
Chapter ...1 Two girls with their PROJECT RESEARCH

Some one's pov...

It was a tiring day.... and We were focused on our project , by the way I'm CHARM and my friend , mean my project Partner's name SHA. We two are scientists and working under the project "THE TIME TRAVEL" yahhhhh!!!!

SHA: can't you stop this intro... and concentrate on our project???

CHARM ( the girl who gave intro) : ohh,,, sorry. we should record everything by the way ..

SHA: ....

CHARM: anyway leave it...

we just fixing the mistake we had done before and we started the machine , but , our luck that failed to work for 339th time ....

SHA : OH! shittt!! I am really stressed because of this.....( she face palmed herself then looked up at me , who is pro . Already face palming )

Time passed ...

And this is time to go for our classes .

By the this is 3007 (year) and Yeah.. the world is more developed in technology and everything...

CHARM : We reached our class...

on going way there is lot of students were bullying us for taking that project by ourself. And you know what? (smirk ) we are the best students in this campus.

Eventhough ,we are getting bullied..hmmm...

Class started,,,

Mr. HAN (prof) entered into the class and started his duty. In between the class Mr.Han called someone from his phone... and that person came inside the class All were surprised and making the class with full of talk , like they ever seen a man like this ....

Mr. HAN: Students this is Dr. NAMJOON and is GREAT SCIENTIST. And he is here for your motivation and he wanted to share his experience with you guys . Just utilize your opportunity. Then Bye class.

by bitting the word Bye , Mr. HAN leaved the class .

Then the new guy that Namjoon started his duty like he is saying something like about BLACK HOLE. You know what? I am done with this.....

After he finished his lessons, he was about to go. but , my classmates rounded him except me and my friend...hufffff...

then we left class and went to Mr.HAN's room ...

CHARM(me) : Sir ? Is this is necessary to take him back , after this much year ?

Mr.HAN : WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT ?BACK? he studied here that's why ... I did this...


SHA: Mr. HAN?? i need some reference book from you . May I???

Mr.HAN : Of Course.. let's go

with that we his office room then we went to our place which is our project presented place.