
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · Geschichte
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21 Chs


Asher nodded his head. Yes, the great almighty has been angered, it is only because of the immense love he has for us that he has not destroyed us yet, rather he sent darkness to the earth.

Adonis was silent, if he wasn't actually seeing the darkness, he would have walked out of here since.

Asher decided to speak again since Adonis was quiet.

Adonis was no longer hearing Asher efficiently. He was starting to feel sick because of the smell and the smoke that was burning in the room.

Despite this, Adonis could feel that his mind was much clearer Even though his sense organs were seemingly blurring out the information it sent him.

Do you want to become the emperor of the Florin empire?

Adonis was no longer hearing Asher very well, instead, he felt Asher's words in his mind. It gave him the feeling that Asher's words were flowing in his mind.

Asher raised his brows. Why do you ask? Even if I wanted to, You wouldn't be able to help me achieve that. Even the king of the Sodarian empire can't have a say in the royal affairs of the florn empire, talk less of a kid like you.

Asher's eye twitched under the red veil. This guy was belittling the whole Sodarian empire!

Asher felt a little awkward hearing Adonis speak. The boy spoke the truth, but sometimes the truth was best silenced.

Asher laughed awkwardly. Underestimation kills.

Nevertheless, Asher was still glad that the smoke in the room seemed to be working Normally, Adonis wouldn't speak this much and he wouldn't go so far as to insult the entire sodarian empire. It must be the effect of the smoke at work.

Asher laughed again before he spoke. Asher was timing his laughter and he laughed in a controlled manner as if he was being forced to laugh.

His laughter sounded more like, Ho Ho Ho!

What you've said may be true, but you never can tell where help would come from. Moreover you haven't answered my question. Do you want to become the emperor of the florin empire?

Adonis hesitated a bit before he finally spoke in a low tune. Yes, I do. But how do plan on helping me achieve such an ambition?

Asher smiled. I never said I was going to help you...Or...Did I?

Adonis shook his head. No, you didn't. Why else would you ask if you didn't want to help me?

Asher stood up as he laughed calculatedly. Come, let me show you the wonders of our almighty.

As if in a trance, Adonis stood up wordlessly and followed Asher who led him to the window.

Asher brought out an oval shaped scaly object which resembled a bomb. Adonis couldn't see this due to the darkness that came along with the eclipse.

With the help of the cover of the darkness and Adonis's weak state of mind, Asher secretely dropped the ground while he prayed.

Oh, Great Almighty. Prove yourself to this doubtful soul, come into our midst now. Send a sign that will make Adonis believe in you, Almighty, save the soul of this young boy.

As he finished praying, The ground below the Tower suddenly caught on fire and the tower shook vehemently.

Adonis was flabbergasted as he watched the passing episode. Adonis almost fell off the tower in his shock. How did that happen?!

Asher gently pulled the boy back to his seat. So? Do you now believe in Almighty?

The shock of the moment still hadn't left Adonis. Well...What can I say? He's obviously real.

Asher laughed heartily. Yes, He sure is real!

Asher brought out a short and slick rope which was tied to a pendant that spiraled around itself.

Focus on this, Don't lose your focus no matter what. Asher spoke to Adonis and he immediately started swinging the pendant slowly.

Adonis obeyed the instruction and locked all his attention on the dangling pendant. Adonis's concentration level was so high that Adonis stopped noticing the happenings around him.

It came to a point that Adonis was no longer hearing anything. Noticing his unwavering concentration, Asher started speaking.

Adonis wasn't hearing Asher, Rather he felt what the boy was saying. Adonis felt like what Asher was saying was being engraved in his soul and he wasn't going to forget it, even in a thousand years.

Adonis suddenly found himself in a different consciousness. The next things that would happen to him would be the most unrealistic thing that would ever happen to him or anyone else.

Adonis found himself in a red space. Slowly, the red was being evaporated by a white light that covered half of the space. The white and Red stretched as far as Asher's eyes could see.

In the Red part, A beast like figure slowly approached him. At the same time, A holy and calm appearance slowly approached him from the white parts.

The Beast identified himself as the dark beast and the holy man identified himself as Almighty. They both stretched forth their hands and Adonis reached out and grabbed the hand of the Almighty.

Adonis could feel that his thoughts and actions were being guided by something, he couldn't control his body as he wished to. Because, right now, all he wanted to do was run away from this two people who stretched out their hand. But because of an unknown entity, he ended taking the hand of the man who was seemingly holy.

Immediately this happened, Adonis found himself seated in the room again with the six kids.

Just then, Adonis realized that the other kids had not even said a word since he walked into this place.

Yes! Almighty! I'm very grateful! Asher suddenly clasped his hands and reiterated this words constantly while shaking and moving back and front.

When Asher calmed down, Adonis stretched his hand and touched Asher slowly and carefully. What's the problem? You scared me there?

Asher smiled brightly at Adonis. You are very lucky, boy. You've found favour in the sight of Almighty.

Asher wanted to delay his next statement, But he caught the moon moving away from the sun with the corner of his eyes and so he couldn't delay it any further. The fact that the moon was already moving away means that some parts of the city would already be lit up.

Almighty is so pleased that he has decided to lift the curse that he placed on earth. Earth would no longer be in darkness.

As Asher finished speaking, A ray of sun pierced Adonis eyes and he immediately fell on his and started praying. Adonis didn't know how to pray, but he just repeated Asher's prayer only switching the words.

Seeing this, Quin Shin couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. A Jovial and free minded boy walked in here. Now he's leaving as one that is in bondage. A life long bondage that could never be broken.

Quin Shin Huang really didn't wish to be Adonis.