Chiyuki Hoshino, a beautiful otaku girl, traveled to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! with her Fate/Grand Order Heroic Spirit deck. "Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" "Activate the effect of Arash! Stella!" "My most loyal servant, the Dark Magician!" "Activate the effect of Arash! Stella!" "I…" "Activate the effect of Arash! Stella!!!" Amid the ruins and countless corpses (thanks to Arash), Chiyuki wiped her forehead and smiled brightly. "Playing cards is so damn interesting." For those interested in reading this fanfic, please note that I am not the original author. I have only translated and edited it to make it as readable as possible. Author: 摸鱼阿唯 Raw Title: 我用英灵卡组在决斗者王国打牌 (I Use a Heroic Spirit Deck to Duel in Duelist Kingdom) If you'd like to read 25 chapters ahead, please consider joining my Patreon: