

Multiple kids enroll in a High School For kids with superpowers and they all get in unexpectedly and all get assigned to the same class. The kids all become apart of a special Force Called The Heroic’s.

THAGOAT_82 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

QuickSlash Vs Rira

QuickSlash stands in front of the kids gripping his sword on his back

Rira: Let them go…..

QuickSlash: When I said all of them need to die I mean all

Rira: This is your last chance to leave with your life so let them go and leave before I get mad….

QuickSlash: Your pretty confident for someone unknown like you

QuickSlash: Who are you again

Rira face turns serious and he starts walking towards QuickSlash

Rira: Kids I need you to run...

He puts his hand around his sword

Rira: Let's get this over with….

The kids run as Rira start running towards QuickSlash

QuickSlash teleports behind him with his sword in his hand and swings at Rira

But Rira blocks it with tip of his sword

QuickSlash continues to teleport around Rira and keeps trying to land a hit but Rira keeps evading, blocking and dodging

The kids continue to run but sees Motteru and the others

Motteru: What is happening?

He says breathing heavy

Rie: It's a Supervillain and MR RIRA IS FIGHTING HIM!

Motteru: What!

Motteru: Listen to me carefully

Motteru: Get to the bus and call for backup!

The students look at him in fear

Motteru: NOW! GO!

They all head back to the bus and Motteru starts running towards the fight but Kai stops and turn around

Tora: Come on Kai!

Kai: I can't...

Tora: What do you mean? We have to go get help

Kai: I'm not running….. I'm tired of being scared…..

Kai: Mr Motteru and Mr Rira need our help and I won't be the one to leave them when they need me

Kai: I'm sorry Tora….. BUT I GOT TO HELP!

Kai start running towards the fight

Rira is breathing heavy holding his sword

QuickSlash is also breathing heavy

QuickSlash: Are you just going to dodge all day or are we going to fight and get this over with?

Rira: You're right…..

Rira stands up straight and his entire posture change

Rira: Be careful for what you asked for

Motteru arrives

Motteru: Rira!

QuickSlash: If it isn't the loving teacher Shinko Motteru the son of Shikai Motteru

Rira: Motteru! Stay back and trust me

Rira: I'm going to finish this….

Motteru: I'm right here if you need me

QuickSlash: Well you've gotten cocky

QuickSlash: Maybe I NEED TO REMIN-

QuickSlash teleports above Rira

Rira(Mind): It's time to use my gift…..

Rira does a backflip and turns his sword


Rira uses his gift to cast flames around his sword

QuickSlash: So you can cast spells

QuickSlash: Interesting but IT WON'T BE QUICK ENOUGH!

QuickSlash teleports behind Rira but Rira throws his hand out


Flamed chains appear from the ground and chase QuickSlash but he dodges them and jumps towards Rira leading to them clashing swords

They both swing and continue to repeatedly clash

Motteru(Mind): It seems that Rira is still holding back a ton

Kai sneaks up and sees Motteru standing on the right of the fight

Kai(Mind): This fight is pretty intense

Kai(Mind): Imma stay here until Mr Rira needs help

Rira: It's time to end this….


Needles fall from the sky directly towards QuickSlash but he dodges most of them with his teleportation but multiple needles strike him in the leg and back and he starts to bleed

QuickSlash: You got me good….

QuickSlash yells as he pulls the needles out

QuickSlash: Congratulations YOU MADE ME ANGRY!

QuickSlash moves faster than before and teleports at a even greater speed and appears in front of Rira and swings his sword

Rira is to slow so QuickSlash lands multiple slashes to Rira body

Kai(Mind): MR RIRA!

Kai(Mind): I have to do something about it before Rira gets badly hurt

Kai(Mind): Why is Mr Motteru just standing there

QuickSlash appears behind and kicks him in the back sending him into a building


Rira grabs his arm and slowly gets up

Rira(Mind): He's too fast…..


Rira gains a blue aura around him and QuickSlash tries to attack but can't get past the barrier

Rira pants while holding his arm in pain



He continue to attack it but it won't crack or it wasn't even phased by his attacks

Rira: It's pointless

Rira: The barrier is impenetrable for 2 minutes so it give me time to figure something out

Motteru(Mind): He made himself a protective barrier until he figured a way to beat him…. Rira you never cease to amaze me

Motteru: Will you hurry this up before I step in

He says with a smirk

Rira(Mind): I need to figure something out fast

Kai(Mind): I need to help Mr Rira somehow…

To be continued....