
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Geschichte
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21 Chs

Second identity

The morning assembly was short, Just about fifteen minutes.

As Asher returned to his class, he wondered why he had not yet seen even a single boy in this class.

He saw a small crowd of white shirts troop into senior first year class.

There were about fifteen boys, the rest of the forty plus students that walked into the class were girls.

Asher waited for the class to settle down then he moved to the back where all the boys were gathered.

As Asher settled in on the seat, all the boys swarmed around him.

The class was a very big one.

The school was built like a house.

The living room was used as the art class. The two rooms were used as science and commercial classes.

The bathrooms were not functional while the kitchen was used as the teacher's office.

Whenever there was a general class like maths and English, everyone gathered in art class which was the biggest class.

Are you Ronaldo's son?

A short black boy who was identified as David spoke to Asher.

Asher smiled as he spoke. Nope, I'm not.

David who thought his joke was funny also smiled.

Truly, Asher looked like Ronaldo.

You look like Ronaldo. David spoke.

Asher nodded his head. He got that a lot.

Another boy who had a very rough hair spoke. This boy was called Alex.

Alex's leg was disfigured. His leg curved unnaturally to form a circle. It was known as bowl leg.

Despite this disfigurement that placed an emphasis on reduction of his height, Alex was still one of the tallest boys in his class.

Thus, He was way taller than Asher.

Can you play Soccer?

Asher nodded his head. I'm not bad at it.

David asked another question. Can you teach me how to play?

Asher knew that David was just trying to be friendly.

Asher decided to throw a joke too. Of course I can teach you, But you'll have to pay.

David raised his brows. How much?

Asher paused a bit. He bit his lower lip while smiling mischievously.

Fifty thousand per hour.

David opened his mouth in astonishment. When you're not a thief!

David expcted Asher to say something ridiculous, But this one was too much.

Asher, Alex and David laughed out loud.

As they conversed, Asher said something and David nudeg him with his elbow.

Asher smiled inwardly. He was slowly going to Show these people what type of person he was.

Asher suddenly feigned an exaggerated surprise. Why did you poke me? You're going to stain me with your color!

Asher was fair and David was dark, very dark. The contrast was very evident, the truthfulness of the matter made the whining much more funny.

Alex broke out in a silent laughter. As he laughed, He stole pitiful glances at David accentuating the insult.

Just then, The bell for the first period was rung.

Following that, a teacher walked into the class.

Asher excused himself to go get stationeries from the school.

Asher stood at the same window where the principal was yesterday.

A young boy of about twenty three years attended to Him.

Asher took a casual glance at his back and he was greeted by the sight ofa dark, short girl standing shyly behind him.

Her lips were glossy red and she gave off an aura of a very calm and quiet demeanor. Her dark skin glowed like the morning sun.

She was undeniably very pretty.

Asher turned back to facing the window.

The girl was probably one of those extremely short seniors.

Asher walked back to his class.

He had a very uneventful first day at school, save for the darkl girl that somehow lingered in his mind.

The next day, Asher saw the same girl standing in the junior section. She was in her junior final year.

Immediately after the assmebly, The bell for sports was rung.

Asher walked down the stairs happily. He loved sports very much.

His excitement died a sudden death when the sports kicked off.

What sort of nonsense is this!?

Asher muttered in annoyance when he had ben doing exercise for about ten minutes.

He thought that sport times was all about sports. But he couldn't believe he was forced to do some lame exercises for the past ten minutes.

After what seemed like ages to him, the students were dismissed and they all went to engage in games that seemed fun to them.

The bell was eventually rung, signifying the end of sports time.

Asher was happy that such boring sports had finally come to an end.

Asher had not yet made any friends. He was one to choose his freinds wisely. And as things stood, Asher was sure he was not going to make any friends unless a new student came.

Time passed very quickly. Asher's blackouts had becone very frequent. He decided to always move around with a camera that was stuck to him, videoing himself to monitor what he did during the blackout.

Asher was shocked to see a totally different person, The onlything he shared with this newperson was the same face.

Apart from that, he was always alone. Never smiling and always rude with his manners and approach.

But something bothered him, The person he became seemed to be after something. Always on his phone and doing research. The research was always based on Religion and something about six kids in a room.

Asher knew what was happening to him.

He always saw this in movies. Asher knew he had dissociative identity syndrome.

No one knew about this, not even his parents.

Asher's fears were confirmed one day when he suddenly woke up with a start.

Asher saw his mom's laptop in front of him.

On it, there were letters.

Asher read the writing that was on the screen of the laptop.

I know you already know who I am. But I still deem introduction very important. I am your second identity. I have discovered something very shocking but I can't really tell you anything for now. But, be prepared. I will contact you by this means whenever I need you.

Asher was dumbfounded. What sort of problem had he landed into?

Well…it wasn't him but still…

…it was him.

He had to be prepared as he was told,

Something told him that he was entangled in something that was larger than life.