
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Geschichte
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21 Chs

First day at school

As Asher stood watching the girls converse, He noticed the fat girl calm down a little.

As if controlled by something, everyone suddenly turned to stare at the stranger in their midst.

A short girl with pimples all over her face walked up to him.

What's your name? She asked.

Although the short girl had plenty of pimples, that didn't mar her in any way. She was still very pretty.

Asher noticed that the school was populated with girls, and that was a good thing.

At least it was a good thing for him.

My name is Asher.

Another girl continued the questioning.

How old are you?

Asher smiled inwardly, He knew where this was going.

Asher looked very small, He looked like a ten year old.

So, if these girls were going to crush on him, they had to be sure they weren't crushing on their junior first.

I'm thirteen years old. Asher replied.

The two girls nodded their heads slowly.

…so far so good..

Then the last and most important question was asked.

What class?

Asher smiled at them, making him look even more handsome.

Asher enjoyed this very much. He loved to see the look on the faces of girls as they uncovered information about him.

I'm in my first senior year.

Woah! He's our classmate! The pimple faced girl exclaimed in pleasant surprise.

Joy calm down! The second girl chided her.

Even though The second girl had a smooth face, no pimples whatsoever, Joy was still significantly prettier than her.

Eheh! A female voice broke out in mock surprise.

Joy turned around to see the girl who was definitely in the mood to find some trouble.

You're thirteen and in your senior year already?

The tall girl who was identified as Deborah suddenly walked up to him.

Joy immediately defended Asher who only had a look of interest on his face.

So? Deborah, what is wrong with that?

We have twelve years olds in our class, so what's wrong with a thirteen years old?

Deborah inhaled deeply in mock acceptance of defeat.

Hmm..no problem. Deborah spoke to no one in particular. Tomorrow, maybe a ten year old would even be resuming with us.

Asher nodded his head as he watched the tall Deborah drag her feet out.

Joy turned to him again. Don't mind Deborah, she's always like that.

But you will have to cope with her though, she's going to be your classmate.

Shortly after, Asher was given his uniform and he went home.

It fitted him perfectly, but there was a problem. It was short sleeves.

Seniors were supposed to be wearing long sleeves, but Asher didn't really care.




Asher stood up with a start.

Wow, I slept?

Asher looked out of the window only to behold a dark sky.

It's dark already? How long did I sleep?




Hearing the knock again, Asher immediately remembered the reason he woke up.

Asher walked to his door and opened the door.

Willow and Mila walked in.

Asher was tired after sleeping so he just sat down on a couch.

Can't you wait to close the door?

That annoying voice again. It was definitely Mila.

Asher hissed as he turned on the television.

Am I not talking to you? Mika's pitch was rising. She was definitely getting annoyed.

Asher ignored her as he searched the decoder for any soccer channels that was featuring an interesting match.

Mila still stood in front of the door, leaving it ajar.

Willow was annoyed by the impending noise that was going to ensue once Asher opened his mouth to reply her.

Hey, this girl, Shut up and close that door! You've barely even entered the house and you're already looking to start a fight.

Mila closed the door in frustration and stomped into the room.

Willow shouted after her. Get out of that room and go prepare food!

Mila again stormed out of the room into the kitchen.

Asher, Did you get it?

Asher raised his head in a bit of confusion.

Get what? Was I supposed to get anything?

Not speaking, Willow shook her head In a funny manner.

Asher suddenly realized what she was talking about. Oh? The uniform? Yes, I got it.

I'm starting tomorrow, I guess?

Willow hissed as she brought bout her phone and started typing something on it.

Asher sighed in disdain at the sight of the very slow typing that was happening in front of him. He stood up and started walking into his room.

I'm going to bed, wake me early tomorrow.

Asher switched channel to his mom's favorite channel before he went into his room.

You're not going to eat? Willow asked, not taking her eyes off her phone.

Asher stopped in his tracks.

Food…He loved it very much.

I'll eat it in the morning.

Willow sighed at her son. He was a very promising young boy, but his approach to certain things…

…could be very ruthless at times.

Asher! Wake up!

Willow tapped him ferociously. But the boy just didn't want to wake up.

Asher opened his eyes slowly. He looked at the dim sky, it was dawn already.

Asher stood up slowly to prepare for school.


Am leaving. Asher spoke to his mother who was praying.

Willow was a devout worshipper of Almighty.

Some may say, A little to devout.

Well…no one could blame her. There was a time in her life when she would have almost lost her mind if she didn't cling onto Almighty. Since then, the Abahlawuleli religion has given her the needed emotional support she needed to retain her sanity.

Willow didn't reply him but Asher knew she heard him. Asher walked out of the house and down the stairs into the street.

It was drizzling a bit. So Asher hastened his steps.

Asher saw a girl that was clad in the pilgrims uniform.

The girl peered at him curiously. She was sure that boy didn't attend her school. But yet, he was in her school's uniform.

Transfer student, probably?

Asher took a glance at the girl that was about his height. She was as fair as him and she had few pimples on her cheek.

In about six minutes, Asher had arrived at the school.

Outside the school, Asher hesitated a bit.

The Pilgrims college…

Here goes nothing.

Asher was directed to his class and he sat down there, waiting for the morning assembly to begin.

Two girls were already in the class when he arrived , they immediately tried to strike up a conversation with him.

Asher responded warmly to their talks, although he didn't really care what they were saying.

Shortly, the girl he met on his way to school walked into the class.

Olivia! One of the girls shouted. We have a new student, As usual, principal made a mistake.

Guess what she did this time?

The fair girl who had been identified as Olivia smiled. She gave him a wrong uniform?

Yes! The other girl shouted excitedly.

I saw him on my way to school. Olivia spoke again.

Asher removed his eyes from Olivia.

If you asked him, she was honestly…

…not beautiful!