
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

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26 Chs

The first clash between gold and silver, an unexpected alliance

When I opened my eyes in the morning, I slowly got out of bed. 

When I looked to the side the bed was empty, well I felt a little lonely without xenovia.....What the hell am I saying!!?!!

[pffft hahahahah, I'm sure that Xenovia girl will be very happy to hear this]

"Shut up I'm definitely not letting xenovia hear about this"

[I wonder what to do ~~]

Just as he was about to answer, there was a knock on the room door. 

I immediately put on priest clothes and opened the door, David was waiting for me there. 

"Okay,Let's go" 

<this is not over regulus> [whatever you say partner]


After a while 

"So, has the mission been extended?"

"Yes, Incinerate Anthem's existence is too big to ignore, We need to find the current user, if he/she is suitable for the situation, we will try to take him/her, but if he/she is an uncontrolled maniac, we will destroy him/her.

"I understand" After answering we continued moving forward,At that moment a smell came to my nose,

"Takoyaki!! Get your Takoyakis here "I instantly walked towards the sound, I haven't been able to eat enough snacks lately, I was so busy after all 

I blame Dulio for making me addicted to this 

While I bought one for myself, I also bought one for David. 

"Here, it's yours." When I gave him takoyaki he was surprised for a moment but he took it and started eating it. 

"hmm, it's delicious"

 " Yes, Dulio would sometimes bring takoyaki when he returned from mission." 

While the two of us continued to chat about small things, I suddenly felt something in the nearby park. 

"Mr. David,--this" "Yes, a limited area has been created there, we seem to have found what you are looking for." 

When David said that and ran, all I could do was follow 


inside limited area

Currently, inside the limited area, a young boy with glasses was facing a black-haired boy.

He seemed to be chanting incantations as an indescribable aura began to rise from the boy. 

<<In the name of Jupiter, spirit wood, carriest sun on winds, bringeth it to east'! 'By Three-Blue and Four-Green, at my cry——>>

Just as he was about to finish his words, a  lightning pillar fell between them. 

This interrupted the boy's chant and both he and his opponent looked at the attacker. 

The man had a muscular build and was tall. He had a grumpy-looking face and a well-groomed and clean-cut beard that matched his hair. 

"So it was a battle with a next family head from the Five Principal Clans that you brought me to, huh."

The person who said this was a cute boy with silver hair and ice blue eyes who looked to be about the same age as Daniele .His outfit consisted of a blue jacket that was a little too big for him, black fingerless gloves, a red scarf tied around his neck and hanging from the back, and gray shorts.He also had a white dragon plushie on his shoulder 

The boy with glasses looked at them , A bitter smile appeared on his face 

"...The fallen angel, Barakiel-dono of 'lightning', and the rumored Vanishing Dragon huh. This is quite something."

This large man with the right beard is a  cadre class fallen angel. 

The silver-haired little boy was hosting this generation's longinus divine dividing. 

Both had remarkable identities 

boy with glasses  shrugged his shoulders, however his fighting spirit didn't abate. Even Barakiel's appearance didn't disrupt his battle posture. ——But, then that voice called out from behind him. Simultaneously, sparks of fire danced around the entirety of the plaza.

"——Seiryuu, stop this."

Hearing that voice, The boy whose name is now known as Seiryuu was astonished, and the fighting spirit——the blue 'essence' that was enveloping his body, was erased.

The people there looked at the girl coming. 

She was a girl of similar age to the boy with glasses, wearing a vermilion-coloured blazer and black hair pulled back into a ponytail. She has a slim and voluptuous figure

The new girl was about to say something else but was interrupted by the new voice. 

"I agree with that, after all I have questions that need answers too"

Everyone turned to the new voice 


Daniele pov 

Everyone who heard David's words now turned to us 

"exorcist". "fallen "

David and Barakiel exchanged words and then glared at each other. 

"What do you mean by questions?" 

"Many innocent people were involved in the utsusemi incident, apart from that, even the holy relic alone is a situation that concerns the church." 

holy relic 

Barakiel's face contorted as soon as this word was spoken.

"Well, if you don't give me the answers, I'll have to get them." 

David reached into his jacket and revealed the Galatine 

He suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Barakiel, who wrapped his arm with his holy lightning and resisted the attack. 

Not only that, David tightened his grip on the holy sword, releasing a holy aura into the Galatine as the two moved towards a more distant place. 

After they cleared the current area, the others turned to me. 

"Would it be convincing if I said I had nothing to do with it?" 

"Do you think we can do it, you brat?"

The delinquent-looking man said this and attacked me with his arm, which was wrapped around a cat tail on his shoulder and turned into a spear. 

I suppressed a sigh and took out the Excalibur Blessing from my space storage 

When the sword and spear collided, I slightly changed his grip on the sword, causing his attack to go in vain. With the incoming momentum, I swung the sword once again, but it retreated at the last moment, leaving a little deep cut on the chest of the delinquent-looking man. 

He was holding the wound with his left hand, which not turned into a spear. 

"kouki /shark /samejima" 

He got down on one knee while the people around him were calling his name. 

Then his friends looked at me angrily  

"Don't look at me, he was the one who attacked fir—" My words were interrupted and suddenly something black appeared in front of me. Even though I blocked it with Excalibur Blessing at the last second, I flew backwards. 

"Kouki, are you okay?" the black haired boy put his hand on the shoulder of the boy named Kouki and asked. 

Probably the badass bartender of the future is Tobio

"Don't worry Tobio, I'm fine." After saying this named Kouki, Mr slash dog MC looked at me .

"why, why are you all just trying to hurt my friends!!"

"Hmm, no offense, but wasn't he the one who attacked fir-"

"I won't tolerate this anymore, with this sword in my hand, I will protect what I can reach, let's go JIN"

Aaaaand, did he just make a monologue without listening to my words? Where is my cool bartender MC? I want my money back! Now that I think about it, we're around volume two and he's still a teenager who can't manipulate his emotions..... Damn 

The darkness around Tobio has become even more sinister and deep.The shadow scythe he was holding in his hand looked like it was real, as if it were created from shadow, and The sword in the mouth of the dog standing right next to him, was emitting an ominous aura, as if it could cut anything. 

[what's this guy's problem]

<It's an inherited disease called the<strong> *heroic effect*. In short, getting angry at everything for no reason and tending to get out of control is one of the effects of the disease.>

[I don't quite understand but , they are coming]

As soon as Regulus said this, the shadow that was trying to cover me appeared. I immediately raised the excalibur blessing into the air and let the holy power shine, this brightness kept the shadows away 

But they didn't affect the dog that suddenly appeared in front of me. I immediately cut off the light and blocked its sword with my sword. Tobio appeared right behind me and tried to cut my head off with his scythe. 

I shifted my grip on the sword and deflected the dog's attack, immediately  turned myself and blocking Tobio's scythe.On the other hand, I opened the bottle of holy water with my thumb, which I took from my pocket in my other hand, and splashed it on the dog.

"rrrggraaaaa" (what does a dog sound like in pain?) The dog jumped back with a painful groan, after all, both the cursed and the werewolf are quite weak holy objects


I held the handle of the Sword with my other hand and pushed Tobio back. 

Jin, who had just fallen, stood up and his eyes were shining with hatred, now he moved at a speed that was incomparable to the speed he showed just now, and even though I blocked it with my sword, I retreated a little. 

Seeing that his partner was fine, Tobio also joined the fight. 

As both of them increased, I did not use the holy light, so my surroundings were covered with shadow and black swords started to appear from it. 

Just as I are surrounded by swords and continue to grow towards me and Tobio and Jin attack me at the same time 

[is it time]. <Yes let's get started>


third person pov 

When both Tobio and Jin attacked him at the same time, he was surrounded by swords, but suddenly he took the sword in his right hand into his left hand and extended his right hand forward. 

A light appeared around his right hand and he suddenly swung it hard with one hand. The others only saw an arc of light, but at that moment, every sword around broke and both Tobio and Jin flew backwards. 

The shadow scythe in his hand was shattered and there was a horizontal cut on his chest, Jin was in a similar situation. 

"Tobio!!!!". Sae and Natsume and Lavinia shouted their concerns .At the same time, Suzaku Himejima also had a worried expression on her face. 

But only Seiryuu and Vali looked at the ax more carefully and they were both surprised. 

Daniele now held a golden ax with an ornate lion pattern 

"so the Lion King also appeared huh" 

<albion this>[Yes undoubtedly. Longinus, regulus nemea] At that moment, Vali's mildly interested expression was replaced by a maniacal grin. 

"I won't hold back anymore either" After saying this, Daniele raised the Excalibur blessing in his left hand to point it towards Tobio. 

†May the flames of God , turn evil and sins into ash†.

Suddenly golden flames flew towards Tobio 

But just as its was about to reach Tobio,encountered vermilion flames and swallowed the golden flames. 

"I can't stand this anymore." Himejima Suzaku, the next head of the Himejima family, spoke with a cold facial expression, but it was possible to see the seriousness in her eyes. 

"you know –" Just as Daniele was about to finish his sentence, he was suddenly attacked by a blue glow and reflexively blocked it with his ax and sword.

"hoooo~~~, you're still can block , you're getting better and better" I looked at the boy with silver hair and blue wings behind him, who was holding two weapons in front of me with his fist covered in blue magical energy, or rather demonic energy.

"I'm glad I could SATİSFY YOU!"   After saying the last part out loud, Daniele pushed both the ax and the sword forward in a diagonal pattern, and the descendant of Lucifer jumped backwards, but he touched the ground with his feet and slowed down slightly.

When he stopped completely

"Hehehe Longinuses are seriously attracted to each other"later he turned to me "You, what is your name?"  

"It is rude to ask the other person's name before telling them their name." 

"Hmph well then I will honor you with my name" 

"I am Vali ,descendant of Lucifer  and the host of the longinus divine dividing"  He introduced himself as blue wings the light wings behind him shone with blue brilliance.

'Ok it's a bit cool I admit '

The shota in front of Daniele looked at his as if he wanted something 

Daniele finally realized what he wanted At that moment a deep voice came from the axe.

[no, don't you dare, ]

<come on, it won't be that bad>

 [You're right, it will be much worse ]

<Well I'll do it anyway>  [No , nooooooooooooo]

"*Ohom* Rejoice, you infidel! I, Daniele Berti, host of longinus regulus nemea and  the holy ax of the church, prepare yourself  I will send you from here to heaven!!!"

Daniele  introduced hım self while holding the ax his right hand horizontally in front of his.

'Agreed, it was embarrassing but also fun'

People around stared blankly. "Great, now there are two  " brown haired girl with big breasts muttered 

But unlike the others, Vali was looking at Daniele with sparkling eyes and a widened smile. 

[I hate you]

<I love you too>

At that moment, Daniele strengthened his body with the buff effect of Excalibur blessing and  ran towards vali at full speed and the fight started. 

Vali, of course, did not waited, and demonic magic circles appeared behind him and shot blue lightning at his.

Unfortunately, He was instantly enveloped in Regulus' defensive aura and continued forward without hesitation. 

Even though the lightning hit Daniele, he continued to move forward without caring. 


Vali,  was surprised  Daniele tanked his attacks but the surprising thing was that he didn't take any damage from the attacks. 

To avoid wasting this momentary surprise, Daniele made a straight stab attack with Excalibur Blessing. 

Vali had to flee to the right as the sword hit closer to his left side.

Daniele suddenly changed the direction of his foot and made a right turn around him without losing momentum. He swung Regulus Nemea with all his might towards Vali. 

Vali created several defensive barriers to protect himself at the last moment, but Regulus Nemea shattered them all with one blow, sending Vali flying. 

Vali, who slowed down by using his feet like last time, this time  also stopped himself by pressing his hand on the ground. 

<what's going on albion>

{Regulus nemea has an aura that resists any ranged attack that does not go beyond high class, I didn't think he had unlocked it already, Aura barrier is ineffective against close range attacks, he also has his own independent avatar form, but the transformation is not instantaneous, if he uses it we can finish him off without transforming}

<I mean all I have to do is touch it. Heh, suits me>

Looking at Daniele, who was now standing in front of him and swinging the ax in his hand towards his head, Vali suddenly emitted an intense blue light and disappeared, leaving cracks on the ground.

Vali was flying around at extreme speeds, leaving only a trail of blue light. 

"aggghhh" At that moment, that light trail suddenly crashed behind Daniele at speeds that he could not react to and continued to attack him from various places. 

{Divide }

As soon as he heard this voice, a weight fell on Daniele and he felt weak. 

[partner!] <don't worry regulus I don't intend to fall that easily>

Even though he tried to escape from the blue energy around him, it was extremely difficult in his normal state and almost impossible in his weakened state. 


"I'm starting to hate that sound" He spoke as he fell slightly to one knee 

[partner do you trust me ]. <Always >. Daniele responded to Regulus' words and was completely sincere, after all, Regulus was not just his partner but a family member to him. 

Daniele stopped moving and waited. 




Suddenly Daniele swung Regulus Nemea in with his left cross

And then Vali stood on the ground, staring in astonishment at Daniele. 

Vali then reached his hand towards his hair and when he pulled it back, there were many cut strand of hair  in his hand. 

"How"   Vali asked with a truly confused expression, how did he catch him?

But the answer did not come from Daniele, instead the purple gem on his ax glowed. [Even if I don't see you, it's easy to follow your smell , white gecko kid]

{What do you mean in white gecko, you kitten!!!!}

[heh, at least I'm better than two stupid lizards who don't even know why they're fighting]

{you, you little ...}

Neither Vali neither Daniele cared about their arguments.  

"A lot of things could go wrong and you could lose instantly" 

"Regulus is my partner, he has my back in battle. If I don't trust him, who will I trust?" Daniele replied with a shrug. 



Vali left the training ground, leaving behind several fallen fallen angel bodies. 

" *Sigh* are there really no interesting rivals? "

Don't get his wrong, Vali is definitely aware that he is much weaker than those in the upper ranks, even Armaros can crush him in an instant, but all he wants is an someone strong  like him. 

{Your birth was a miracle, Vali, having both Lucifer's bloodline and Longinus, you have almost unlimited potential. A rival equal to you at your age could be the most anomalous.}

"why anamoly, why not another miracle" 

{miracle is something impossible to happen, or at least close to it, so it is very difficult to expect the same situation as you. The only thing that can match such a miracle is absolute anomaly.}

Flashback end


'I found Albion, I really found it. That anomaly I'm looking for '

Vali looked at Daniele until    

"pfft hahahahaha, you are seriously the best" 

"Well Daniele, let's see who is better, YOUR REACTİON OR MY SPEED." 

Vali continued to attack a little faster than before 

While he continued to make extremely fast  attacks around, Daniele continued to block as per Regulus' instructions. 

[Right, left, backward left diagonal, now coming from above ]

As they both attacked, Vali suffered scratches on his body and Daniele's power was divide in half several more times. 

However, since some of Vali's cuts were caused by the Excalibur Blessing, he was in a similar state to Daniele, out of breath. 

Finally the next attack [Now !!!!! ] Hearing Regulus' call, Daniele strengthened his body with Regulus' aura and supported it with Excalibur Blessing. 

He made one last cut with Excalibur Blessing and Vali somersaulted behind him and hit the ground. Bounced on the ground a few times  and finally pinned himself on his knees.

Slash dog member saw the situation and wanted to help, especially Lavinia, but 

"Stay behind!!! I won't forgive you if you intervene."

Vali would not allow anyone to interfere in this fight, no matter who it was, this was something he had been looking for for a long time. Hearing the Vali's words, the Slash Dog team could not help but stop. 

Both Vali and Daniele looked at each other with smiles on their faces, even though they were out of breath. 

Daniele stepped forward once more 

At last Regulus Nemea shone with light in the form of an axe.{It will switch to independent avatar form, use the openness  at the moment of transformation vali}

Vali wanted to do what he said, but what he saw was a giant golden lion that suddenly appeared in front of him. In order to stop the lion that was jumping at him with its mouth open, Vali held his upper jaw with his right hand and his lower jaw with his left hand and stopped him, even though his hands were shaking as if he was ready to slaughter at any moment. 

The ground beneath your feet crumbled , creating a little crater underneath 

{Divide }

When he uses his longinus on regulus , vali's arms finally relaxed a little. 

At that moment, Daniele appeared from Regulus' right side, holding excalibur blessing with both hands and swinging sword towards him. 

Vali released his grip and ran back 


Accompanied by the sound, a golden magic circle appeared under Vali and his feet  suddenly slid away. 

Daniele used his magic on Vali to reveal the gap he had created in front of him. 

This time he wasn't holding the Excalibur Blessing, instead his right hand was wrapped around the cross he wore around his neck. His hand, completely enveloped in holy power, swung towards  Vali's chest. 

†holy fist†

Vali couldn't break free or create a defensive magic circle in the current situation, so he did the best he could. 

He gathered the maximum demonic power he could at that moment in both hands and met Daniele's fist. 

The blue and golden light covered the surroundings and caught the eyes of everyone watching. Finally, accompanied by an explosion, the two children flew back. 

Daniele stopped when Regulus appeared behind his and stopped Daniele with his body,  For Vali his wings acting as a parachute. 

They both came face to face again 

Both of vali's hands were burned and shaking, while Daniele's The right sleeve of his outfit was completely gone  and  his handle was bleed  from various places almost numb.Unfortunately, at the same time, Xenovia's gift was shattered in half. 

{how, why did regulus' transformation time disappear} Finally, unable to resist, Albion asked: 

"Sacred gear, especially the longinuses, have the ability to develop according to the owner and respond to his/her wishes , I needed the change of Regulus for my battle style. I worked on it and it became an instantaneous event under the influence of "Regulus Nemea" who sensed my desire." Daniele replied calmly.

{You're seriously an anomaly, huh} " You know it's a little rude  "

"How are you " 

"hmmm, I can hardly feel my terrible right arm, but I can make one last attack, how about you?" 

"I want to go get some damn sleep" 

"Well, let's settle this with one last attack." 

"It suits me " 


Daniele pov

I looked at Regulus behind me supporting me 

"Accompany me for one last attack, regulus."

[ Heh, as if you needed to ask ]

I placed my hand on Regulus' mane and after a moment of light, a familiar ax appeared in my hand once again. 

I held the ax in front of me, this last attack I would definitely not hold back

†Holy Drive†

Accompanied by my shout, Regulus Nemea's purple jewel turned blue-gold, and at the same time, an intense holy power appeared around him.

I stabbed the Excalibur blessing in my hand into the ground and held Regulus Nemea in my other hand. 

The intensity of the holy power had increased even more 


third person pov

"Has the sacred gear acquired a holy quality? ". Lavinia could do nothing but stare blankly at the situation in front of her. 

Then she looked at the boy who had done this, the cute boy with brown hair and golden eyes .That wasn't the only thing that caught his attention; she also noticed that he used magic once during this fight.......Interesting, yes Lavinia found this kid really interesting . 




{Seriously did he change the nature of his sacred gear, *sigh* it looks like you really found the anomaly you want, Vali. But just like he said before, he is transferring all his power to this attack. If you dodge the attack, we will definitely win. What will you do, Vali? }

<Even though the most logical course of action would probably be to dodge attack..... I decline. I'm not going run away from kind fight I've been waiting for a long time. If he's straight, I'll go further and beat him. What if using holy power? won't stop until prevail again>

{Hahaha nice! This is the best, let's go partner}

<You don't even need to say>

The Divine Dividing behind Vali shone with bright lights and demonic power appeared around him. 

The blooming blue demonic power increased to the point of causing damage to even the things around him that were close to him , matching Daniele's holy power 

"Damn monster" Daniele couldn't help but whisper  as he looked at  Vali in front of him 

<Let's go regulus we will transfer everything to this attack!!!!>

[Okay, let's go straight]

Both Daniele and  Vali put one foot forward and took action at the same time 

Daniele swung the golden battle ax he held to his left with both hands, and Vali gathered all his remaining reserves of dragon and demonic power in his right hand. 

Just as their attacks were about to collide, black raven colored feathers flew in front of them. 

Barakiel appeared and stopped they attacks with both hands .Lightning infused with holy power crackled in both hands.

But the sleeves of the suit he had chopped up were alsso  there was a little blood flowing around his hands. 

"What's going on, Barakiel?" Vali questioned the man in front of him, his voice containing anger. 

"Where is Mr. David?" 

"Don't worry young Daniele, I'm here." David cerro, his clothes tattered in various places, came through the trees 

"By order from higher-ups, we will cooperate with Incinerate Anthem's investigation." 

How did the situation come to this? 


Barakiel and David fight flashback 

David continued to attack Barakiel in front of him from various angles 

But Barakiel easily dodged them all and attacked with intense holy lightning in his hand. 

David slid backwards even though he blocked it with his sword 

"As expected from a cadre, if I beat you I can be like Highness Strada" 

"Do you want to be like that monster? Even if you defeat me, you will only be a very strong person. It is impossible for you to be like him." 

"Even if I know I can't be on the same level as him, why should I give up on trying?"

While the two were about to continue fighting, a magic circle suddenly appeared in David's ear. 

Seeing this situation, Barakiel also stopped his attack. 

Finishing his speech, David frowned, obviously not liking the content. 

"Looks like we'll be working together" 

"wait wh--" At that moment, a magic circle appeared in Barakiel's ear.

"Oooiiiiii, barakiel, the man is right, you are together for this mission "

"What's going on, Azazel, suddenly -"

"Just trust me " 

"*sigh* okay but I want an explanation later"

"Okay okay  well just stop the fight for now "

Barakiel and David flashback end


'......then what was the point of all this fighting!!!!'

'Even the people around are making strange expressions!!!!!!!!'

'*sigh* just damn my life'