
Highschool Dare: A Heart's Game

"A promise is a debt" "Every vow made is meant to be kept, not broken." Isn't that right? But what happens when that promise is keeping you from healing and experiencing that which your heart needs? High School senior Ray is hesitant to fall in love again after his last heartbreak. He had made a vow to steer clear of any relationship and so far, things have been working out for him. Little did he knew that the blue eyed girl, Mia who he met and helped out on the first day of his last year in high school is going to make him waver in his vow; to either keep it or break it. Mia on the other hand, a new transfer student in Westside High, found Ray to be an intriguing personality and out of her curiosity, she accepted the dare to openly date him for a month. Faced with the fact that what started as a simple game is starting to become something real they both feel, the two of them have to come to terms with their feelings while trying to stand up to Lily, who is obsessed with Ray and would stop at nothing to separate him from Mia and have him to herself. Torn between school work, his love life and the new responsibility of taking over his father's multi-billion company, Ray tries to navigate his daily life. And just when they began to get some clarity about their feelings, Ashley, Ray's ex girlfriend comes along with memories of their past relationship. So what's it gonna be? Go back to dwell in the past with Ashley? Stay and enjoy the present with Lily or build a step-by-step future relationship with Mia while living the present?

sam_marfe · Urban
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43 Chs

"Do you mind if I eat lunch with you?"

The first part of the day had gone smoothly, soon it was time for lunch, and I am so excited.

I've been looking forward to it all morning. I had been having a great day so far, classes were going well and I was looking forward to a relaxing break.

As I got to the cafeteria, I looked around for my friend, Sam. He wasn't in the last class I had with him, so I figured he might be here. I scanned the room, but he wasn't in sight.

I made my way through the crowded cafeteria, the smell of frying burgers and fries filling my nostrils.

I heard the clanging of trays and the chatter of students all around me as I made my way to the food line.

I got my lunch which was waffles with strawberries and whipped cream and waited, but still no sign of him.

Slightly disappointed, I decided to find an empty seat and wait for him.

'Where has he wandered to?' I asked myself.

My thought was cut short as I heard my name.

"Hey, Ray."

I sighed recognizing immediately who it was.


As Lily approaches the table where I was sitting, a group of boys at a nearby table started catcalling and whistling at her. She flashes them a wicked smile and tosses her hair before turning her attention back to me.

As she sits down, several other students - females especially looked her way with admiration and longing to belong to her 'clique' of girls, and she seems to know almost everyone in the cafeteria or instead, everyone seems to know her.

She carries herself with confidence and grace, and it's clear that she is arrogant.

Lily is... How will I put it? The most popular and saucy female in our school. She's the lead gossip, cheerleader queen, current prom queen, and school newscaster and knows about everything that goes down in Westside High.

She was always hanging around with the famous and rich guys. Not that she'd ever go out with them for long. She's just like a roller coaster, all for the fun and she seems to have a little bit of a crush on me.

Yeah, she's made that obvious. So I try my best to avoid her.

She sat down next to me, as close as she could without actually sitting on my lap.

 "Hey, Lily. Have you seen Sam around? " I asked her, trying to sound casual and be in control of the conversation.

"No, I haven't seen him since Algebra. Why? Are you looking for him?" she asked, batting her eyelashes at me.

"Yeah, we were supposed to eat lunch together but he's not here," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"But I'm here," She said scooting closer and trying to put her arm around me.

"I'm not interested, Lily. I've told you that countless times, I said, getting up and walking away from her.

I quickly looked around and found another table I could sit. I took a deep breath.

She's eating alone, I'll also be eating alone. But that can change. I can sit with her plus I'll choose anything to escape Lily's drama. I walked over to her table and sat down next to her.

"Hey, do you mind if I eat lunch with you?" I asked. She looked up, startled by my voice.

"Uhm?" She paused. "No, not at all!" She finally responded with a smile.

"Great!" I said, smiling back as I sat opposite her.

'She seems like a nice person.'

I quietly sat down on the chair opposite her and faced my food. I looked at her from the corner of my eye and saw her playing with the food.

'Okay nice, but she seems bored or maybe just lonely.'

"Mia correct?" I checked to see if I remembered her name and my mind drifted back to this morning when we first met. 

"Yeah." She replied, without looking up from her food.

"How's your first day at Westside High School going?" I waited a while before asking, breaking the awkward silence between us.

"Not too bad. I guess."  She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

"You don't seem too sure." I prodded gently.

"Well, it's just that I don't really know anyone here yet and lunchtime is kind of lonely." "I guess I miss my old friends,"  Mia admitted.

"That's understandable," I said. "I'm sure you'll make friends soon enough."

"Yeah, I guess. Thanks for your help this morning. By the way, where's your friend?" She asked.

I was about to answer when we both heard laughter. I looked up and saw Lily with her clique of girls. A frown quickly finds its way to my face.  She saw us looking at her and she waved. I quickly turned my head away, not wanting to give her the satisfaction. 

"Friend of yours?" Mia asked.

"Well, we used to be close," I said. "But things changed and now we aren't anymore." 

And just as if on cue, Lily and her friends came over to us.

"Hello, I'm Lily. I can tell you're new. Welcome to Westside High!" She said to Mia with a smile, trying to act nice and all. I just rolled my eyes knowing Lily for who she is.

"Hi, I'm Mia!" Mia said with a big smile, completely unaware of the tension between Lily and me.

"So have you shown her around yet?" One of Lily's friends asked me.

"I don't see how that's your business, Jane," I responded coldly.

"Well, we aren't here to pick a fight. I just came over to check out who you left me for." Lily said, looking at Mia with disgust and trying to sound hurt. Not that Mia even paid her much attention.

"What are you talking about?" I could feel the anger in me rising gradually. "I didn't leave you for anyone. We weren't even a thing." I responded immediately.

Lily's friends started to whisper amongst themselves while Lily just stood there, looking at me with a hurt expression. Finally, she spoke up again.

"Fine, have it your way then. I know you'll be mine, eventually." She then turned to Mia and said. "But better watch out because you might end up getting hurt if you stand between Ray and me."

With that, Lily and her friends walked away, leaving Mia and me sitting there in awkward silence.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Mia turned to me with a worried expression. "What was that all about?"

"I'm sorry you have to witness that," I said instead of answering her question.

"No, it's okay. I'm already leaving " She said as she packed her things together. 'Yeah. I guess Lily accomplished what she came for.'

"Please, just take Lily's threat with a pinch of salt. She's always like that when she doesn't get what she wants." I said, not wanting her to go.

"Thanks for eating lunch with me. Have a nice day, Sam." She said as she walked away.

I facepalmed, not knowing what to do. Sam would have known. 'Now where is he now that I need him the most?' I asked myself.

'Wait…. Did she just call me Sam?' I let out a deep breath.

Obviously, the girl I just defended does not even remember my name.


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