
- Shidou? 2

"Ein! Let's play!"

Another day, another hell. I begrudgingly opened the door and went outside to greet Irina.

"Good morning"

I purposely greeted her in English.

"G-Gwood Mohning!"

Eh, good enough. To be honest, it's one of those boring days again, regardless of what I do, nothing is enough to soothe my uneasiness, it's like something is going to happen in the future and this calm before the storm is irking me.

I hope it stays a feeling.

After a few hours of playing, Irina gave up. Or, rather she's tired.

"Ein. Too fast. Rest!"

"Irina. Too slow. Slowpoke?"

A pout. How cute. Now then, she's satisfied and I can go back to lounging in the couch. Without paying her a second glance I went back inside and laid on the perfectly comfortable couch.


My Ein Warp has reached a certain level of offense again, my inspiration comes from the Kuroko girl from that series with gender equality. You know, that guy who punches females like he does males.

It's Magical Index. Seriously.

Anyways, her teleportation has the neat function of over imposing on something, basically she can teleport stuff inside people.

Ein Warp originally allowed me to bring stuff with me, but with the use of Void Pocket Teleportation, I can now teleport objects... into other object and achieve a certain kind of effect accordingly.

Lemme make an example.

Einzt (For now I'm going to use this SFX whenever he teleports so it's clear when he's teleporting and when he's not)

Here in the woods.

First, I imagine a separate pocket dimension where I can store things, like this random branch.


Now, as it's in the void, I'm going to teleport it directly inside the tree.


And the effects? I pulled the branch out and just like a key, the inside of the trunk was hollow in the shape of the branch.

Imagine if this was like, a glass and I just happen to teleport it inside someone else.

They'll be cut in half no effort whatsoever.

Another scary part of this is that... remember last cha- I mean the people I've marked, or the people I've teleported before who is catalogued are targets available for this.

In other words, I can kill someone from half the world away whenever I want as long as I've teleported them once before.

All I have to do is pick up something and teleport that object inside their heart or so. Honestly, I could do the same with my regular Ein Warp.

And just to avoid confusion, I'll call this Ein Snipe. In other words, there's no way I can miss whatever I throw or just anything in particular.

Huh, you never thought something like Teleportation would be over powered huh? It's all in your creativity, even something boring like the power to remove friction can be ridiculously op if used creatively.


I'll continue sitting on the couch until something happens.

And so, I sat boringly until I was 10 years old. Grade 5 to be exact. Again, not that I go to school.


"Ein. You know that the orphanage only takes care of the kids until they're 13 years old..."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

Grandma nun, please don't let me be adopted with the Shidou's!

"You have a family willing to adopt you, why do continue to refuse? Do you not like Irina? Children struggle to get adopted into a family and you have had one wanting you for how many years now"

"Ein! Please! Please! Please! Be my brother! Pleaseeeeee!"

"We promise we won't mistreat you, I mean we really won't... that will be a sin, after all"

"Irina is practically begging you to be her adoptive brother, how cruel of you to reject, hahaha"

A mother who wants to adopt me so badly because I can cook like a God and do chores like Jesus Christ.

A girl who wants to adopt me because I'm her only playmate and confidant in whatever childish tantrums she has.

A father who wants to adopt me... for something obviously not because of what he says is the reason.

But, it's not any of those things that make me reject.

The Shidou family's patriarch is a bonafide exorcist. The daughter is bonafide talent with a penchant for holy swords. The mother is an ex-exorcist who was trained by someone named Griselda briefly.

Just, why don't you just ram my face into the supernatural gate?

I don't want to! I want away from that wicked realm! Or realms!

I don't want to! I DON'T WANT TO!


I stare into Irina's violet eyes. It was sparkling, full of hope and joy. Urgh...

I wonder if I had great grandchildren, will they be this irresistible?







"F-Fine! Whatever! I'll get adopted by Irina's family!"

"YEY! I can call you Ein-Nii! No, I mean Little Brother Ein!"

Yes, in fact I'm actually a few months younger than Irina.

That doesn't matter though, if anyone would guess, they'd peg me as the older one.

Cause I really am.

I sighed and buried my face into the couch they cornered me on.

Starting a few days from now after all the papers are signed and done.

I'm officially Einstein Shidou.

God. I know you're dead in this world, but why?

Actually, Michael? You hear me? Why?

I should stop. Michael might actually hear me... and then they'll visit me and ask how I know. That's bad.

I stood up from the coach and went into the bathroom.

I just have to incase.

Look at myself in the mirror.

Green eyes. long platinum blonde hair reaching my buttocks. Features feminine. Skin baby-like. Eyelashes the same color as my hair giving me a certain beautiful look.

And a dick.

I'm male.

Ok. I'm still a boy. Nothing's wrong.

The other night, I had a nightmare about accidentally teleporting my dick. I had to become a girl after that.

It was terrifying.

I refuse to cut my hair because, as much as I loathe the parents who brought me into this world, this hair is my sign of respect for not completely abandoning me as a fetus and having the heart to bring me into an orphanage instead of anywhere else.

Even my hair is perfect.

I flipped it.

I sighed.

I look too much like a snobbish bishoujo.

I came out of the bathroom and back to the couch.

I'll sleep this depressing day away.