

Multiple kids enroll in a High School For kids with superpowers and they all get in unexpectedly and all get assigned to the same class. The kids all become apart of a special Force Called The Heroic’s.

THAGOAT_82 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Welcome To Heroic Academy!

<p>Hey my name is Kai!<br/><br/>I'm 15 years old and I'm a student at Heroic Academy<br/><br/>I am apart of a special hero task force called The Heroics<br/><br/>I wasn't always like this though and you will learn my story. Enjoy!<br/><br/><br/>Two years ago….<br/><br/><br/>Kai: Grandpa I'm off to school!<br/><br/>Kai's Grandpa: Enjoy your day and bye!<br/><br/>Kai hassles out the front door and his book bag drags behind him<br/><br/>Kai runs out with his short blue hair and his black and white school uniform <br/><br/>He runs to the bus and the bus drives off<br/><br/>Kai: WAIT<br/><br/>He runs and the bus stops he gets on and walks to the back and sits by himself<br/><br/>He arrives at school and sits at his desk in first period <br/><br/>Naomi: Hey Kai!<br/><br/>Kai turns around to a long black hair very beautiful girl<br/><br/>Kai: Hey Naomi, how- how's your afternoon- I mean morning<br/><br/>He say's shyly <br/><br/>Naomi: Great!<br/><br/>The teacher walks in with a suit and tie and glasses with brown slick back hair<br/><br/>Teacher: Welcome back class!<br/><br/>Teacher: I'm the transfer teacher, Mr Simon<br/><br/>He walks and pass out a form for each kid to fill out<br/><br/>A few moments later…<br/><br/>The bell rings and Kai walks pass and bumps accidentally into Akami<br/><br/>Akami: Watch we're you going nerd<br/><br/>Akami knocks down Kai books<br/><br/>Kai picks the books up and walk pass a dark classroom with a kid sitting on the teacher desk making something float with his hands<br/><br/>Kai: You have powers?<br/><br/>Kid: I call it abilities or Gifts <br/><br/>Kai: I'm sorry I haven't properly introduced myself <br/><br/>Kai: My name is Kai and yours?<br/><br/>Toyashi: My name is Toyashi or Toyo for short<br/><br/>Kai: Well Hi Toyo it's nice to meet you<br/><br/>Toyashi: I will be transferring to a Powered school soon though<br/><br/>Kai: That's a thing?<br/><br/>Toyashi: Yeah you will need to pass the Exams to get in because it is a academy after all<br/><br/>Kai: What are the tests?<br/><br/>Toyashi: Strength, Speed, Durability and IQ<br/><br/>Kai: I will enroll and try to pass the exam, when is the exam…???<br/><br/>Toyashi: The exam are in four months<br/><br/>Kai(Mind): Four months to train is more then enough <br/><br/>Kai: Well bye Toyashi and see you later<br/><br/>The bell rings and Kai goes home<br/><br/>He walks in the front door<br/><br/>Kai: Grandpa IM HOME!<br/><br/>Kai's Grandpa: Hey grandson <br/><br/>Kai: Grandad I am enrolling for a powered school<br/><br/>Kai's Grandpa: Why?<br/><br/>Kai: Kishomo I mean grandpa I will be the first non ability kid in the school!<br/><br/>Kishomo: Well if you want too I believe in you<br/><br/>Kai: Thanks<br/><br/>Kishomo: I will be walking to the store for a few items<br/><br/>Kishomo walks to the store and A few hours later walks home it gets dark and he crosses the street <br/><br/>He walks pass his neighbor house and a man walks up <br/><br/>Mystery Man: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY OLD MAN RIGHT NOW!<br/><br/>Kishomo: I don't have any<br/><br/>Kai runs outside<br/><br/>Kai: GRANDAD!<br/><br/>He yells<br/><br/>Kishomo: Dont move Kai<br/><br/>Mystery Man: GIVE ME YOUR MONEY<br/><br/>Kishomo: I said I don't have any<br/><br/>The Man Puts his hand up and shoots a air pulse wave and Kishomo flies high in the sky and his body hits the ground<br/><br/>Kai: GRANDDAD!<br/><br/>Kai runs toward the man and the man jumps high in the sky and escapes<br/><br/>Kai goes over to his grandad<br/><br/>Kai eyes are raining like waterfall's <br/><br/>Kai: Grandad just… just breathe you will make it<br/><br/>Kishomo: Kai….. Whatever you want to do with your life<br/><br/>He coughs <br/><br/>Kishomo: Do it because I believe in you because your the strongest person I know<br/><br/>A tear comes out of Kishomo eye and his eyes close<br/><br/>Kai: No…- NO... NOOOO GRANDAD WAKE UP<br/><br/>Kai: WAKE UP<br/><br/>He screams<br/><br/><br/>To be continued...</p>