
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Leo VS Five Elements Tarantula

Leo took his posture in front of the Five Elements Tarantula, while the giant spider roared loudly as its saliva spilled from its fangs. Then as a reaction, Celine covered her ears while watching from her vantage point.


Leo smirked as he blinked at the top of the Five Elements Tarantula and showered it with fireballs. The beast roared in pain as it was attacked by Leo. As a result, it has thrown a spider web towards him. On the opposite side, Leo dodges the spider web and vanishes before appearing beneath the Five Element Tarantula and punching its abdomen. Thus, The Five Elements Tarantula was thrown through the air.

After knocking it into the air, Leo on the ground opened his right hand facing the Five Elements Tarantula while his left hand supported his right wrist as he chanted a spell "Fire that the world fears, the ability to destroy everything. Burn all Evils, Burn all of my sins." [Inferno Blast]

(Booooooooooooooooom!) (Squeeeeeeek!)

Leo never stops attacking as he also uses a support spell to himself, "Fast as the wind, moves like lightning, no one can see your shadow, while everything slows in your sight." [Haste] Then Leo accelerates as he attacks the Five Elements Tarantula in all directions, leaving just afterimage.

At the same time,

Celine was amazed as he watched Leo's clash with the Five Elements Tarantula from the top of high granite. She murmurs, "So powerful.." because this is her first time watching Leo fight, an average student whom she had overlooked.

The Five Elements Tarantula became more enraged. As a result, it became agitated and began stamping its legs on the ground.

When it stamps its feet on the ground, it creates a spiky projectile that attacks Leo. It then spat a green liquid. Leo, on the other hand, remained cool as he avoided the assault of the Five Elements Tarantula. It also attacked Leo with its metallic-like legs.

As the battle between Leo and the Beast rages on... The environment had been destroyed, and some of the rocks had been scorched by the fire. Leo's expression was tense as he chanted another spell, "A sword from Hell, Exterminate Evil." [Hellfire Sword]


As Leo conjures a sword of fire, a black, abyss-like fire flows from his hands. He looks at the Five Elements Tarantula, then vanishes and reappears at its side, hacking its legs and causing the beast to shriek in misery.

The Tarantula generates silk as it retreats from Leo's repeated strikes, which is fired to the cave ceiling. Leo's [Hell Fire Sword] evaporates after a minute of repeated blows on the beast.

At the ceiling, the Five Elements Tarantula was looking at Leo. A magical circle appeared in front of its blue eyes, bursting water at Leo's place. Then its other eye lights up as his legs regrow in the blink of an eye.

"Really a unique creature," Leo said as he saw the Fire Elements Tarantula's utilization of various Elements.

Celine observes the Five Elements Tarantula since it already employs several elements. In addition to its inherent unique element, such as Poison It made use of Earth, Water, Metal, and Wood, but Fire is not used yet.

After rebuilding its shattered legs, it jumps to Leo and produces the illusion of a hefty pointy weapon to strike him.


In response, Leo is attempting to stop it with his palm while it is covered by his gauntlet. A flash of fire could be seen when his hand and Legs' metallic-like tip clashed. Then Leo chants [Inferno Blast], knocking the Five Elements Tarantula to the cave's various layers of rocks.


Something seemed strange as Leo was fighting the Five Elements Tarantula. He notices that, aside from his attacks, something is causing him agony. He simply ignores what he discovers because he wants to kill it as quickly as possible.

Leo's feet erupted in flames as he pursued the Five Element Tarantula, which was smashing into a layer of rocks. He simply barraged it with punches and kicks.

The spider collided with a large boulder, and its terrifying appearance got even more terrifying as it roared loudly while attempting to stand with shattered legs. The Five Elements Tarantula screeches until it comes to a halt and weakens.

Leo assumed it was slain since its level information had vanished. However something unexpected happens as he walks gently to the Five Elements Tarantula to claim his victory.

The skin of the Five Elements starts to fall as the dark abyss-like metallic body turns blazing red and the atmosphere becomes hotter. The original body, which was as tall as 16 feet, was cut into half and slenderized, as the heat from the Five Element Tarantula melted several rocks, and even Celine, who was far away at the Monster and Leo, was dripping with sweat.

Leo, on the other hand, was caught off guard by what he saw, murmuring, "Damn, I forgot that it had the [Five Elemental Change] as its ultimate

[Five Elemental Change] – The Five Element Tarantula can develop into any higher Beast form at random with its last breath. It is either the Blazing Fire Broodmother, the Five Eyed Earth Arachnid, the Huntsman Wood Spider, the Water Demon Tarantula, or the Metallic Evil Eye.

As it evolved into the BlazingFire Broodmother, its body became slim and its legs scorched with fire, as did its back. It's also becoming quicker as it blinks at the ceiling-preying Leo.

"All right! Let's fight for our hearts' content!" Leo said as he punched the ground and chanted the spell [Ring Of Fire].

As the battles continue, the cave transforms into a lava-like environment as the monster and humans collide.

At the middle of the raging flames, a human and a monster were confronted eye to eye. Leo knows he can't kill it without exposing little about his secret. So he simply stares at Celine.

Celine clearly understood what Leo wanted, as she teased, "Need any help? I thought you could kill it."

Leo only nods to Celine with an uneasy smile. Leo simply does not want to reveal some of his secrets, especially to someone he does not entirely trust.

Getting affirmation from Leo. Celine rose to her feet and summoned a bow and attacked the beast from distance while, assisting Leo in his assault.

The BlazingFire Broodmother is weakened as it screams and saliva drips from its mouth after being attacked nonstop by Celine and Leo.

It was its final struggle as its gaze was drawn to Leo. Celine, on the other hand, declared, "Finish it."

End of Chapter.