
Hidden Bloodline

They betrayed us, killed them and left us orphaned. I guess they must have laughed out their lungs as they killed them shamelessly. You all thought the bloodline had been ended, well you are surely wrong. It will never die, ur days are numbered Until my last breathe, I shall not rest and I will definitely make each and every one of pay in the worst way possible. Whether you are a werewolf, vampire or guardian, whatever element you have, you won't stand a chance. Alpha is coming back home. You should be prepared, the game has just begun and I am yet to enjoy.

wint3rscarl3tt · Aktion
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5 Chs

New environment

In this world you have to fight to survive and if you don't you are done for. Never let anyone ta....

Park Eunchae are listening to me?


I snapped back to reality when I immediately heard my aunt's voice. I'm so sorry, please don't hit me again as I covered my head.

What were you thinking about that you weren't paying attention to what I was saying.

[If I tell her that there are still some of them left, she might be worried, home school me again or even worse, lose it and seek revenge. No, no let me not say anything for now]

It's nothing important, I was just thinking of how the campus life would feel like.

Are you sure you are okay, you look awfully pale. Should I tell the principal that you won't be able to make it in today.

Mom I'm okay , please don't worry about me and take good care of yourself.

[Let me explain, from the time I was born I have never known my mother, apparently she died in an accident so I was raised by her sister Hee Son-ji ]

Aiyoh, my baby has grown up so much. Well make sure to call everyday and don't forget never let them know your weaknesses.


When I arrived at the school I was shocked by the size of the campus not to talk about the green grass which had a touch of lime, the white orchids, colourfull roses ,lilies and other flowers.

I took a deep breath and got out of the car walking towards the big campus.