
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Geschichte
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21 Chs


Shortly after, Quin Shin exited the tower too. Asher felt the world around him lost all iota of light and he was thrown into exreme darkness.

Asher felt drowsy so he decided to calm himself first and maintain consciousness. Asher inhaled and exhaled deeply.

Surprisingly, the darkness was completely blow away by his single breath. Asher beheld trees.

Asher looked at his feet and he saw that he was standing on a field, his surroundings consisted of mainly trees, plants and flowers.

vibrant Rivers and water bodies could be seen in the distance. The beautiful scene was further amplified by the presence of the happy looking rainbows that colored the sky.

Despite the naturally pretty things that surrounded him, Asher completely failed to notice them. Instead, he was reaally annoyed by this new transition.

Where the hell is this now!? Asher shouted at his pretty surroundings.

Do not fret...

Before this unknown voice could say anything further, Asher cut it off in annoyance.

I was never fretting!

It was very obvious that whoever or whatever owned this voice was surprised by Asher's mannerisms.

Young teen, Calm down...

Asher cut it short with a very abrupt order. Show yourself.

The manner in which Asher spoke and what he meant was clear. The discussion was certainly not going to continue if whoever was speaking to him still decided to stay invisible.

Young teen, calm dowon and...

Shut it! Asher yelled in anger, the fact that he had discovered that the other Asher who was an elite bore the same face with him really bothered him. He hoped for nothing more than going home and thinking.

You have no right to speak to me if you don't show yourself.

The voice sounded again. I've already shown myself long ago.

Asher had an angry smirk on his face. Eh? is that so? where are you then? why can't I see you, or am I blind!?

Asher heard a short laughter reply his question. Look around you, everything you see is me.

Are you kidding? you mean to tell me that the trees and waters I'm seeing, They are all you?

That's right.

Asher paused for a while. He knew that his anger and frustration was making him unreasonably rude and harsh so he decided to calm down. So...In other words, You're nature?

The voice responded in the affirmative. You could say so. But we choose to go by the name, The world's order.

Asher shrugged. We...? On a second thought he realized that it shouldn't actually be one person. After all there were many natural things there.

So why am I here? This question had lingered on Asher's mind for a very long time.

World's order spoke again. You're here for a purpose. The transitions you've been having is the planning phase of the Havoc you've wrecked on earth.

Asher was confused. Me? I wrecked no havoc, Dude.

You know exactly what I'm talking about, Kid. You were blessed with much more brains than this.

Asher kept a straight face as he spoke. That kid...could't possibly be...me right?

The world's order sighed. Why ask when you aready know? if it isn't you then who is it? It is you. It was all you. all the societal problems that that destroys the world today was all created by you.

Asher gritted his teeth in annoyance. No matter what anyone said, that kid wasn't him. It could have been his previous life, but it certainly isn't him.

Asher was starting to lose patience with the World's abomination so he decided to bring the converstaiom closer to it's end by going to the main point.

So what now? what do you want from me?

The world's order spoke. We want you to bring things back to order, return the world back it's original state.

Asher was quiet so the world's order continued speaking. The current elites are more cruel than ever and plan to bring untold havoc to the world.

Asher's shoulders slumped. So what do you want me to do?

The world's order was seemingly surprised by this question. I just told you that...

Asher cut him off irritatedly. You didn't tell me anything of importance. Give me a plan, how do I achieve the impossible feat of fighting the past?

Asher suddenly thought of something. Or wait...What if I refuse?

The world's order let out a small mocking laugh. You can't, It is not in your power to do so. If you refuse, You would keep reincarnating until you accomplish the task.

What's more, in every life you reincarnate, you would be doing so with a curse. And the curse of your previous life would still latch unto you.

Asher blinked unwilingly. So, my curse in this life is...Dissociative identity disorder?

Yes it is.The world's order replied. And imagine if you're reincarnated as a blind person, then you would be a blind child which alternate identities. How bad would that be?

Asher's eyes twitched. Was there really no way out of this mess?

This wasn't fair. He didn't commit any of those atrocities, it was all the Asher in his transition. So why is he paying for it?

Asher looked around him. So how am I supposed to ahieve this task alone? Don't I get a superpower or at least a system?

Asher had a feeling that the trees and waters around him was laughing at him.

No, you don't get anything of such. And thats because you already have the greatest power of all. You've already been blessed with a superpower since your past life.

Asher's eyes lit up. The idea of having a superpower excited him like nothing else.

And what is this superpower, If I may ask?

The world's order spoke. Brains. You have the unequalled power of a super brain.

Asher's spirits fell and his soul was instantly killed. Was this dude trying to make brains sound cool?

My brain? Asher mumbled annoyedly.

The world's order responded. Yes, your brain. If you haven't noticed, your brain is much more efficient and works faster than that of even highly smart humans. You have the unequalled talent of thinking.

Asher's eyes was blank as he stuck out his thumb in an upside manner and showed it to the trees around him.




Asher was really unimpressed by the idea of his brains being a superpower.

If even if I was so awesome, why did you have to give me this weird disease then?

The world's order spoke, almost annoyed.

You're one sassy kid, we're done here.

There were obviously many changes that had occured but the world's and many new things that Asher could do but the world's order wouldn't tell him because of his attitude.

Asher stuck out his thumb and tongue as his environment once again changed.