met?"

" Well, I ain't you, remember? I'm Ray and you're Sam." I told him, pointing to each of us as I mentioned our names.

"You don't have to be afraid to tell me, I promise I won't judge."

I let out a sigh. Sam is not ready to back out.

"Alright, I'll tell you," I said feigning surrender and admittance.

"The truth is that you're…" I paused for a few seconds before continuing. "…wrong. I don't have feelings for Mia. We just met not up to 3 days. Is that how it works?" I asked him.

Sam shook his head and smiled.

"Well, it doesn't work like that every time but it does at times. See Ray, it's okay to take your time getting to know someone before you make a decision about them. But I can tell you're interested in Mia."

"No, I'm not," I said again

"Well, we'll see about that." He said and started jogging off.

I matched my pace with his.

"Sam? What are you planning? I know you. Don't try anything funny" I said as we both jogged to change into our wet clothes.

Sam only responded with a smirk.

We got to the boys' locker room and found our gym locker. Jack was there already, preparing to leave. He seems to be ready for class.

"Hey, guys. Thought you will be ready for class by now."

"Yeah, we'll be in a few minutes," Sam answered for us both.

"That reminds me. My parents will be traveling on Saturday and I don't know if you guys can come over in the evening." Sam said to us both.

" Saturday evening?" I asked.

" Yeah, a weekend sleepover." He replied.

"That would be great," Jack said and I know I have no reason not to.

"I'll be inviting the girls too. The six of us have got to be around. It's gonna be fun." Sam added.

Six? I thought to myself. Oh, Mia is now a part of our little group and is gonna be the 6th person. There and then, the words he spoke earlier echoed in my ear.

"We'll see about that."