
Hey It's Me!

Victor is your normal everyday guy who tries his best to fit in the society. But one day everything turns upside down in life as he finds himself trapped in a room. Where he needs to play games to survive.Will he loose himself or will he survive

The_Fiend_Kira · Spiele
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2 Chs


It was a busy day as always. VICTOR looked in the mirror checking his smile tries to look pleasing as he was tying his striped blue tie. Botox smile is all he sees, it was better without expression he thought.

"Ugh...this is lame", he sighed as he walked past the mirror.

Everyday was a cycle repetitive and lame. Boring old desk job, some well acquainted peers is what he engages himself with.

''A lethargic life",he thought every morning.

"Here we go again", he whispers under his breath and grabs his bag as he walks out of his house.

Bustling morning and people starting their day off with a fresh inhale.

Victor sighs deeply, his face impassive.

Yoh Victor! He heard a voice approaching behind him, it was his neighbor. An old man in sixties jogging actively like he's in his prime full of purpose walked up to him breathing heavily.

"Look at you 'Mr.Niceguy' off to work", he asked to Victor.

Victor rubbing the back of his neck smiled.

"Yes, Sir waiting for my cab", he answered.

"Hey….you don't need to be like that with me", said the old man.

Victor had a puzzled look on his face as the old man spoke.

"I can read you like a book so drop the act and be you", he said with laughter.

"How did you know old man", he asked.

"You said it yourself I'm old it's something that comes with experience, you'll know what I mean in the near future so be your…...", the cab arrived their conversation ends abrupt.

The old man watches the cab leave.

"See you around Victor", he said.

works in a pharmaceutical company named "SIMP". A tall glass building rushing with people in and out. He enters and walks over his cabin.

"Well look who's on time as always", Victor sighs as hears a familiar voice it was Joe the guy who's next to his cabin. Victor nods with a quasi-smile as he looks at Joe.

"There it is that smile but guess what you don't look like any other day, this one lacks the charm perhaps the real you are getting out", as chuckled as he spoke.

He walks past Joe and sits in his cabin and a thought popped up in his head.

"Did I miss something in my routine, first the old man now Joe how did they notice".

He arranges his desk which has nothing but a laptop, pen holder, half rusted paper clips tangled together and a dry circle stain left by a coffee cup few days ago which he never bothered to wipe.

Time passes by with people buzzing, walking around or chatting away lazily. Just another day at work, Victor thought as he sat slouched against his chair and started working.

"This took longer than expected to complete", he said stretching back on his chair squeaking as his feet revives itself after hours of numbness. He looks at his watch, it's night already. The office looks less buzzing with only a few people around. He takes a break standing up stretching his shoulders.

He goes to the cafeteria and makes up an instant coffee with the coffee maker. As he drinks his coffee, he looks at the night sky through the glass building seeming so close form the top floor yet so far.

"A whole wide world and I'm stuck in a cabin", he scoffed.

"At least it's safe here and a modest life nothing could go wrong if I stay like this", he thought.

Little did he know that from tonight onwards he will never be the same…..

…. It was a palely lit room Victor was shown tied in a chair. He was unconscious.

---End of Prologue---