

"Devano has a math lesson today! You can't be late for school!" "Yes Papa, Devan understands," answered Devan while eating peanut butter bread with gusto. "Oh yes, don't forget that there is a modeling school in the afternoon too. You have to go Devan!" said the mother who was busy with her cell phone. "Daddy go first, Devan, study properly at school, okay?" Papa said then left the dining room carrying his cell phone. While the mother also finished with her food and got ready to go to the office. "Come on, hurry up and finish your meal Devan. Don't be late for school!" Mamah said then kissed Devan's cheek briefly. Devan is now alone in the dining room. As usual in the morning every day. He snorted in annoyance and took his bag as he said goodbye to his bi inem household assistant. Devan leaves the house in his car. He is in the third grade of high school, already has a private car. Devan immediately drove quickly so as not to be late for school. His face looks flat. There was a feeling of hatred that could not be expressed in his heart. When I got to school, my first lesson was math. Dean really didn't like it at all. He was only demanded by his parents to get good grades. "Today, I want to announce my math score," said a math teacher firmly. "Duh, what's my score," said Riri worriedly who sat behind Devan. "Ah, you don't have to worry. You must have scored 90 or not 80. I'm the one who's worried. I'll definitely get a five, oh, I'm really stupid," Zahra said with a sullen face. "It's really noisy in the back," Devan said with annoyance in his heart. He propped his chin with his palm as he watched the math teacher. "You want to announce the best grades in our class," said Pak Suryo while looking for a sheet of paper on the table. "The best score for yesterday's test was Riri Alisa Ningrum. Congratulations, Riri. Where's Riri?" asked Mr. Suryo, the oldest teacher among all school teachers. "Huh? How come? Why not me?" asked Devan confusedly in his heart. His face looked so panicked. Several students saw Devan in whispers. "That's really odd, Devan doesn't get the best grades. Usually he always gets the best marks for math tests," "Yeah, this is really weird," "Just look at his face, he looks really worried. I'm really sorry," Devan heard that. He was so fed up. He could not accept that he had to accept defeat like this. "Sir, this is Riri, sir. Sit in the corner!" Zahra exclaimed Riri's best friend. "Duh, I'm embarrassed to come to the front," said a white-skinned girl with natural red lips. He looked so happy and embarrassed at the same time. "Hurry up there. Pak Suryo is already waiting for you," Zahra whispered while pushing Riri's arm. "Come on Riri! Go ahead, sir, I have a present for you," said Pak Suryo kindly. Riri walked forward and at that time Devan's gaze was very scary when he saw Riri's back in front of him. "Here, as usual. You gave a pen to the student who got the best score on the math test," said Pak Suryo, handing over the gold-colored pen. "Yes, even though the pen doesn't cost much. But let's just say it's a real gold pen, OK?" said Mr. Suryo, laughing, making several students laugh while covering their mouths. "Thank you very much Pak Suryo," said Riri bowing politely while accepting the pen as a gift. When the first break has taken place. Riri and Zahra were eating in the cafeteria with gusto. "Very funny, Mr. Suryo. Giving gifts like this," Riri said, looking at the pen she was holding. "Yes, to keep memories, when we're not here anymore. It's a really good pen. It's like an old-fashioned concept," Zahra said, pretending to know the gold color of the pen. How come, you're so lucky you can beat Devan. Only this time! You learned the speeding system last night, didn't you?" Zahra said laughing but unfortunately Naynia choked and coughed. Here, drink this," the girl with the ponytail gave her a glass of water to her best friend.

Yadil1_yadil · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
16 Chs


"I'm afraid to go home. I know for sure that I will be angry with my father and mother. Damn it! Today is really annoying. Just watch out for Riri. I won't let you be in my position," said Devan, who was in front of the steering wheel. . He drove his car at high speed. Because he was feeling bad. Maybe if he could he would eat humans today too. It felt like it was raging in Dean's chest. He is lazy to go home. But he was too afraid to leave the house. His guts are really really small. "Devan, you're ten minutes late. Hurry up and go to maths lesson!" Said the mother with a fuss. Mama saw Devan from the car. Not yet clean body or lunch. The mother immediately scolded for math tutoring. "After tutoring, go straight to a modeling school, sir," Sofi's mother ordered firmly to Pak Burhan. Now the man with the burly body immediately got into Devan's car. Pak Burhan always takes Devan to tutoring. Deliberately done by Devan's parents. So that Devan can be monitored by Pak Burhan. "Why young master Devano? Why is his face so wrinkled?" asked Mr. Burhan kindly. Deven was silent. "I know, young master Devano must be tired, right, because after going home from school he was told to take math lessons. It's hard, it's hard first, it's easy then," he said with a smile. "So young master Devano doesn't have to be sad anymore. You have to keep your spirits up. This is for the good of young master Devano," said Mr. Burhan, smiling sweetly to comfort his employer. "Shit, why do I have to be so crybaby," said Devano in his heart while wiping the corners of his eyes that were about to burst into tears. "I don't like everything my parents like. I don't like math, I don't like being a model either!" shouted Devano in his heart loudly. Arrive in front of the math tutoring building. He just left without saying goodbye to Pak Burhan, the private driver. "I'm sorry for young master Devano," said Pak Burhan, shaking his head with a sad heart. At nine in the evening Devano was finished for all activities. He wanted to just lay down on the bed. "Eh eh, Devano! Here you are!" Papah with a face full of anger called Devano who was at the door of the room. Just wanted to lay down. But can not. "What's wrong daddy?" asked Devano lazily. His face was so tired. He walked over to his father who was standing beside the couch in the living room. "Are you serious, you only get a nine-five math score?" asked papa who saw the school's WhatsApp group. "Yeah dad, why the heck? That's already good dad," said Devano casually. Even though his heart was pounding because soon he would be beaten by his father. "Are you kidding Devano? You got the second highest score? Not the first! Who was the first?" Papa asked while looking at his cellphone and reading the name. "Riri Alisa Ningrum? Who is she? Why can you be beaten by a Devano woman!" Papa looks very angry. "Yes, sorry Dad, Devan also doesn't know why he suddenly beat Devan," said Devan, lowering his head. The feeling was so scared. "You know the consequences if you are defeated? We have to accept the punishment from papah," said the papah who unbuckled his pants belt. He began to prepare to beat Devan. "Pah, don't daddy! Devan promised to beat Riri. But please don't hit Devan Pah!" asked Devan in a pitiful tone. "No way! This is a lesson for you Devan!" said the papa firmly. "Face there you!" ordered the father and the boy could not do much. Devan could only turn around while lowering his head and closing his eyes. Plaque plaque plaque The pain was so felt on Devan's back.

Even though he was still wearing clothes, it was very painful for Devan. The mother who was in the kitchen was very surprised to hear that sound. He immediately ran quickly and saw his favorite child being beaten just like that. "Pah! Papah! Done daddy!" Mama grabbed Papa's arm quickly and made the angry man stop hitting Devan. "Mama! Always defend Devan! Devan must receive punishment for not getting the highest score in ma class!" Snapped the man with the hardened jaw. His hand is about to hit again. But immediately held by his wife. "That's enough dad! What if Devan gets sick? So he can't go to modeling school! Papa is always selfish!" The woman with sharp eyes immediately pulled her son's wrist quickly. Leave the man who is the leader of the family. "Damn! Boys are always spoiled! Hey, what do you want to be later," he said angrily. Meanwhile, the mother immediately opened the child's back in the kitchen. "Oh my gosh, it's so red! You're crazy, Devan! You're here, sit down! Mama treat it," Mom said, quickly opening the medicine box. Dean was crying inside. He couldn't cry anymore. Because i i was too sick for him. He hates having to take his eyes out. He really hates it. "Patience, honey, you have to be patient with daddy's attitude. Later, when mom already has a lot of money. I'm sure mom will ask for a divorce from your dad. Because your daddy always makes you sick. I know you really don't like math, right? But your daddy was right really obsessed with making you the champion of the international mathematics olympiad like he used to be," said mom angrily. "Don't mom, don't talk about divorce and divorce. Devan doesn't like it," Devan said firmly. "Yes, dear, yes, I'm sorry, dear. Mama is really annoyed with your father because of that," said the mother while continuing to treat her only child's back. "How was the modeling school, dear? Wasn't it? It was fun, wasn't it? Mama saw your photos in the wa group. Good results. Keep it up Devan. Surely you can become a famous model. Mama always supports you dear," said the mother trying to cheer her up the child is in pain. "Yes ma'am, it's delicious. Yes, I hope Devan can become an international model," Devan replied, smiling full of lies. He had to lie to make his mother feel happy. "If you can become a famous model, then you can travel the world. Hey, later on, Mom can join you too. It must be really exciting. Meet world-famous models!" the story of the mother with great enthusiasm. Devan, meanwhile, was silent, swallowing hard. He really couldn't say anything. There was a feeling of wanting to rebel in his heart. But somehow it feels so very difficult. In the room Devan sat on the study table. He has to learn math again to beat Riri. Even though he doesn't like math. But he had to do his father's orders so that he would not be beaten again. Devan looked at the gold colored pen in his drawer. The pen was a gift from the math teacher who always praised him when he got good grades. Lots of pens in the drawer but he never used them at all. *** "This is all because of Riri! I was beaten by my father!" said Devan in the car with annoyance in his chest. He drove the car to school at high speed. "Why is everything so cloudy!" he said with a sullen face while looking at the dark sky in the morning. The bustling streets and the vast sky looked so dark. Like at night. Suddenly it rained very hard. Devan who was in the mobile snorted in annoyance. The road started slippery and unexpectedly he hit a girl on a bicycle.

" Unlucky! Isn't that Riri!" Devan said in shock. He immediately got out of the car and helped Riri who fell. Her leg was in pain with the bicycle pressing on her. The rain made both of their uniforms completely soaked. "You really bother RI. Hurry up and get in the car!" Devan said in a high tone because the sound of the rain was so loud. Riri just kept quiet and tried to stand up. It was her fault because she wasn't focused while riding her bicycle. Riri sat in the car and Devan was still trying to put Riri's bike behind her. the car. Finally finished. But unfortunately the clothes Devan was wearing were all soaked. "Damn! So all wet!" Devan said while sitting on the car seat and closing the car door quickly. Meanwhile Riri watched Devna from the back seat. She was very afraid of Devan's anger. "Take my clothes in the back," said Devan telling Riri and Riri to start looking Devan's shirt behind him. Hanged neatly on hanger. Hoodie which was deliberately brought for later for modeling school. Riri's hand immediately grabbed it and gave it to Devan. Devan's hand grabbed it quickly and put it on the right chair beside him. Devan immediately without shame opened it her uniform top. Riri didn't expect it. She saw the wound on Devan's back. Red with big lines. "Devan? What's wrong with her back?" asked Riri in her heart. "Actually I don't want to help you. Because it's lol's fault. But later I was beaten by the residents. So I'll help you," said Devan, who was now wearing a white hoodie. His face looked flat. "Devan? Do you not join martial arts school? What's wrong with your back?" Riri asked in a doubtful tone. Devan's face looked very worried. "No, it's okay. I just fell," Devan said, quickly driving his car. He hoped that Riri would not know the reality of what happened to Devan. There was no conversation after that. Devan remained focused on the road ahead. Meanwhile, Riri kept wondering what was going on in her heart. what happened to Devan. Only two minutes the car arrived in front of the school. It was no longer raining until school. Immediately Devan came down and helped unload Riri's bicycle. "Thanks, Devan," Riri said with a friendly smile Devan just kept quiet walking so fast . He doesn't want to be closer than Riri. He doesn't like to be close to anyone at this school. Being alone is the most comfortable for him. "That's really weird, kid," Riri said, looking at Devan's back that was getting further away. Devan is still Devan who is always alone around school. No one dared to approach Devan. He was too strange to be approached. "Hello, ma'am?" Devan called, who had just picked up his mother's cell phone. "You hurry up here! Mama has good news for you!" cried mom with great enthusiasm. "What do you mean mom? Devan was told to come home? What's wrong mom?" asked Dean, confused. "Look, you have a lot of Instagram followers. Your photo has gone viral Devan! There are so many DMs endorsing it. Come on, just go home," Mom said enthusiastically. "Devan can't go home mom. Today there is math lesson. Devan can't skip school. Dad will scold him later," Devan's eyes were firm. "Okay, you go straight home after school. Hurry up, don't take too long!" mom said firmly. "But after school, Devan has a math lesson, ma'am," "Are you afraid of being angry with daddy? Don't be afraid anymore. Mama will take care of daddy later," Mom said firmly. "Yes, it's up to mom," Devan said in a flat tone. He immediately hung up the call. And walked towards. Now Devan quickly headed to his class. "Wow, there's a candidate for a celebrity program," Zahra said looking at the cellphone with Devan's Instagram account.

Devan just glanced at it then sat back casually leaning back. "I think there will be a new artist in our class!" Zahra exclaimed mockingly. Hearing that Riri accelerated her steps towards Zahra who was sitting. "What's wrong Zah?" Riri asked curiously. "Just look at this, there are so many followers!" Zahra exclaimed showing Devan's Instagram account. "Wow, that's a lot! That's cool!" Riri said glancing at Devano. There is a sense of sadness when remembering the wound on Devano's back. "Is it possible for a quiet guy like Devano to suddenly become a celebrity?" Zahra said deliberately. Making Devano's ears really hot. He finally stood up and left the class. "Shit! This is all because of mom? I was ridiculed like that by Zahra! Who wants to be a celebrity and be seen by lots of people!" said Devan, kicking an empty drink bottle in the wide field.