
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Start of the Second Trial


As the girl named Joanne emits a tremendous aura of slaughter, her Axe appears to take a life in the battlefield as simply as drinking water.

(No, it's like drinking blood.) Leo believes so.

Her axe stands 5 feet tall and has a double-sided edge. It has a unique design and mysterious dark patterns that cover it. All of its tips have a pointed point from one side to the other. The owner's disposition changes as the Axe releases the aura.

Celine, on the other hand, approached her and expressed her admiration for Joanne.

"Wow! You're so powerful! I feel like I can trust you with my life," she stated earnestly.

"Yes, Yes! I also believe you will become a formidable frontline combatant," John said confidently as he bumped his chest with his fist. "With my assistance, you will become unbeatable on the battlefield."

"I believe so as well. You will be a terrific comrade as well as a formidable opponent," Leo added, giving her a like sign.

Hearing the compliments from the three makes Joanne blush, and she says softly, "Thank you."

(Why don't I know Joanne Reagan's name in the future I came from? And there was no Powerful Valkyrie at that time. If she has that powerful weapon, she should be well known because her weapon is a heavenly weapon that will develop stronger as the owner becomes stronger.)

(Perhaps something happened to her or she died early, causing her weapon to be buried with her and obscuring its splendor.)

As Leo is wondering. Celine snapped him in her thoughts.

"Hey, Leo, do you have any ideas on how we might overcome the dungeon?" Celine asks.


"Oh, I'm sorry for being absentminded," says Leo.

Joanne notices that Leo and Celine appear to know each other. As a result, she asks to verify. "Did you two know each other before?"

Even if you were classmates at Saint Star Academy. It didn't imply you knew each other or were close because each student has their own circle of influence and some kids were doing their own thing.

They only study together or have the same teacher and occasionally merely say hi or hello. Nothing else.

Celine glances at Joanne and tells her the story of how Leo and she met, how Leo is a brilliant leader, and how he was so calm even in a dangerous situation that he was so mature facing it.

Hearing Celine chatter, she notices that the way Celine spoke, her eyes sparkled like a girl in love. So, with an uneasy smile, she simply listened attentively.

Even John has the same response as Her; he glances at Celine and then at Leo, thinking (Is Leo dumb or something?) since Leo's reaction is plain natural.

"OK, stop babbling; here is the plan." Leo said.

The four of them then discussed strategies and voiced their opinions. They hear Raven's voice after an hour.

"Mike check! mic check!"


Raven coughs, then resumes speaking as if nothing had happened.

"By now, you're all familiar with your team, and there are two teams of four individuals, but don't worry since it's their luck."

"In this world, there are those who were blessed with lady luck and others who were not, and they will be buried as side persons, sometimes with black hands."

"And that's how life is, so the best thing to do is to do your best in whatever you do or aspire to achieve."

"If you started at the bottom, don't be envious of what others have; instead, try your best and acquire what you want with yourself, and it will truly offer you the finest sensations that you will never forget."

"Show the world your own brilliance with your own hands, rather than relying on some dogshit luck."

Leo and the other students were paying close attention to Raven's words, which made their fury boil and the jealous sentiments of having more individuals in a team vanish. As their expressions turn solemn and their manner changes.

And there is only one thing on their thoughts.

(Who cares about dogshit luck; if I want to, I can do it myself!)

"I won't say it again; just go enter the dungeon from group 1 to group 7."

"Now all of you Listen attentively as the Monster Massacre begins"

Banggggg! woooooaaaahhhhh!

*Rock Music*


Raven is eating popcorn while he watches what the students are doing in the observation room after his opening statements, murmuring, "I hope they can entertain me."


Leo notices Fatty and Lawrence as the students enter. (Fortunately, they were on the same team), and then he is surprised to learn that one of their teammates is Frostine. Then Leo raises his hand and encourages them.

They then notice Leo and respond by smiling as they approach the dungeon with a good mentality.

"Your friends?" John inquires.

"Yeah!" he nodded as he replied to john then,

"It's finally time" He also said as the four of them entered the dungeon at the same time.

Leo group arrives in the lush forest, which is covered with several large vines and filled with eerie noises.

As soon as they opened their eyes, a pack of vicious snakes attacked them.

As Leo performs his duties as a leader, he warns, "Be cautious, these are only low level snakes."

"okay" the trio replied in unison.

Even though they killed several snakes, they only received 20 points for each one, and they received no attribute points. However, they believe that if they were lucky, this snake would bestow the attribute of agility.

Leo remarked, "Perhaps we are on the north side."

Leo came to know about this dungeon from the future because Barret had told him in their past time that during the Mr. Ashford Trial, a hidden dungeon appeared since his class had many geniuses who killed all of the bosses inside.

Leo therefore intends to eliminate the boss first so that the geniuses from the center, west, east, and south would pursue and eliminate the bosses where they are. So as to avoid wasting time and the hidden dungeon appears early.

The hidden dungeon features a one-of-a-kind mechanism. If you want to collect all of the free attributes, you should go to the hidden dungeon since there are monsters who specialize in different attributes residing there.

"Let's go locate the boss," Leo said.

The party begins their pursuit in search of the boss monster, massacring along the way.

End of Chapter.