
Hidden: Left Behind

The moment when a person realizes the first love isn't always the easiest one; instead, it becomes a struggle and grows into confusion and frustration. - This story began as a dream and continued with conflict and heartbreak. But the end isn't written yet.

byJianLucas · Teenager
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: School Days


It's 6:30 in the morning, and I'm barely waking up. It's Thursday; hence, it almost tastes like the weekend. I can imagine what I'll do in my spare time: I'll be partying all night with my friends, sleepovers at Han's place—and to top everything up—I'll spend Sunday with Felix at the studio with my friends.

"Looks delightful!" I thought while closing my eyes and smiling at my imagination.

Immediately, I got up from my bed and dressed up within a couple of minutes. It is a typical Thursday—preparing myself in a hurry since I don't want my brother to take me to school again. Felix is supposed to pick me up again, but my brother often tells him to go and takes me himself instead of Felix.

"Run, Miyun, Run!" I thought before grabbing my backpack and soon dashing out of my room. I ran through the corridor until meeting the stairs—I held my backpack straps and continued to go to the kitchen at the same pace.

I got inside the kitchen and started to seek everything I needed.

—Coffee, coffee – I said while running around, getting everything ready to leave. Shortly, I grabbed the cup and filled it with coffee and milk.

—Don't you think you are way too young to drink coffee? – I heard my brother say, making me jump, scared.

I sighed before placing the milk cartoon on the countertop—. It has milk on it.

—Better be a lot of milk, then – Jeongin, my brother, said before resting his shoulder on the door frame. He continued to look at me with a subtle grin—. So, tell me. Why are you in such a hurry? I heard you going down the stairs like crazy.

"It's too early for him to make fun of me," I thought, slightly upset.

—Because you are such a headache, Jeongin – I answered while rolling my eyes, and then I drank some coffee.

Jeongin chuckled—. I'm not, and you love me.

Jeongin walked closer to me and started to hug me—. Yah! You'll mess up my hair!

—I thought you didn't brush it.

—Ha! How funny! – I sarcastically said before Jeongin gave me space and sighed.

—Alright, I get it! You may go with Felix today, but you must go to school with me tomorrow – Jeongin said before I heard a claxon—maybe Felix is already here.

—How you knew that he was coming? – I asked, surprised.

—Because I know you, Miyun. Now, go but don't miss school – Jeongin said while patting my head.

—Thanks, I guess – I smiled at my brother before drinking my coffee and then placed it on the counter next to the sink—. I'll see you at school, then – I said before hugging him happily.

—Sure, have a nice day – Jeongin said before I got apart from Jeongin and went to grab my backpack.

—Thanks, you too! – I said before going out of the house.

Soon, I walked away from the house and saw Felix waiting for me inside his car. Immediately, I ran, got inside the car, and hugged Felix tightly.

"Today, I can go with Felix; how fun!" I thought happily.

—Miyun! Did Jeongin let you come? – Felix asked, surprised.

—He did, and I'm so happy about it – You admitted while getting apart from Felix, then you sighed happily.

He chuckled—. Well, yeah, you look thrilled about it – Felix said as he drove away from my house.

—Well, I don't mind that Jeongin drives me to school, but it isn't pleasing going with him because he often brings Hwan Hyunjin – I admitted while looking at the streets.

—Oh, yes! I forgot Jeongin picks him up sometimes.

—Sometimes? All the time! Almost the entire week – I complained.

Felix chuckled—. They are friends, Miyun.

—Yah! It isn't funny: I don't like him – I complained.

—So, do you hate him?

I crossed my arms and thought about Felix's question—. No, I don't think I do—yet. I don't fancy how he behaves with me.

—Miyun, when Hyunjin bothers you, remember you can always come to Han and me—you know we can stop him.

—I know, but I'm not a chicken either—I can handle him myself.

Felix laughed before patting my head—. I know you aren't afraid of him, but remember, you can count on us.

—Yes, yes. I know, Felix – I said while pouting, causing Felix to chuckle at my reaction.

Moments later.

I went to the first couple of lessons already. After consecutive classes, I feel bored and slightly tired; however, I know that in one more hour, I'll have a break from teachers and Hyunjin (he has been bothering me nonstop.) – I can't tell why Hyunjin wants to tease me all the time. Perhaps, he is bored like me, and since I'm next to him in this classroom, he doesn't have anything else to distract him.

"And now, he's bothering me with his pencil," I thought—becoming slightly annoyed.

I'm trying to concentrate and take notes, but Hyunjin keeps poking my arm with his pencil, distracting me from the lesson.

—Miyun-ah! Can you listen to me? – Han complained while moving my hand back and ford.

I sighed and snapped out of my trance. Then, I looked at Han, annoyed—. I could if he stops bothering me – I pointed at Hyunjin—now he is playing with my hair, moving it around with his pencil.

—Yah! Stop it – Han complained while moving Hyunjin away from me.

Hyunjin chuckled—. Geez! Can't I joke a bit with her?

—What do you mean? You're always 'joking' with Miyun.

Hyunjin sniggered at Han's statement and continued playing with my hair—. Whatever you say.

Han grunted before looking at me—. Anyway—Miyun, I wanted to ask, are you coming to my house on Friday?

—Of course! Why? Do I have to bring something?

Han celebrated (in tiny) before smiling at me—. No, just yourself! Oh, and your change for the next day.

I smiled back—. Okay!

—Dude! Why are you flirting with her? – Hyunjin asked while looking at Han.

—Hey! I'm not; what are you talking about? – Han asked, confused.

— "Just yourself," really? – Hyunjin questioned while imitating Han, making me chuckle subtly.

—Miyun! Don't laugh – Han pouted.

I chuckled—. I'm sorry, but that was a good imitation of you – I admitted before covering up my—now—rosy cheeks.

"What the heck? Control yourself, Miyun. Geez!" I thought while feeling confused by my sudden reaction.

—Are you blushing? – Han teased me.

—No! It's just how I laugh – I stated before hitting Han's arm, and shortly the bell rang.

"Saved!" I thought, feeling relieved.

Immediately, I stood up from my place, removed my hair from Hyunjin's hand, and took my belongings—. I'll see you later!

—Miyun! – I heard Hyunjin calling me from behind.

"Now what?" I thought before releasing a sigh.

I turned around while holding my backpack strap. Then, I found Hyunjin walking toward me.

"Not today, Sir!" I thought before turning around and continuing my way out.

—Miyun! – Hyunjin called me again, following me through the hallway.

—What? – I answered while continuing walking.

—Could you stop?! – Hyunjin shouted, instantly capturing everyone's attention.

I turned around to look at Hyunjin—my eyes immediately widened after seeing Felix walking toward us behind him.

—What's going on here? – Felix asked before reaching my side with Han.

—What are you doing here? – I asked, confused while looking at Felix.

—I called him here, sorry – Han admitted before caressing the back of his head embarrassedly.


—Hyunjin followed you from behind, and I panicked.

I sighed in disbelief before eyeing Hyunjin from the corner of my eye—he scoffed while grinning, looking somewhat upset.

—It wasn't necessary, Han. I'm okay, and nothing is happening; we are making a scene just for nothing – I pointed out, becoming stressed.

—What did you do to her? – Felix asked Hyunjin.

—Felix, it's okay – I said while looking at him.

—Nothing, I just wanted to talk, but I guess I can't because Yang Miyun continues to have bodyguards.

—I didn't ask Felix to come; it was Han! – I pointed out, upset.

—I did! – Han raised his hand while looking at us.

Hyunjin ignored Han's intervention before sniggering in disbelief—. Then, you wonder why we can't get along. You are turning my friends against me.

—No! She isn't! – Felix pointed out.

I looked at Hyunjin in shock before closing my hands into fists—. Hwang Hyunjin, blaming me won't change why we can't get along.

—You are blaming me too!

—Oh, go to hell!

Immediately, I walked away to the school's backyard; I wanted a peaceful place where I could unwind and think about anything other than Hyunjin.

"Why do I fall for idiots like him?" I thought while feeling upset.

I walked to another building across the backyard and reached the garden beside the stairs. I threw my backpack on the grass before crouching in the corner, letting the stairs cover me from everyone's sight. I hid there while holding my hair, feeling upset, and still trying not to cry.

Whenever I argue or confront Hyunjin, I remember my past traumas regarding trust and mistreatment. – About a year ago, I had a boyfriend who left me for another girl; they began dating when I was with him. And after finding out, I completely broke and stopped trusting the people around me. Fortunately, my brother helped me and became overprotective. Also, Han and Felix came through and assisted me too. – Everyone came together, and even my girlfriends—Nayeon and Sana—were there to support me in anything I needed. I was lucky to get over my past, yet, I still fear loving someone else since I don't want a loved one to leave me behind again.

"Maybe I shouldn't overthink this situation—Hyunjin is only another High School boy," I thought.

—Here you are! – I heard Hyunjin's voice, causing me to raise my head and look beside me.


—I thought you went home or something. But I'm glad you didn't! – Hyunjin spoke while walking toward me.

—Were you searching for me? – I asked, confused.

—Yes, I did – Hyunjin said before sitting next to me on the grass.

I looked away from Hyunjin before speaking—. Why? Didn't I tell you to go to hell?

—Yes, but I still want to talk with you – Hyunjin said while looking at me—. But the next time I want to speak—and you don't—restrain yourself from calling your bodyguard – He said before averting his glance.

—I didn't tell them to come.

—It was Han; I heard him. But still, you shouldn't depend on them too much.

—I try not to, but—either way—that shouldn't matter to you.

—Fair enough, I guess – Hyunjin said before taking a deep breath—. Won't you look at me as we speak?

—No – I mumbled before shaking my head.

—Alright, then! I only came to tell you that Jeongin and I are going to Han's place too. So, don't be surprised if you see me there.

—Got it.

—Right. Then, I'll leave – Hyunjin said before standing up, and then he started to walk away.

Hopefully, the storyline is of your liking. If so, please, don't hesitate to read more! Thank you.

byJianLucascreators' thoughts