
Hidden Boss: The Author Become Mob

What do you want to do If you really reincarnated in your own novel? Become a Hero? A villian? A Side Character? Let's accompany Kenn to his Adventure as a New persona in his Novel.. Let's watch him if he becomes a hero or a villain..

LuciFirst_05 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Hidden Dungeon In The Fog

Bammmmmmm! Roaaatrrr!

An enormous snake emerges from the ground, chewing all the running wolves. Leo and the other team were astounded by what they saw, as their bodies froze in fear.

Leo shouted in full voice, jolting the group out of their trance. "Hey! What all of you are doing.. run for your lives and don't stand there waiting to die!"

Hearing the words of Leo. The group immediately returns to their senses and flees.

"Idiots don't run in our direction," the other guys complain as Leo, Lawrence, and Barnett run in the direction of the four.

Leo stared at the snake as he ran, wanting to see what kind of beast it was. Leo could only see the beast's level and not its stats, and it was a Level 30 beast. Not everyone was like Raven, who has an evaluation talent that allows him to see a person's or a beast's stats. Every awakened person can see another person's or beast's level, but it cannot disclose its skill or stats.

The sole exception is if a person possesses Raven's skill or a special probing device such as one found in the adventurer guilds. Everything is attainable in this world, but there are countermeasures in this type of talent or probing.

"It was a Love Twin Snake at Level 30, and you all had to focus because it had a lover," Leo informed the group Upon the observation of the beast.

"Okay, thanks for the reminder," says a Blonde woman to Leo.

"By the way, my name is Celine Arco," the woman introduced herself to the trio.

As they run, another gigantic snake emerges from a large tree to their right, and Leo promptly commands the party to move to their left.

"Run to our left," he yelled solemnly.

Lawrence didn't react quickly, so the snake was about to bite him as it opened its massive mouth.

When Leo saw Lawrence about to be chewed by the big snake, he rushed to his side, pushing him to save his life and throwing a fireball into the snake's throat.


The enormous serpent roared in agony, its jaws scorching in pain from the fireball.

Leo instantly offered Lawrence a helping hand and said, "Are you all right?"

"Many thanks! You save my life once more," he said, his body shaking in fear of death.

"Nothing much, what are friends are for?" Leo said casually.

"Stop your lovey dovey time already," Barnett shouted to the pair who were staring at each other awkwardly.

"All right! Let's go!" said Leo.

The Trio swiftly follows Celine's group.


A group of seven individuals were hiding, some on bushes and others at the back of large trees, whereas the giant beast snake went hide and seek with the group.

"Damn it! It's because of them!" cries a man.

"Shut up, Marco!" Celine said, giving him a death gaze.

"But.... Lady...Celine," the man choked softly.

"Could you two perhaps close your lips for a second?" Leo said, staring at them then.

"Do you have a plan, Lawrence?" he inquired.

Lawrence calmed down after hearing Leo speak to him. (I'm not the same Lawrence Barco from three weeks ago), he thought.

Before attending this particular class. Lawrence was able to awaken his gift thanks to Leo's assistance, and the abilities were named [Rapid Recollection] and [Mind Bank]. He was overjoyed that his abilities had awakened since he enjoyed reading and was going to follow in the footsteps of a commander, and the gift he had awakened was just what he had wished for.

[Mind Bank (B) (Evolvable)] - The ability to mentally store things.

[Rapid Recollection (S)] - the capacity to recall everything seen, heard, or read quickly. It also improves cognitive abilities.

Observing Lawrence, who lacked confidence. Leo gave him one last push while patting his shoulder and said, "You're a genius Lawrence, I trust you, so trust yourself more!"

After hearing what Leo stated

"All right!" Lawrence exhales deeply.

-After a second-

Lawrence quickly opens a piece of paper in front of the group and begins drawing a map while discussing everything....

He was so focused that his eyes turned blue, like the sky, as he discussed everything and tried to recall all he had seen and heard.

"I believe we should go into this approach."

"Are you sure about it?" a spiky readhair guy asked in an uneasy tone.

"As my ability results.. there are many sorts of creatures that were rushing about us.. and this road was only a secure spot for us.. plus as we fled I also heard some roars of other animals and someone fighting," Lawrence nods in the spiky readhair.

Lawrence continued to explain everything to everyone as he gave all of the facts and details he had discovered.

Celine, on the other hand, was taken aback by the group as she observed them. She remembers them from when they were at the bottom of their class. So she was taken aback when she saw them performing something incredible.


Leo smiled warmly as he noticed Lawrence becoming immersed.

"OK! Now we need to hurry and run as soon as possible," Lawrence stated as he patted a dust in his chest after grabbing his paper.


When Leo notices the two Love Twin Snakes, he gives the signal to others, and they swiftly flee.

The enormous snakes are aware of Leo parties. As a result, it roars and chases after them.


As they ran, they noticed several beasts nearby, which surprised them. As a result, they came to believe that what Lawrence claimed was true.

while they are so far from the beast Celine, on the other hand, inadvertently steps on a concealed trigger.

"Huh? What's that?" Celine said, her cheeks flushed with astonishment.

The earth trembles and a wide hole emerges, causing the party to fall while they scream for help in panic.


After some time,

Leo awoke from his coma, groaning as he stood, and said in gruff tones, "Where am I?"

He then noticed Celine in the distance as he looked around, thus he went to awaken her.

"Hey, Celine, wake up!" Leo yelled, shaking Celine's shoulder.

Celine awoke from his slumber after a split second, saying in a sweet voice as he rubbed her eyes with her hands, "It's Breakfast Already?"

"Nope! I suppose the place was different," Leo answered with an uneasy smile.

Hearing an unidentified voice

Celine immediately sensed something was awry and looked into Leo's eyes before shouting "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Hey! calm down," Leo said as he described what had happened.

Celine takes a big breath and recalls everything after hearing Leo's explanation. "Is that it? We were separated from the others because we unintentionally entered some hidden dungeon?"

"Yeah, that's true! And you're the cause of it, though," Leo remarked quietly.

"Did you say anything?" Celine said, looking at Leo as if he wanted to devour him alive.

"Let's locate the others first," Leo remarked casually, shaking his head.


End of Chapter.