
Hibiscus: The Hero of Gedeva [BL]

Ilayan postures straight, upholding the dignified image as much as he can muster; he approaches the box. His footsteps echo throughout the entire hall; silencing the crowd who are most eager for his answer. With a decisive face, his arm moves, then, in all his knees, he sinks. In front of the most powerful man in the realm, he presents himself humbly; the scarlet ribbon lies in his open hands. "Forgive my insolence, Your Majesty, but with all the courage in my being, I ask—please grant me the hand of the Seventh Prince." . . . After the ten-year war at Gedeva, Ilayan marches back to the capital with victorious feats on his shoulders; the youngest Major General of the Military Forces in the history of Alexin Empire. As the symbol of aid and danger to those who covet the throne, he faces off a new silent battle of political schemes and conspiracies. But helping him now are not his comrades from the barracks but the male consorts he married in his harem [?] Disclaimer: This is a historical BL, which means having mxm & bxb pairings. Therefore, all members of Ilayan's harem are men. Note: This will be my new story here, and I hope you enjoy it. I'll try my best to update every day.

Noir_Alois · LGBT+
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20 Chs


ALXINFIELD, Royal Estate, Year 079 Y.D.

Ilayan sits mute, unable to respond. Once, he wonders about the things that thread through Rionne's brain. How can he make such bold assumptions by merely limited information? There is no secret that he grew up at the royal backhouse, which viciousness is beyond Ilayan's calculations. All these years, the schemes that Rionne experienced remain unknown to him, so is the reason that his mind became as sharp as an arrow.

"Can I not believe that the Minister of Law relies on my ability as a general and I am, coincidentally, a direct witness of the confrontation?"

Rionne shoots him a sarcastic look; raising his brow and registering a smile that hints of disdain are not politely hidden. "Have you not learned enough from my welcome?" he snorts. "For nobles who cherish their feathers more than their kin, they are born with vast courage to calculate profit yet not a spine behind their backs. I am more than certain; the Duke of Kienfolk is suspicious. A grand parade to Eastern Turose for a marriage proposal is utterly useless unless his brain refuses to function properly. And the Minister of Law, I would assume, knows best of jurisdictions, should not recklessly assign this case to you."

Ilayan eyes him keenly.

"Then, perhaps, have you forgotten that it might also be a plot to damage my reputation? It also came to you that the Emperor considers the presumptive replacement for the Major General's position."

Rionne is suddenly stunned. Of course, Major General Fausto's approaching retirement is regarded as no secret at Alxinfield. He is already old to lead an army of youthful, vigorous stallions. His soon-to-be-vacant position is therefore a fragrant meat for every ambitious General. And he, General Ilayan Valquistine, is no doubt a great prospect for that promotion, thus, a threat and rival to many. But Rionne has no doubts about his calculations.

"For a moment, I also considered that possibility. But it is less likely to be. As you have mentioned, the case was only given to you recently, after our marriage agreement was concluded. General Fausto still has four months left to retire; our union is only fourteen days away. Who do you think is more agitated to make a move at this juncture?"

In some ways, Ilayan agrees with Rionne's words. Most likely, the one plotting against him is not from the military, or perhaps, not yet. However, this conversation has now made his decision clear.

"I'll accept the minister's task," he says, in a tone that conveys his decisiveness. "I may not know the one pulling the strings behind, but, this matter also concerns a group of rogues with skilled martial arts. Their unidentified existence remains a threat to the realm. And possibly, the fifth prince. I am certain that you are also knowledgeable of his actions. Rionne, he shouldn't remain unpunished."

Rionne briefly glances at Ilayan, his gaze more meaningful. "Do I still need to remind you not to let your emotions override your thinking?" he asks him. "You will oppose the Fifth Prince? Are you not afraid, that perhaps, he will also expose you… and your concubine?"

Ilayan smiles. "Are you not here now?" He reaches to his delicate, soft hands, resting his calloused palm in the other's tapering fingers.

Rionne tenses, caught unprepared by Ilayan's approach, as he is speechless for a moment. Quickly, he recovers his demeanor. "You are indeed a man," he sneers. "You're counting on me, your fiancée, to protect your concubine? Do you, perhaps, take my worth as a joke?"

"I apologize, however, you know that is not my intention," Ilayan explains. "Believe me or not, but now that you are my fiancée, I value you dearly. If a situation similar to Erin befalls you, I will not hesitate to fight for you. After all, that is my duty as a husband. However, I am also aware of my shortcomings. This, therefore, is what I am asking you, as my future consort and as a person I decide to trust. I hope that you help me protect my family, that soon… you'll be a part too."

Rionne responds with no words. For a moment, he is once again pulled into contemplation. It is rare for him to make no effort in maintaining an indifferent façade. In most circumstances, he strictly lets none of his walls crumble, only that, in Ilayan's company, it never was the case. Long before, they already had a connection. And even though their friendship had remained perfunctory, but, they served as each other's confidant, although, the majority of the time, it was only Ilayan venting.

"You trust me blindly."

"Only because I had no reason not to," Ilayan chimes in. "I'm not going to ask about your reason for agreeing with this marriage unless you are ready to tell me. But I am certain that you mean no harm to me, to Erin and our son. I'll give you my trust, so, I also hope, that one day, if possible, you can also learn to give yours to me."

Soon it is already six in the evening. It seems that both of them were not aware of the flow of time, only to be reminded by Sol, Rionne's servant, that their discussion must come to end. Ilayan must also bid his farewell to Rionne. It is a custom, performed by unmarried seith, to read scriptures and pray to Khie'lal after five in the afternoon for thirty minutes, therefore, Rionne must head to the chapel to worship. Ilayan knows limited knowledge about this ritual, but as far as he had learned, the early humans suffered a drastic decrease in population due to an illness, most of the people who died were children, the elderly, and women. Every day, the people called for the deities' aid, yet none seemed to hear their pleadings. But not so long, Khie'lal, a child born with strange purple eyes, claimed he descended for a purpose: to prevent humanity from disappearing. He was the very first seith known. And after that, the Peliostian religion, which originally worshiped four deities, included another one.

"I'll visit again some other time." Ilayan kneels to kiss his hand. "That then, we would not discuss any matters other than our marriage preparation."

"I'll wait for that then," he replies.

When Ilayan exits the Prince's chamber with two pages escorting him, he proceeds to the gallery that leads towards the great stairs, but, after several steps, he halts to glance backward. He captures Rionne and his servants' figures solemnly marching in the opposite direction. Today he had discovered more about his fiancée and learned about the plot that is being brewed for him. As his feet continue on his way, he ponders, perhaps, that it was not a bad idea to marry Rionne at all. He simply needs to treat him and Erin with equal affection and attention. But, his thoughts pause coming back to the word affection. Then, Rionne's tight defenses steal his notice and concern, making him wonder if it can be possible for him, a man with no knowledge to charm a person, to ever make the seventh Prince, a cold, dispassionate seith love him as a consort would to their husband. Deep in his thoughts, he hopes, that someday, Rionne will. Before he was always alone, Ilayan at least has his mother. Now, that he is to be his husband, he wishes Rionne to love and be loved like a normal person.

---End of Chapter---


Greetings Nobles. I apologize for not updating yesterday, if none of you knows, there is a typhoon wrecking havoc here in my country. And the area I am in right now, my hometown, is directly affected by the said typhoon causing floods and even connectivity issues. Thank you for your understanding.

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