
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Geschichte
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21 Chs


Asher felt himself falling through the air. He was a bit scared but somehow, he knew nothing was going to happen to him, he couldn't possibly damage a body that wasn't there. Only a body that existed could take damage. Right now, his body could occupy a space with another object, and that was impossible, that only goes so far as to show that he was non-existent.

Asher landed soundlessly and he immediately went to feeling the sand. He didn't want to waste any time because even though time was paused, his own time was still moving and he didn't know just how long Time would be paused.

So you see? Time is always precious. Even when time is paused, time still moves.

Asher let the sand slip through his hands slowly, letting it fall and picking it up again.

It's definitely the same sand.

Asher stood up slowly as he spoke to himself. Alright brains, let's do this…

Asher closed his eyes as he made a mental map of his city, he visualized every part of the city and gave himself a top perspective, so that he was looking at his city from above. Then he carried it and tried to fit it into this place, where the sand was. It was a little difficult, but he was progressing slowly.

Asher hadn't lived in the city for a very long time, but at least he knew most parts of it, he only left his brain to do the rest and make up for the missing parts of the city in his mind.

Asher imagined he was standing in the spot he stood just before he got transported to this place. Sensing that it wasn't quite working or rather, it wasn't giving him the accurate result he desired, he decided to try something else.

His previous approach worked fine, but he wasn't still able to see every part of the city as he only stood above it, it didn't make him bigger than the city.

Asher closed his eyes again, delving into the deepest parts of his mind, thankfully, everywhere was very quiet, not even the wind was moving and it was all the tranquility he needed.

Asher created a mental map of his city, structured the buildings and the streets in it. But he obviously didn't make a mental map of the tower, instead, he just left a space so he could see where the tower would fit. Asher then shrank the size of the city and placed it on his palm.

There. Asher mumbled to himself.

It was even easier this way, he was able to see everything perfectly and he was pretty sure of the accuracy of his analysis.

The vividness of his imagination was shocking to behold. It was even clearer than an average person's eyesight.

On the white sand where he stood, there was a tower. Asher tried to place the city he made on the white sand and it worked perfectly well, with the tower fitting into the city.

So really, his city was built in this white sand, that meant that the tower had to be somewhere around his house. Asher was joyed to make this discovery.

Asher successfully placed the city on the sand, then he snapped it to his brain, making a mental 3D scene so he could go back to it anytime, and he won't have to expend much energy.

But the next moment, he noticed that he was sweating profusely. Asher was mentally exhausted, he was starting to feel a slight head ache coming up.

Even his super brain could be stressed, and he had pushed it to the limit right here.

Asher slowly walked back to the tower, he was too tired to keep on making mental notes on the city. In his free time, he would work on it and find more clues. For now, he was going to see what the world's order had for him since it so easily accepted his request to be transported to this place again.

Asher walked towards the tower and he stood beneath it. Staring up at the massive black tower, Asher wondered how he was going to get back to the room at the top of the tower.

Suddenly, he realized that he was back at the tower, in the same room.

He didn't know how he did it, but he was quite happy for being able to pull this off.