
Hidden Omega

****18 or older please**** Will is leading a great life as an Alpha in the A.V. industry. He is a leader in fan interest andattrated the interest of the hottest Omega in the industry. Everyone views him as the hottest, luckiest guy that cannot go anywhere without stealing hearts. But the truth is, he's an Omega. When a dominant Alpha begins working in the same filming studio, his who life gets flipped upside down. Will has to figure out how to keep his secret and still fulfill his Omega needs.

K_B_Bloom · LGBT+
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176 Chs

Chapter 2.41




Two weeks passed and we never heard personally from Jayden. Cora messaged me every day to check in and said Jayden was just really busy. At the end of 3 weeks of silence, I finally took the initiative and called Jayden.

When I was immediately sent to voicemail, I left the living room where everyone was watching T.V. and rushed into the kitchen. When I couldn't be seen anymore, I collapsed to my knees and began to cry. My head was filled with doubt and fear but I couldn't do anything. I can't go find him in Chicago and just leave the kids! Cora won't tell me anything other than they are fine and Jayden is busy.

I was brought out of my mind when Addie began crying and I wiped my face. I took a few deep breaths before going back in the living room and turning off the T.V.

"Alright, kiddos, time for bed." The twins pouted with pursed lips, but followed me upstairs as I carried Addie.

"Go ahead and go to bed, Will. We'll clean up."

I smiled to Chase and Emit before bring Addie to her bedroom. I rocked her to sleep before placing her in her crib and went to the twin's room. I came in to see they were already in their beds, patiently waiting for me.

I came over and kissed Archer on the head, "Momma?"

I brushed his hair out of his face, "yeah, baby?"

He looked down to the comforter he held in his hands, "is Dad coming back? He's been gone for a long time."

I caught my breath and looked to Ashley as she sniffled, "he hasn't answered our facetime calls."

I kissed Archer again before going over and holding Ashley's hand, "he's really busy. Your Dad is going to take over his family's business soon and it's very hectic."

"Do...do you still love him Momma?"

I fought tears as I faked a smile to Ashley, "I do love him."

"He doesn't love us anymore?"

I kissed her again, "of course he loves us. You're his kids and he asked to marry me. Don't worry, things will only get better and he's going to come home soon enough. I'm sure of it. Now, get some sleep, you two. You have a play date with Willow tomorrow after school."

I went out the door, shut it, and quietly made my way to the bedroom. I got ready for bed and couldn't think of anything but what the twin's said. I finally decided to do something about it. I called Cora's phone and waited patiently.

"Hold on!"

I sighed deeply as I knew I finally had some type of contact with him and her. I heard a bunch of loud noises, like a large party, but the sound became less and less as I waited.

I heard a large sigh, "sorry about that. Cora is talking with a representative right now."

I held my breath for a moment, "then who am I speaking to?"

A light chuckle came through the call, "Jenny, of course!" I gulped and realized this was the Alpha with the ring. "Who else would pick it up? I'm her best friend!"

"Sorry, I...uh..." tears were welling in my eyes. "I'm actually trying to get ahold of Jayden Peters."

"He didn't pick up his phone?" She asked before letting out a sigh, "I bet he's too wasted to answer. It's his bachelor party so he's probably going all out."

I covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream a cry. But I need to know, "oh, so you are his fiance?"

She giggled, "of course! Are you a friend of his?"

"Uh, yeah." I cleared my throat and took a shot in the dark for more information. "I recieved a wedding invite and lost it. I already sent in my invitation back to RSVP but I misplaced the info. I was calling to see if Jayden could send me another. When is it again?"

"Oh! Its on Friday at Pazzo's 311."

"I'm sure it will be amazing."

"Of course! We have been planning this wedding for three years! And, as I'm sure Jayden has told you, I only accept the best."

"Okay, thank you."

"Who should I tell him to call back?"

I shook, "oh, I don't want to bother you."

"I can tell Cora to call you back tomorrow before the bachelorette party!"

"I'll just call him tomorrow."

"Okay, great! Bye!" She hung up the phone and I just trembled. I began crying as I buried my face into a pillow.

I'm a moron; a stupid Omega. An Alpha marrying an Omega? As if! What a load of shit. Alphas are all the same and I got fooled again.

No. NO! I will not be screwed over again! I'm a parent and have proven that I can be independent! MY children do not deserve any of this. They didn't choose to have a male Omega as their birth parent. And I didn't choose to be his partner! Destined partners?! They really don't exist, not for the Alphas. They just want to control Omegas and use them to have children to continue their bloodline.

They are marrying each other next Friday? Then I have a lot to do and have to do it fast. But this time, I will not leave any regrets. It's time to settle everything and move on.

Chase POV

Emit snuck into my room once the house was silent and came over to my bed to sit beside me. I kissed his shoulder and shivered as he ran his fingers through my hair. I rushed to kiss him and sat in his lap. He sucked on my lips before opening his mouth and following me as we explored each other's mouths.

"I love you," Emit said in a rough breath before kissing my temple. "I love you so much."

I hugged him tightly as a moan escaped when he began kissing my neck. "I love you too." I chuckled slightly, "who would've thought I would end up finding my person through Will and a psycho ex."

Emit gulped before looking up and meeting my gaze. He hugged me lightly and gently rubbed my back. "Uh...have.." he cleared his throat, "have you been able to talk to Uncle Will yet?"

My face burned as I shook my head, "he's been stressed recently. I figured it wasn't the best time."

We both jumped slightly as a quiet knock came to my door. I looked to Emit with shock, "shit."

"Chase," Will whispered through the door, "Emit's in there with you, right? I need to talk to both of you. So can I come in?"

Emit rushed to sit on the floor beside my bed as I straightened out my bed sheets, "yeah! Come on in."

When Will came into the room and shut the door, I got a glimpse of his face. I reverted back to when we first met and I jumped to my feet, rushed to him, and hugged him tightly. His body lightly trembled as he just stood stiff, allowing me to hug him but he didn't hug me back.

"Uncle," Emit whispered as he came close. "What's wrong?"

Will gulped and I slowly let him out of my embrace. Although he looked like he was going to cry, he just stood there silently and didn't look to either of us. I took his hand and led him to sit on the bed. I sat beside him and kept his hand and noticed Emit sit on his other side.

Will took a deep breath, "I'm sorry to spring this on you two, but I need you both to make a hard decision. And it has to be done quickly."

"What's going on, Will? You look terrible."

He didn't look up from his lap, "I can't go into details right now, but I plan to leave this house Thursday night."

"Is there something wrong with the house? Jayden wants to move us?"

Will's hand began to shake, "no, he won't be coming with. I'm taking the kids and moving." He gulped again, "But it is your last year of school and I can't bear to move both of you. So I need you two to put serious thought on if you want to come with us now, if you want to move in with a friend of mine and join us after you graduate, or if you want to move in together into your own place. I will support you either way."

"What?" Emit whispered, "you're leaving Jayden?"

Will scoffed, "yeah, I'm leaving but he ended everything."

"He broke up with you?!"

Will finally looked to me and tears fell. A horrifically depressed smile filled his face, "no, he's just marrying someone else."

"WHAT?!" I yelled as I stood up.

Will signaled for me to quiet down, "an Omega is not good for an elite Alpha's image."

"I'm gonna kill him!" I hissed and Will shook his head.

"He's truly the scum of the earth and hurting him won't fix that." Will sighed deeply, "I don't want him to get ahold of any of us before we can leave. They're getting married on Friday, so I only have 3 days to get out of here. I want to be gone by Thursday night to make sure he doesn't stop us." Will stood and looked to both of us as he continued crying. "So I need you two to decide what you want to do. I will support you in anything you choose but I need to know by Wednesday morning." He went to the door and turned back toward us, "spend some quality time together tomorrow. The twins will be at a friends house tomorrow and I will be out with Addie tomorrow until late. Goodnight."