
High school jocks tends to bring out the worst in you ( number1 badass

To everyone I’m that easy target , well I've been labelled as a nerd my whole life and there I met him , the most sophisticated human any one ever know and just like that my whole world went from being too ..... down the drain and it all started when I moved to my grandparents town . well I wish I didn’t go to the slumber party maybe my dignity would have been saved , that secret I’ve been protecting would have stayed that way and my life would have stayed the same but now I’m involved with the badass jock . “Scoff , you really think I’m in love with you ?Tsk!. *** "We have a new student , please come in . *foot step approaching [tum tum*. I walked into the classroom striding gracefully. I raised up my head , my eyes lock with his . He looks taken aback , I smirked . My mother told me no one can hurt you except if you wants to hurt yourself and one more thing, sometimes revenge is better ". He continue staring at me in surprise. I held my head high "welcome to your worst nightmare ".

Ayodeji_Christiana · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
34 Chs

I’m sorry Sunny


Maybe because I was embarrassed and that jerk word hit me hard .

I was back to that nerdy nerd style .

"You're not ready yet ?" Kane asked going through my wardrobe.

"Of course I am " I rely giving him that you're kidding look .

I don't know but I've been ignoring Fred calls or text .

"You know you should not be mad at him anymore, right " Kendall said sleeping on my bed .

She's right but why did he show it to her ?.

"You know better babe if he show it to her or not she's still gonna be a pain in the ass"She said doing the imaginative beating on Mackenzie.

"Gosh! I can't be late for practice leggo" she said dragging Kane by the ear dragging him out .

I entered the car and ps we're back to Kanes old car.

"You know you need to change this car " Kendall said .

"Who cares about that ? , girls love me ".

"Pfft! In your dream sucker" she said laughing at Kane who pout his lip .