

Once more Obi-Wan and Yoda found themselves walking down the ramp of their ship onto the surface of Zyggeria. Both hoping this time would involve less hangovers and arguing. The second would hopefully be avoided by the simple fact that Mace had refused to join any transport to this edge of the galaxy for the last six months since their former visit. All on the off chance that Darth Rache would be waiting to surprise him again with a bottle of Correlian scotch. The bearded master thought it was rather undignified for his superior to have developed a phobia of drink-bearing Sith, but who was he to judge anyone? He was carrying on an illicit affair without the knowledge of his brothers and sisters of the Order.

Beside him, Yoda chuffed a light laugh. "Betray you your feelings do Obi-Wan. Know about Satine Kryze, we do. We all do."

Kenobi stared open mouthed at the tiny grandmaster, completely shocked. "You know!?"

"Of course." The green being nodded as if it was the most normal thing in the universe for a Jedi to break his oaths against attachments. "Good at hiding things, you are not. Feel more, you do. The same as Shaak Ti you felt in the force."

Kenobi looked away for a moment as the two men continued to stand but a few feet from exiting the ramp completely. "Will I need to abdicate my seat on the council?"

"No. Spoken for you Mace and I have. Emotionally compromised you are not as Master Ti was. Train for that she did. Know more we do now than then. Besides, leave I think you will on your own, hmm?"

To say he was surprised that Mace had spoken for him was an understatement. If he was honest Obi-Wan had felt rather certain that Mace only tolerated him at the best of times. "Yes, master. I had planned to wait for the end of the war however."

Yoda nodded with a fond smile on his face. "Denying attachments does not mean we abhor love, young one." He intoned while tapping the bigger man affectionately in the shins with his stick. "Feel guilty, do not, for finding it in this chaos. Happy for you, I am. Now come. Waits for us a familiar face does I think."

Kenobi followed the master's line of sight and saw… Ahsoka Tano? What was she doing here? And why was she wearing two lightsabers?

"Welcome, masters." the young Togruta bowed low as the visitors reached her. "When the emperor heard of your arrival he sent me to greet you. He thought a familiar face would be more welcome than dignitaries."

"Right he was." Yoda acknowledged, a strange look crossing his face. If he focused, Kenobi could just feel him reaching out with the force, searching… Then his look morphed into one of pure surprise and joy. "Ah, so that is it."

"Master Yoda?" The bearded master asked.

"Surprise it is, Kenobi. See you will."

"Right… Well, Ahsoka is there a reason you are not on Kamino? I'm assuming your master is here as well if you are. Who is overseeing the production of the clones?"

Ahsoka was clearly uncomfortable as she answered, "Some stuff happened during and slightly after your last visit. Suffice it to say we really needed to get back, and the rest will be explained soon. As for the clones, Master Ti called in a favor, and Master Quinlan Vos agreed to oversee her position for a while. I'm shocked that this surprises you. Didn't anyone notice his name signing the requisition forms?"

The master's shared a look that clearly communicated their annoyance that no one had, in fact, noticed, then turned back to the padawan. "That aside, can you take us to the palace? We really need to speak with Rache." The bearded man said as he folded his hands into the sleeves of his cloak. Doing his best to give the girl his patented 'master stare'.

She just laughed at the look and gestured to a waiting land speeder. "That is why I'm here. After you, masters."

The path they took was the same as last time, but now they were even more full of life. Fresh businesses and stands were being erected on every street as more refugees from the war came to make this world their home. It was one of the things the Order, and the senate, wished to speak with Darth Rache about. Ahsoka didn't talk much during the ride, too intent on avoiding innocent passerby that tended to wander into the rode. There were a great many children present.

They had just pulled to a stop in front of the palace when it happened. The window at the top of the northern tower exploded in a rain of glass, and a black robed figure shot out of it as if he'd been thrown. The figure was in a free-fall for several seconds before he turned to face the rapidly rising ground and reached out his hands. A palpable tremor in the force followed as the figure pushed against the earth, slowing his fall enough to land lightly on his feet. Obi-wan was rather startled to see the victim of the attack was the man they'd come to see.

As the Jedi and padawan got out of the speeder, the newly revealed emperor turned up his face to the tower he'd fallen from, cupped his hands over his mouth, and shouted, "I'm alright, honey! I love you and you look beautiful!"

"Thank you!" A very emotional female response could be heard on the wind, and the emperor turned to face his guests.

"Sorry about that, boys. I meant to greet you inside but…" He looked at all the broken glass surrounding him, "circumstances got out of hand upstairs."

Yoda chuckled from below, "Bet I do that they did."

"I'm sorry, but what in the name of the force is going on here?" Kenobi looked back and forth between the bearded Sith and the smirking grandmaster of his order. "Ahsoka and Shaak Ti aren't where they are supposed to be, you're falling out of windows, and you were somehow expecting us. What is going on!"

Harry smirked at the irate Jedi and said, "Oh, Obi, how I've missed you my melodramatic friend. "I have to wonder why you're so stressed. Look at Yoda here, he's chill."

"Drag me into this do not." The small being moved to strike at the emperor's shins, but his stick stopped inches away with a push of the force. Yoda grumbled but nevertheless moved his stick back to the ground.

The Sith chuckled at the antics of his favorite Jedi and waved for them to follow him inside. Come in, take your boots off, and we'll talk in my office. The throne room is too big for friends." He dutifully led them through the entrance arch where he was met up with his ever present armored shadow, Bo-Katan. She didn't say anything, just followed at a reasonable distance behind the group as they traversed halls and groups of admins until they arrived at a sparse yet comfortable office at the top of the building. There was a lit fireplace and a set of chairs before the desk. Harry promptly fell into the seat behind the massive piece of carved wood, while his guests sat before him. Bo walked around to stand at an angle behind her Mandalore, at a perfect distance to quick-shot both guests if they reached for weapons. Harry thought it was a bit overkill, he trusted these men after all, but his woman was insistent in matters of his safety and security.

"So what's first? My questions? Your questions? Drinks?"

"No drinks!" Obi-Wan burst out. "Last time I ended up drunk holo-calling Satine. It did not end well."

"I remember that." The Sith mused, "Didn't you start stripping?"

"Not good at hiding." Yoda reminded him.

"We're not here to talk about me." Kenobi kept as a straight of a face as he could, somehow keeping the shameful burn away from his cheeks. "We were sent here by the senate to inquire about the worlds that have fallen under your banner over the last six months, but now I would like to know why Shaak is here."

Harry gave him a look that screamed he thought him an idiot. "We are in a relationship, Kenobi. Is it so strange that she would seek my company?"

Surprisingly, Yoda burst into a loud peal of laughter. "Enough it is, Emperor Rache." He eventually brought himself under control. "Know the answer I do. Felt it in the force I did. Tell your friend you should."

Harry nodded and faced the bearded Jedi fully, the biggest smile Kenobi had ever seen on his face. "I'm going to be a father."

Several responses flooded the shocked Jedi's mind at once. Too many to reasonably recognize. To his horror he found his face going slackjawed, and his mouth whispering, "What?"

"The last time you all visited you stayed for three weeks. Shaak and I were particularly active during that time, and… my pilots managed to drop their payloads." He smirked at Kenobi, "Did that reference not land, Jedi? How about these. My kyber crystal ignited her lightsaber. She felt my force deeply. My troopers broke through her barricade-"

"I get it." Obi-wan rushed to interrupt the tirade of vulgarity streaming his way.

"You're no fun, Obi." Harry pouted. "I had a good dozen more references prepared. Anyway, she discovered she was pregnant shortly after leaving, and immediately came back to tell me the good news. I wasn't about to let my pregnant mate go traipsing through a war torn galaxy and managed to convince her to stay here for the duration of her pregnancy. I've been handling Ahsoka's lightsaber training in the meantime. Considering the average pregnancy rate for her people it shouldn't be too much longer now before our child is finally born." A haunted look crossed his face suddenly, "Thank the force."

Yoda keeled over with a fresh bout of laughter. "What is it master?" Kenobi inquired.

"Throw him from the window Master Ti did. Did she not?" The last was aimed at a once more pouting Darth Rache.

"Yes. She is one of the most powerful Jedi in your Order. Factor in the pregnancy hormones and you have yourself a force of nature. It's been… interesting dealing with that. Suffice it to say this isn't the first time she's thrown me out a window since she began staying here."

"Hm. Well any child conceived by the two of you is bound to be incredibly powerful in the force. The Order will indeed be gaining a powerful new Jedi." In hindsight, Obi-wan shouldn't have assumed the new parents would hold to the Jedi tradition of sending force sensitive infants to the temple, and held his tongue. But he didn't. Some negotiator he'd turned out to be. Immediately the temperature in the room dropped by at least twenty degrees, Rache's golden eyes burned with arcane hatred, and Bo's hands were suddenly holding her pistols at the ready.

"There is no way in hell your little organization of cradle robbers is taking my kid." Harry growled. "Shaak and I already discussed it and our little girl is staying here. After the birth she is going to request a position as the Order's representative in my court. If you value our continued friendship you'll accept the request."

"Offense, master Kenobi did not mean to give." Yoda raised his clawed hands in a gesture of peace, "Conclusions he jumped to. Approved master Ti's request will be." Slowly the temperature in the room returned to its former, comfortable, level and the Mandalorian's pistols returned to their holsters on her hips. Seeking to further ease the tension, the green alien said, "Girl you will have?"

The star-bright smile returned to the younger man's face. "Yes. Shaak said she saw it in a vision. We're going to call her Lily."

"Beautiful name."

"It was my mother's."

Yoda nodded in approval while Obi-wan understandably stayed silent and ate crow from the side, quietly wondering how the Sith had managed to derail yet another dialogue based mission he'd been handling. Dialogue was kind of his 'thing' as the 'Negotiator.'

"Handling this, how are your other women?"

"Well… they've all gone baby crazy." His smirk turned to a yelp as Bo swiftly smacked the back of his head before returning to her position of readiness. "No respect I tell ya. Anyway, they've gone off the rails buying gifts, pampering Shaak, and lobbying like crazy for the position of godmother. Hell, Bo here already swore a blood oath to protect our little one with her life."

"Now, all the excitement about my upcoming parenthood aside, you came here for another reason correct?"

At a nod from Yoda, Obi-wan again spoke up. He noticed a chilled look from the emperor, but at least his eyes were no longer blazing. "You've had a busy six months, Emperor Rache. Not only are you becoming a parent, but over fifty systems have fallen under your rule. The senate is worried that you are entering this war as a third party."

"So your senate is still run by imbeciles then?" The golden-eyed man asked.

Kenobi wanted to argue in defense of his senators, but he had to admit that many were absolutely loathsome to deal with. "Pretty much."

"Then let me put your mind at ease. I am not entering this war. As I've told you before, I am not a member of the republic so I do not see that it concerns me. Nor do I seek conquest. The systems I rule did not 'fall' under my control. They saw me as a power that could defend their neutrality and came to me asking for protection. I gave it. If others ask the same then I'll do the same for them."

"So you have no intentions of advancing your borders into republic space?" The bearded man sought clarification.

Harry was silent for a moment, his hands folded on the desk before him. "That is something I wished to discuss with you."

Sensing they were not going to like where this conversation was going, the Jedi waited patiently and gestured for him to speak.

"I am not involved with your war, but I am involved with the struggle to eradicate slavery in this galaxy. A practice your organization has long turned a blind eye to."

"We have not-" Obi-wan started to argue, but was cut off by a raised claw from Yoda. His large ears turned down, as if in deep sorrow.

"Right you are to criticize. Too concerned with politics the Jedi have become. Influence the right senators the Hutts have. Worked just far enough away to avoid Republic ire they did. A failing this is for us. Better we must be."

"It is good you can recognize your own failings. Perhaps your Order is actually learning. Anyway, I managed to eradicate the practice here and free the slave population, but there is still a large slaving operation in the outer rim. I know of one planet that has risen up against the Hutts to declare their own freedom, and I wish to offer military aid for them as I send my armies out to take the war to the Hutts themselves. Considering they have worked with your government before, I'm curious what the Jedi Order has to say on this matter. Your arrival is rather fortuitous in that regard."

Obi-wan was conflicted. Having seen atrocities committed by the Hutts, he was all for any measure that would eliminate them from further influencing the galaxy as a whole. But the republic needed access to the shipping lanes they controlled, and a prolonged conflict could see those very same lanes given over to the Separatists. More than that, it would mean allowing a ruler not aligned to the Republic to further expand his borders. Master though he was, Kenobi didn't feel he was wise enough to give adequate council on this topic. Luckily his superior did it for him.

"Right, the act feels in the force. Though happy the senate will not be. Intend do you to rule these worlds yourself?"

"Not unless they ask for my protection. As I've said, my main goal is only to grant them freedom. Plus, the current ruler of the freed world, Tatooine, might not exactly welcome my aid alone. It would help to have your endorsement."

"Who rules it?" Obi-wan asked. He'd been so busy with the war and getting to know Satine again that he'd not kept up to date with the political schemes of the outer rim.

"Anakin Skywalker."

To say that Obi-wan was shocked by that revelation would be an understatement. "Are you sure?"

"Quite. Apparently after you lot kicked him out he went home, raised a slave rebellion, and was later elected to lead his people. Much as I was come to think of it. Anyway I remember well his views on Sith, so perhaps if one of you were to send him my offer of support?…" He trailed off at the end, communicating his thoughts clearly.

"Discuss with the council we will." Yoda confirmed, "a representative we will send."

"Thank you. Does that satisfy your mandate from the senate?"

"It does."

"Good. Now, Kenobi," he turned to the bearded man. "If you would like to apologize for before, please let Satine know that I would like to talk to her at her earliest convenience."

"Why? Couldn't you just contact her yourself? You are a ruler now."

"Because if you ask she'll get back to me faster. I think she likes making me wait when I call. Probably has something to do with absconding with a million of her citizens and regularly bedding her sister." A second head slap followed, but the smile never left his face.

Before anymore could be said, the door to the office opened admitting a tall Zyggerian woman. She wore a tight corset of some leathery material that emphasized her bust, and a silk skirt that flowed over her legs like water. It was with a start that the bearded Jedi realized he had never actually introduced himself to his Sith friend's latest conquest when last he visited.

"Greetings my lady, I am Obi-Wan Kenobi."

"Darth Zannah." She greeted back before gliding across the room to sit on Harry's lap.

The Jedi both stared in shock, before Yoda spoke up, "Sith that trained Lord Rache you are?"

"Oh, yes." the woman purred.

"Forgive me madam, but were you alway Zyggerian?"

"Oh no, this was the queen's body before Rache gave it to me. It's such a lovely form isn't it?"

"Hmph." Kenobi coughed into his hand, clearly uncomfortable with the topic of bodysnatching. "No comment."

"Smart boy." Her purring increased as Harry began kissing her neck.

"What was it you desired, darling?" He asked.

"Oh, a few things. First, Shaak says she is terribly sorry for lashing out at you. She hopes you'll forgive her."

"She doesn't even have to ask." "

Perfect. Second, I wanted to meet your friends. Such a novel thing. In my time I could never have imagined such amicable relations between Jedi and Sith."

"Hmhmhmh." Yoda chuckled, "Strange to us it is too."

"Third, I wanted to let you know that I've dealt with two more confederate and republic spies. They're just popping up out of the woodwork."

Harry's eyes narrowed as the Jedi grew worried. "Did you make them talk?"

"They squealed, my love."

Kenobi hurried to say, "Rache, I swear we had no knowledge of any spies sent by the republic."

"Easy, Obi, I believe you. This one is no doubt like the others, sent by some senator or other."

"You're absolutely right, darling." Zannah agreed. "Apparently some senator named Amidala sent her to inquire about a Sith emperor. Strange that, Naboo is quite out of the way."

"Hm. I've actually met this woman before. Send an invitation, Zannah. Ask her and her retinue to come visit. If she wants to learn about my rule she can just come here and ask."

"Will do, darling." Zannah nuzzled his neck lovingly for a moment longer than was comfortable for the guests and then exited the way she came.

"By the force, I love my women." Harry exclaimed earning a groan out of Kenobi and a fresh laugh from Yoda.


Prime Minister Palpatine, or Darth Sidious to those in the know, was pacing the floor of his office. It was eight times larger than the one he'd occupied on Coruscant, but still… it held less power. Ever since he'd been outed as working against the republic everything had gone to hell. He was supposed to be in command of one side of the conflict with his chosen agents manning the other. The clone army was supposed to be a trump card to eliminate the Jedi. The future was supposed to remain clouded! But now…

The override chips had been removed from the Grand Army of the Republic, so his foes now actually had an effective and fully functioning military. Worse than that, all of his political capitol was being spent holding the confederacy together. A process far more difficult than he could have anticipated as it turned out. While Palpatine was clever, crafty, and a master of planning for the long term, he was not the charismatic leader of men that Dooku had been. Under his leadership several systems had already abandoned the cause. Defecting to that upstart Sith in the Zyggerian system.

The thought of him caused the prime minister to seethe. A Sith, calling himself emperor, with several systems under his command, and it wasn't him! This was not how this was supposed to go. A thousand years of Sith machinations could not end this way!

His generals told him they were making a good fight of it, and that in terms of resources the two sides were evenly matched, but that wasn't good enough. The people of the confederacy didn't believe in his leadership as the republic had. He needed a victory, and not one of the small planets that they'd managed to conquer so far. No… He needed something big. Something useful.

The Sith's mind wandered on the possibilities and he came to a sudden realization. Mandalor, while not an empire, was the center of a group of cowards calling themselves the Neutral Faction. If his forces could take the system then the confederacy would gain powerful soldiers, fresh resources, favorable trade lanes, and best of all, beskar armor. Additionally, the Dutchess Satine was a strong symbol in the political circles of the galaxy. If he threatened her people he could bend her to his will, thus adding her political capitol to his own. It was perfect!

Pressing the comm to gain the attention of his personal secretary, Palpatine ordered, "Get me General Grievous. I have a task for him."

Mandalore - Ducal Palace

Satine was just sitting down for her dinner when the doors opened to reveal a blue skinned man with red eyes, dressed in a black flight suit. On the ground beside him were her guards.

Two things kept the woman from screaming for aid. First, she could see her men's chests rising and falling signifying that they still lived. Second, the strange being clasped his hands before him and bowed rather elegantly. Clearly he wasn't here to harm her, but gain immediate audience.

"My apologies, Duchess Kryze." His voice was smooth, silky, a bit accented, and slightly hesitant. As if Galactic Basic was not his first language. "I meant no harm to your men, truly I did not, but they were insistent on stopping our meeting."

"Hm." Satine wiped the corner of her mouth lightly with a silk napkin before rising form her seat to approach the stranger. "I was not aware of any meetings scheduled. Who are you and what do you want?"

The stranger chuckled lightly as he rose once more. By now they were only a few feet apart. Inside, he smiled. As reported, the duchess was no coward. "My name is Mitt'raw'nuruodo, but you may call me Thrawn. I am here because I seek an audience with the man known as Emperor Rache and my people's intelligence listed you as a possible go-between."

"That's it? That's why you forced your way in here?" Satine was rather annoyed. What else could that man do to trouble her?

"Oh no. If that were simply the case I'd have scheduled a normal appointment with you at your convenience. But you see, I have been studying patterns, bandwaves, and art. Alone these things mean nothing, but together… Your grace, I believe that an attack on your people by the Confederacy is imminent and in return for an introduction to the emperor, I would like to offer my services in planning your defense."