
High school dxd God system

This story follows the story of Ren A young adult of 18 years old, who dies wronged by God and gets reincarnated in the World of dxd , we will see how his adventure as he fights strong people and gets A LOT OF WAIFUS. Sorry if my English is bad, this story is just a hobby of Mine is My first time writing something like fanfiction and it fun and also hard. Respect for the other who wrote a long story.

Daoinfinitydream · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

A new World and Waifus

This morning, Ren got up like every other day, he always gets up at seven and go to eat breakfast at his coffee shop, then go to plays a little computer game, then go read some manga and some light novel until dawn, and then he goes work until late at night.

It was like every morning, he was seated in his coffee shop trying to make some new coffee while watching the news.

"There have been sightings of strange events happening in the center, citizens are informed to be cautious," said a reporter as he walked through the center of the city.

"They have been dangerously increasing recently," Thought Ren.

The last time something strange happened was in a nearby downtown area where a cafeteria exploded or in the Train station where someone was suddenly aggressed.

Soon he finished his breakfast and dressed in sports clothes while going out for a run since he always went around the area a few times while buying some furniture for when he returned home.

Ren was running down the street minding his own business. Suddenly there was a cry for help nearby.

"Help I'm being robbed!" Ren thought about it for a moment and reluctantly decided to help.

He was not a saint that doesn't mean that you treat others the way you don't want to be treated.

I mean will have the impulse to some good deed sometimes Ren went down the alleyway the call came from and found a girl being Assaulted.

"You! Turn right around and Go if you want to live!" The robber called out while pointing a gun at him. ren sighed and replied

"Do you mean that? This is not a simple Attack, that means you go to jail for what a few years? And the life in jail is not very Good, is that worth it?" The robber suddenly faltered as he considered Ren's words.

Ren thought the situation was settled until he saw the robber's hand started shaking while the gun was still pointed at him.

"Hey, let's calm down, and" he was suddenly cut off as the robber accidentally fired the gun and hit him.

" holy f****," Ren thought.

The girl screamed, but he could barely hear it as his consciousness drifted further away.

Soon his eyes closed when his life disappeared and he felt nothing neither the surroundings nor his body.

The funny thing was there was peace, But after a few minutes he could feel his body again but there was some heat coming from his heart, this made him feel strange when he opened his eyes just to notice the darkness everywhere.

The whole area was dark, there was no sign of life, not even the sound was there.

"What happened? Did I not die?" He had many questions to ask, but soon it was as if inspiration hit him.

"This can not be true? For real " His only thoughts would be novels.

"Hello, young one " Ren was so focused on his thoughts that when he heard the sudden voice, he was so afraid that his heart seemed to burst and seemed stupid because he was already dead.

Turning his head, his gaze made contact with the person who spoke, it could be said that he seemed to be a man of about the age of a grandfather with gentle blue eyes and a long beard. He was seated in a strange multicolored lotus.

"This? Where am I?" I asked, but I already had an idea from the beginning.

"Boy, you died and I decided to allow you to reincarnate in a world, you can reject my offer and just go to heaven or hell it will depend on your karma point " He pointed to a white door that suddenly appeared and a door in black with flame.

"I have a question". I was very confused about being given what every otaku will dream all their life but never obtain.

"Go ahead, young one."

"Why did he give me a chance? After all, I do not think I have good karma" Ren, although he never did anything illegal or discriminated against, he will not deny that a part of him was a bit pervert but a gentlemen pervert.

"Hahaha, you are very careful, but you must not fear, the reason to give you this opportunity is that it was my mistake for killing you ... I was thinking about something and I lost focus of my divine power so the mortal world was affected by some strange thing especially bad luck ".

"I understand ... what world will it be? Or will a choose the world ? ".

" You can choose, it an also a bonus for my mistake ."

"I want to go to High School Dxd, it "It's a world where there are angels, fallen angels, demons and dragons" Ren he always thoughts that it will be awesome, he wanted to go to his world it was his little dream, he dreamed of being a dragon and have a beautiful romance.

"OH I see young one, due to my mistake and when counting the circumstances, I can only give you three wishes, but I must tell you that you must think them well, once you have chosen that there will be no turning back".

Ren had his brain processed at maximum speed to know what he wants, he thought of innumerable abilities or weapons that could help him in that world. It was the first time he thoughts so much in all his life.

"Well ..." he thoughts to speak but hesitated a moment.

"Did you decide young one ? also I can give you a suggestion ".The white grandfather said while letting a small smile that give me a strange feeling all of sudden.

"Oh alright," I replied surprised.

"I can give you a system, It just a simple system it has a shop and a map and an inventory"

After listening I begin to think seriously about his proposal, it was not a bad choice to have a system.

After thinking I replied " I accept your proposition"

"Young one, I send you whenever you want begins . Do you have any preferences regarding your family?".

"if that's the case, it's better to be born as a devil in a powerful family, I want to be reincarnated before the canon."

"He's a brave young one, it's a pity a killed him without wanting to … the human life is so brittle" The White grandfather, whose name is The God of All.

"Thank you!" Soon Ren became a halo of light that disappeared in the void.

'In another world underworld, in the small mansion, a new baby was being born.