

For some High school is HEAVEN oops I mean if you fit in, unfortunately if you don't it's your IN HELL. Walking into the school gate with a smile on my face hoping that my first day here will go well, hopefully I guess. I froze immediately I saw the scene before me after coming back to Earth from my delirium, shock was an understatement at the sight I saw as my smile cracked in between as I stood at the gate dumbfounded. " WTF " I gasped as that was the only thing that was on my mind at this moment. Join Lilliana Howard in her travails in High School as she journeys through with new friends. Wanna know what she saw, read on; Guess this was how she reacted: "Ummh please where do you think this is, I think am lost" Author: "...." The Author replies, "You mean this of course it's your dream haven, if not why you... wait a sec, come again where did you keep your eyes on your way here. Didn't you read the sign, it's HEAVEN but it's obvious seeing how rattled you are reacting to this, perhaps its your IN HELL."

Fust · Teenager
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3 Chs

How It All Began, PART 2

"Mum where are we going? you should know me well a enough, I won't leave for Mayveile not matter what you tell me" I screamed at mum as she continued driving without giving heeds to my scolds.

'I am so angry at her for thinking l would just leave her like that after every thing we've gone through together all the memories we have made, the moments we spent together.... What even made her think I would leave even if she persuades me'

tsk tsk tsk

I clicked my tongues at the thought of leaving mum behind and all alone.

'Its not like she would seriously drag me all the to Mayveile from Starford or take me without my consent, right'.


I sighed rolling my eyes at the thought of that.

' Would she even be able do that to me, just imagining the scene makes me laugh ' I thought. My eyes darted to the window to the deserted road ' It seems we've been on the road for a while now, where the heck is mum taking me to' I sighed as I looked up to the sky seeing the sun blazing hot

"Its still morning" I muttered.

Wondering why I have never been to this part of town with her, as the road looked unfamiliar and deserted it as if we're leaving town, alarmed by this thought I immediately yelled at mum in panick.

"Mum, are you perhaps sending me away to Mayveile.

Do you no longer want me, am I a burden to you." Met with nothing but silence as mum packed the car at the side of the road, she turned to look at me with disbelief and shock etchedon her beautiful face as tears welled up in her eyes.

Still adamant in my position I tried opening the door to find out it was locked.

"Mum so you're serious about sending me away even without my consent right, or you're just using the NSE programme as an excuse, you never really wanted me, I was always a liability to you.... right, tell me why are you silent now tell me you never really loved me you never wanted me all this time, everything were all lies"

Blinded by my anger and fear l poured my frustrations in my words as I desperately tried to open the door to escape as I was scared of leaving mum or she leaving me as she was all I had after dad left, cause even if I never saw him I knew he loved me and I love too.

"Sweetie when has our relationship become this frail, you don't even tru...st me anymore"

I immediately halted my movements as I heard her creaking voice as she said weakly to me.

Regaining by senses I stopped pulling the door as I held mum's hands and hugged her, quivering in fear and shock at my earlier actions.

"Mum am sorry I didn't mean that" I said weeping.

" I really didn't mean that, I was just so scared of you sending me so faraway."

Silence descended upon the car and only interval sounds of sobbing was heard after my hushed voice fell.

After several minutes of crying, mum freed herself from my grasp, I tried reaching out to her but my arms failed me as a wave of guilt washed over me, my hands fell down to my laps.


She cleaned her eyes, arranged her disheveled hair, and tidied up her clothes as I sat down with my eyes down cause I couldn't look up to mum after my outburst, seething in guilt.

Mum looked up at me with a sad smile in her dim eyes, she drew to herself as I stared back at her with trepidation. Seeing this she chuckled at my actions

"It's alright Liliana, I was also scared, thinking you no longer trust me." She said making me look into eyes patting my head softly.


A sigh escaped my lips seeing mum was not angry at me. "Am sorry mum" I said smiling to her.

"I know that silly ..." she joked which made me smile. " but don't you ever say that again. Cause I will always love you, want you, cater for you. You were never a bother nor a burden to me and never will be, do you understand me."

Her sudden change in tone stunned me, as my smile fell on hearing her words as I nodded vigorously, looking at her.

"I know that mum and am very sorry once again, its was a slip" I said reassuringly.

She smiled at me as she hugged me.

" Thanks baby"

" Thanks mum"

We uttered at once, releasing ourselves from our hug as we smiled, giggling.


" Okay let's continue with our journey" saying this she left me as sat down properly on her sit, putting on her seat belt she gestures at me to do mine which I put on as a response.

Mum hits the road again as she swerves adeptly driving away. Seeing this my lips curved up with a smile cause this was I loved the most about my relationship with mum, guess what we just had a killer argument but here we are driving like a mother - daughter duo going on a ride to kill the bore of sitting home staring at screens all day long.

Feeling the serene ambience surrounding us, a smile couldn't help but stick on my face, as this is one of the qualities I learnt from mum - " Don't take things to heart" she would always say. "as it's makes the heart, mind, soul and even the body light, free and cheerful _ your dad would always say to me when am worried."

Thinking about this I realised that even after our little word scrabble, she didn't mention where we're heading or even a little hint which made me sceptical about where we are going to, I decided to ask her about it.

Looking at mum, her back came to my view as she sat elegantly with a regalia aura around her with her back arched up in straight manner even when she did something as simple as driving - which she did with ease and comfort as she manoeuvred the car she hummed beautifully making it a tantalising sight to marvel at.


I called out to her waking my stupor.

" Yes sweetheart, do you need anything" she asked taking a glimpse at me, then her eyes went back to the road.

"Yeah, umh about where we're proceeding, you really didn't put me through on that even after what happened" I said with a nervous smile.

Hearing this she didn't turn back, she just replied to my query endearingly with a melancholic tone,

"Patience dearie, at least you know am not sending you away ugh"

Hearing this I looked at her as she was really immersed on the road with an embarrassed smile as a pinkish blush hued by face as I looked down and played with my toes.

On hearing that she wasn't keen on informing me about where we're going I decided to let her be as I knew this was surely gonna be one of a ride, I drifted in my thoughts.

'Seeing how mum worked everyday to put us through made my heart ache, so decided to start helping her out both at home and work as I usually helped her write out books, texts and other materials especially church outlets and governmental and Non governmental language institutes, languages research bodies and many more as my mum was she contracted for writing in different languages for different bodies as she was knowledgeable about them and more keen and enthusiastic to learn more compared to her peers in the same endeavour who found it stressful, so she was appointed as the leader for the project which she opinionated and founded the idea - to search for more missing and unknown languages of the world and make them known. The government and other bodies liked the idea and investment a large amount of money into, but she received as didn't want to leave me behind suggesting to find another, unfortunately the council which was in charge of the project refused and eap0lmphasised that she must be the one to lead it as she was more dedicated and willing to sacrifice a lot for the project unlike her peers who like reaping where they did not sow, so the project was put on a hold until she decides to head it.

On hearing this I was very angry at mum and more at myself for holding her back. So I helped her out as I knew over 1,000 languages and their accents as I learnt from her, additionally I decided to take care of the house from cleaning, cooking, washing and everything revolving around the the house to aid her from the voluminous work she had to do. Sometimes she would try discouraging me to stop stressing myself to help her which I refused so we finally came to a truce, I also knew she was very grateful for my help and understanding towards her predicament and that she adores me for the that'

My eyes lit up at the thought of making her happy, I sighed.

'Nevertheless I knew all my efforts to help ease her chores were all for naught, but I wanted to do something more for her. She would always remind me not to over work myself that she's already grateful for my help, which I knew was true but deep down I really wanted to do something to help ease and lessen her worries for me as even mine help to her disturbs her as she thinks am bothering myself unnecessarily.

The National Scholarship Examinations was really my first option, at first my options were to sacrifice my Education and help her with her career seeing how much she sacrificed for me, to black0pmail her to leave for her dreams, leave school to lessen her the bills as she made sure I went to the most exquisite school in Starford, even our house which is not extravagant costs over 1 billion dollars even though its was she and Dad's dream home to raise their family it was bought on installment and not even a quarter of the money had been paid before dad's death. Talk less of Mayveile which was known as the - The Abode of The Upper Class_ our expenses was a a did pay better and help with our monetary situation. This made me love and respect her even more, I actually saw the NSE programme on TV its was then I realised that the only way I could really help her out is through my studies even though I know she would be displeased as she knew I was doing it for her sake, cause the pressure in the competition was out of this world. The people who even took the last position in the scheme were geniuses when I mean geniuses I mean it. So you could imagine the kind of competition I was gonna face, only the thought of it was nerve breaking. Despite all this I registered for the programme when I showed her the registration form later that day she was appalled and rebuked me from going on with the competition, but I refused as one thing mum taught me was to be firm and resolute in my decisions when am in the right or in the face of challenges. Though I was brilliant you couldn't say I could top something less like NSE, as there were millions of brilliant, intelligent and otherworldly geniuses and scholars out there participating in the competition so if I wanted a good grade I had to toughen up.

Mum was so happy I passed the Scholarship programme with flying colours which I could understand cause all my researches, all-nighters, reading, studying and sacrifices to try help her out paid off painstakingly.

Even I was exhilarated by my achievement: topping the NSE programme without external help of a renowned tutor or official prep lessons all kids who enrolls for the scheme except you could count mum as one. She of course was a world known genius as she passed the Scholarship programme before although not with top marks she was very good at her stuff.

'Getting to study at Mayveile is an honour with grandeur' as people commonly said as not just wealth or influence or even power can get you in.

Honestly going there's would be a dream come true for me - a dream which I had earlier as a kid but later diminished as I grew older knowing the circumstances surrounding my life and what it takes to get in.

But yeah Hell No under the prospect of leaving mum behind I dared not be fazed by the whisperings of the devil....'

My mind raced as I pondered with a stoic and determined look as I nodded in intervals.

" Hey hey down to Earth Liliana Howard "

I suddenly heard mum's voice with her hands continually tapping my shoulders with visible annoyance.

"Yeah yeah am back" shrugging off my shoulders from her grasp as I gave her a once - over look 🙃

" We've arrived your Highness as you've being so eager to grace this sanctuary with you unction presence, please take the lead my lady" I heard her annoyed voice laced with sarcasm and a scornful look on her face.

Obviously she was irritated by me which I don't really understand, ' like WTF did I do to her'

"Yeah, not like I care" I rolled my eyes at her antics.

Tap Tap

Ignoring me she walked away with hurried steps as went towards a massive black gate which seems to be glittering in the dark.



"Hey, don't leave me behind I don't even know where the hell this is."

My fingers swiftly reached out to the seatbelt clasped around my abdomen as I undid it in quick succession freeing myself, I hopped off the car as I slammed it shut in annoyance.

I yelled out to mum, my fingers all over my hair with my eyes taking in my present scenery.

"shit... where on Earth is this, are we still in Starford." My eyes squinted in slits when I saw the 'You Are Welcome To Starford' sign hung up on metal pole fixed to the ground spanning over 200 metres.

It was huge and beautifully designed with emboldened calligraphic writings and spacing depicting a true handiwork by an expert topographer.

It can be seen in adept manipulation and combination of the elements and principles of design and art, through the employment of space, colour, texture, lines, form, shapes, rhythm, balance, variety, harmony, etc to create such a beautiful design piece.

"Damn it we're out of town" I cried out delirious in ecstasy. My eye balls rounded in slits as I shivered in happiness while my optic nerve transversely took in my current environment. It better than I had imagined, this being my first time out of Starford.

My brain quickly raced in thought as I concluded we were currently at the outskirts of Starford.

I smiled as the cool and refresh wind breeze hit my nostrils, as I looked up my surround, to the left side were trees lined in a linear and horizontal order as they stretch forward into forest expanse, bordered by a wall lawn which congregated the trees from the main road. I could hear constant chirping, buzzing, and other subtle movements and sounds from forest at the order side of the town from where I stood. A long metal pole stood fixed on the lawn with our town's gateway sign made of metal and wood as carved and designed exquisitely that covered more than a width of 100cm as it stood still.

To the right, where I stood was a huge temperance to the left side. Over there was a massive wall spread across the streets in a pentagonal formation like those Catholic coventry of old. Yet the strangest thing about the building was that the massive black gate made it feel like it was pitch black inside or ummh I think I'd say dark despite the fact that it was still late in the morning.

I turned to the luxurious black gate through which mum went into the building earlier. The gate was designed with a forest as theme illustrated with pearls transmitting scenes of trees, birds flying, monkeys swinging on trees, deers fleeing from predators, lions roaring and others making people feel like they were standing in a gate leading to the wild. The scenes on the gate seems to come alive through the intricate and delicate hands of the builder who constructed. Designed with iron, metal, and various precious stones and who knows what, it exuded a presence of splendor and avid description of wealth.


I cleared my throat, trying to compose my self from over thinking about the situation.

Huff Huff

Breathing in and out, I calmed my racing heart, with my hands sliding down my face. Tying my almost disheveled hair into bun, I straighten my clothes feign ing confidence.

I walked towards the towering walls with my hands tucked in my pockets as they trembled, my feets quickly brought the colossal gate before me as the calm facade I wore threatened to falloff.

"F**k, why the hell did mum bring me to this creepy place." Angry as I was seeing the 'Danger' sign cautioning unrestricted entry and exempting specified groups of people, I flared up.

My hands sprang out from my pocket in succession as I reached the gate absent-minded with my mind

Pushing the gate as my hands reached for metallic handle with a cool chill through my body as I shivered, my fingers went numb and my hands fell limp due to the sheer strength need to open it.


Bang Bang

I groaned with a frown marring my face as I persisted using my body weight to push the gate open, being unable to and frustrated I ceased struggling against the gate briefly.

Frustrated, my mind ran amok as all the unknown and frightening things around me made thrash and whine clinging onto huge metal handles in thought,

' Ugh why the she bring out of town ? what more to such a creepy place, it looks the graveyard in movies where no matter how far you run, you'd still be surrounded by the haunted and towering walls, lonely silent, and chilling wind that freeze and cut your heart slowly, little by little in pieces and creepiness that friend you in sweat and fear? why did she out here? why even to the outskirts? Is because I refused to go to Mayveile? Does she really wants to abandon me here? What's with this place that's even scary in daylight? What about that sign? Is mum in some kind of secret cult? Why is this place deserted? Does she plan on initiating into whatever this is? Why are we even in such an expensive place? Why did mum go in, it can't possibly be hers' right?'


Incoherent words left my mouth as countless thoughts rapidly filled head in panic.


The Gate opened swiftly as I pulled the handle 360° to the right, a sharp swishing sound assaulted my ears, snapping out of my previous delirium.

Raising my head up from the gate, a lips curved up a little in an arc, feeling a sense of relief but was swiftly pulled into a pandemonium again as the opened gate turned into a huge dark brown Python opening its mouth with sharp fangs to swallow me.

" Haaaaaassn

Screaming in fright I jumped into the gate as I rested behind the now closed gate, clasping my hands against my chest to calm by rapidly beating heart.

Only after almost getting an heart attack in fear did I realise that the curled up handle of the gate covered in glistening golden and silver colours which I held unto was the design of a crouching python ready bite.

Huff Huff

Huff Huff

Huff Huff

On the other side, I finally calmed down after over several minutes of a breathing exercises to get hold of my fear.

"So like where on Earth, did mum bring me to" I thought aloud after I regained my footing.

"What the the..."

After a bout of tumbling emotions, I was shocked by the sight at the other side of the gate, it was like going through hell to finally see a glimpse of heaven.

Hi I'm back everyone and am very very sorry about the abruptly stopping the book. I can of lost track of the story line of the book. So sorry for the disappointment and once again thanks for reading, if you waiting for updates since 2 months ago thanks very much and welcome to all new readers.

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