

Multiple kids enroll in a High School For kids with superpowers and they all get in unexpectedly and all get assigned to the same class. The kids all become apart of a special Force Called The Heroic’s.

THAGOAT_82 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

A Warning

Rira stands as the time on his barrier slowly goes away

Rira(Mind): I got just the plan

Quickslash dashes around swinging at the barrier trying to crack it

QuickSlash: Tick Tock

QuickSlash: The time on that barrier will run out any second now

Motteru(Mind): What is his plan?

Rira: That's the plan….

The barrier drops and Rira summons his chain and throws them at QuickSlash before he can react

QuickSlash: WHAT!

The chains wrap around him and he smiles

Rira: The plan was simple…

Rira: Let you think that you had me trapped and I waited for the right moment to summon the chains without you noticing them

Motteru(Mind): Rira you never ceases to amaze me

QuickSlash: THIS ISN'T OVER!

Rira: I'm pretty sure it is…


Rira Summons a black hole and sends QuickSlash into it


The black hole closes

Kai(Mind): He's done it!

Rira starts panting heavy as Motteru walks up to him clapping

Motteru: Somehow you always impress me Rira

Rira: Think I impressed myself

Motteru: You are a little rusty

He says as he hands Rira his glasses

Rira: Wait, my glasses fell off?

Motteru: Yeah when you created your barrier it fell outside it

Rira: I didn't even realize

Motteru: See rusty

Rira: I Guarantee you wouldn't have handle that situation any better

Motteru: I would've beaten him in minutes

He says Defensively

Rira: Yeah you keep telling yourself that

Motteru: Let me ask you something

Rira: Go for it

Motteru: Why hold back?

Rira: Because if I used anymore of my power then that black hole would've destroyed the entire town

Motteru: That makes sense

Kai(Mind): THE TOWN!

Motteru: Alright Kai you can come out!

Motteru shouts

Rira: Yeah we know you in that bush over there

Kai comes out the bush

Kai: I'm-

Motteru: We're going to have a long talk on the way back

Kai frowns

Motteru: Let's head back to the bus and go home

Kai: Ok….

He says as he walks back to the bus

A few hours later…

They get back to the school as they get off the bus Motteru tells everyone to stop

They stop and turn around and look at him


He shouts in a demanding tone

Everyone: Yes sir

Motteru: Good now go to your rooms and get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow

Everyone heads to there dorms and as Kai walks off Motteru shouts towards him

Motteru: Kai WAIT

Kai turns around

Kai: Yes Motteru?

Motteru: I don't want you putting yourself in harms way like that again

Motteru: I understand you were looking for a way to help but if something would happen to any of you then it would be my fault

Kai: Yes sir….

He says with a sad look

Motteru: I'm not mad at you but I am worried for you

Motteru: Get some sleep alright

Kai: Got it

He says with a smile

Kai gets to his room

Kai walks in and sees Shiranai

Shiranai: Y'all are back later than usual

Kai: Yeah we had a long day

Shiranai: What happened….

Kai: A lot of people not cooperating but besides that a lot of water

Kai: I'm heading to bed because I'm very tired so I'll see you in the morning

Shiranai: Night kid

Kai: Night

Back at the school

Motteru sits in his classroom going over the villain database and sees QuickSlash

A figure stands in the shadow of his classroom with bright red eyes

Motteru face turns serious

Motteru: Who are you…

Black Figure: That's not important but what is important is that we are coming for you and your super school

Motteru: We'll come on I'll be right here waiting for you

Black Figure: Everyone you know and love will die soon enough

Motteru: You must be crazy to be threatening me of all people

Black Figure: We know who you are and what you're capable of

Motteru: So I advise you to use your words wisely

Black Figure: You will be begging for your life soon

Motteru: Alright enough games

Motteru throws a book towards the figure but it disappears

Motteru jumps up and leaves the school

Motteru(Mind): I have a bad feeling about this….

To be continued….