
Hero to Villain: Betrayal knows my name

I wanted to make the world a better place once. But they had other plans and with a sword to the stomach, it was done. I guess fate had a cruel joke in mind, a never ending void sounds expressionless. But I wouldn’t have it any other way now, vengeance for my unrighteousness death. Ray Zone, the World’s number 1, Worldwide, a powerful swordsman from Australia is brutally killed by his own teammates. The thing is they all thought it was over once his body was tossed but little did they know a demon would be born from their actions of greed and power. He was reborn as Ray Ryjin and what would transpire from his past to now would be quite the journey. Ray’s end could be his beginning- or something bigger? ‘I knew I was dead, at least in that life but no one had really come back to tell people what was far beyond death in the Split World. No one, until me.' However little did Ray realise things were going to twist in a way not even he thought was possible.

JK_Maternity_ · Aktion
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17 Chs


"Ray!" Shouted out his Mother as she came rushing from the top of the ditch, yet for the first time ever she didn't look human to his eyes.

What Ray saw through his new found eyes was a force to be reckoned with, he saw his Mother's demon form. A fierce and beautiful demoness that had horns like a beasts and talons like a Jiba bird, she ran towards him and held him close as though he would disappear.


[Jiba Bird]

- A monster with large talons and bird like features, can vary in sizes from as tiny as a house cat to as big as a house]


"Impossible" remarked Ray's father as he too had run towards the massive sound he'd heard, only to find his youngest in a ditch? But not only that, he had gone through what demons called core awakening!?


[core awakening]

- When a demon of any kind condenses their cores together reaching a new rank or power 


"Mother?" Feeling a bit hazy from the sudden lack of energy, Ray felt his Mothers embrace and fell limb. "Look at you- you've grown" 

'Oh so now you acknowledge I've grown' Ray smirked as he fell unconscious.


"How is he doctor?" Asked Ray's Father as his Mother once again was glued to his bed ridden side.

"It's too early to say, he's only a fledgling, barely 10 years old and has just gone through a core awakening. It would have taken everything in him not to die, his magi is extremely depleted- regardless of his demonic form. If it wasn't for his stigma- all I'm saying is he's very fortunate." The doctor concluded as he packed away his supplies and handed Ray's Father a packet of medicine. "Make sure he digests this concoction daily till his magi is at least average"

"Thank you, Dr. Criset" putting a hand on his shoulder, the Doctor comforted him. 

"It's Norman your majesty, and your son will live, that I am certain. If anything happens, alert me immediately." taking his leave, Rays Father held the packet with uncertainty. Not for what the concoction was but rather for his youngest. 

It seems his youngest had always ended up in some type of harms way since being born. Almost like an unprecedented curse hanging around for no real reason. 

Sure some of it was mainly due to his warrior title and his decision to give Ray that responsibility. But even before then his youngest was always different, sure he was curious, smart and definitely bore resemblance but he was irregular to a degree. What it was though, he could never put his finger on it.

"Opal, administer this concoction to my youngest son till his magi is of average output. If any thing happens, you are to alert me at once… and please help my wife be at peace- I'm already going through tribulations" 

"Yes your majesty" Opal quickly hurried off with her new duties as Drilon looked at a portrait of his whole family. 

'I don't think I have the strength to protect them for much longer…' looking down at his hand, he pulled off one of his black gloves to show his skin with black veins pulsing through his hand. A disease, it was eating him alive and there was no cure.

"You should tell everyone why you've been doing this, Father- you'll die alone at this rate" 'Ah, yes, the only one who knows more if not everything. The one who's sole mission was to find a cure for me', "Xion"

Turning around as he put his glove back on he peered at his 8th kin. He wasn't that much older than Ray yet had also endured a lot by his hands. "You really think it's time"

"I do Father, they already know bits and pieces and regardless of Mother's nurturing, we are old enough to understand regardless our experiences. I fear for your condition, the doctor is already aware of your rapid health decline. His sentimental line wasn't just meant for the youngest just now." 

'So he was listening, seems he's gotten better at using his skills' 

"It maybe too late if you leave it for too long" Xion too looked at the family portrait before turning around "Those humans are using you, just as you're using them however if they find out your condition. They will kill us all" 

Walking away from him, Drilon watched Xion as he left. 'Yes, they would kill us. Inferior beings feel a sense of fear upon things they can't control because they are weaker than they want to believe.'


'It's cold again… ah, that's right, I used up too much magi at once. Huh… but where am I?'

In front of Ray was a place he'd never seen before yet strangely familiar? 

'Another void huh? Great' 

An out of body experience is what people would refer to this as his soul seemed to be in the shape of his human body in an endless sea below. Yet the waves were not moving as his body dropped to the surface. He was sure he'd read something about this, although it was difficult to remember the contents.

'Of all the times to forget about certain things' he thought annoyed as his hands pressed up against the surface more, applying pressure as if moving a massive boulder. 'What the fuck is this!?' Pressing down harder, his soul wavered as the void around him shook all of a sudden. But he didn't let up as his soul was suddenly thrust into on coming waves of magi. 


As if being beaten to a pulp his body in the real world jolted awake as he yelled in a dry cry due to a parched throat. With shaking hands he looked down and saw his skin was back to normal and his demonic features were nowhere in sight. But nothing could tell him that wasn't real, he smelt like a sewer, drenched in sweat- probably from his fever dream. Not that he didn't acknowledge his outer body experience, it was just better not to think about it right now. 

Looking around it was silent, which was odd considering he was sure his mother would have been by his side. Getting up slowly off the king sized bed he paced himself as his first steps were so shaky and numb. 

'Fucken Christ, pins and needles!' Ah yes, no one could tell him he hadn't experienced pain now. It seemed his legs hadn't had any circulation in the time he'd been out. If he was a normal human like in his past, he would have lost his legs. 

Falling to the ground wasn't too bad- As if hearing his struggling the door to his room was opened and an unexpected person came towards him. 

"You should have called someone" 


This was odd, he'd never really held a conversation with the 8th, he was more a mystery than Ray himself. 

Grabbing Ray's right arm, Xion slang it over his own shoulder and helped him walk towards the door. 

'This is so damn awkward… what do I even say? Why is he not saying anything?' Before Ray even realised they were both entering the main room where Lance and Ash were. 'Where was everyone?'

"Ray?" Questioned Lance as Ash walked up to them both and further helped Ray into a chair. 

"Where is everyone" Ray finally asked as Xion poured some weird concoction in a cup before giving it to him. 'This isn't poison right?' 

"It's not poison if that's what your thinking" Xion spoke as if he could read his mind. 'Creepy bastard' Ray thought taking a sip of the drink as Xion sat down. "As for the others- there was an issue that happened while you were unconscious"

"Why are you not just spitting it out dumbass, he maybe the youngest but he's not stupid." 'Finally, someone finally sees me' Ray hummed in joy to his brothers words- even if it was Lance who tended to act like an old man rather than that of his spitting youth. 

"I didn't want to bombard him as he's just recovered from a magi depletion" Xion hissed as Lance smiled deviously waving his left hand signally his typical 'whatever you say' notion with that gesture. 

"The humans are here" Ash finally spoke up causing the bickering brothers to exchange looks that seemed void of emotion. 

"Humans!?" He couldn't hide his surprise at that, it was already obvious he was reborn in the Split World. But humans? Here? Wasn't their father doing trades… sure that pissed him off enough but magi crystals were a rich commodity for them, not just as resources but human man power ups. 

"It seems they wanted an audience with Father" Xion added as Lance scoffed. 

"Yeah first it will be an audience than a full blood bath." 

"Shut the hell up Lance" Spat Xion actually losing his cool?

"Wait so there isn't a problem?" Ray questioned as Lance clicked his tongue and Xion sighed. 

"The humans are still wanting a treaty but now they are offering us other services" 'Other services? What other services!? If this is related to Project 12 than the only service they would be provided is murder'. "It's not what you're thinking Ray" Xion continued noticing Ray's curled fist and tight grip on his cup paired with furrowed brows. "They want to let demons mingle with their world to gain better understanding of us-" 

"-Yeah like I said, they just want to know our weaknesses for an easy kill" Lance butted in again as Xion stood up and grabbed his brother by the collar. 

"I don't fucken care if you are older than me, I'll fuck you up right here in front of our brothers and put you in your place." Threaten Xion as Lance laughed in his face.

"Try me bitch" Lance Spat back as the two had their magi leaking out everywhere.

For once though Ray agreed with the old ma- Lance, after all, they were the ones that killed him for this chance. He knew what they wanted from this transaction. But it was refreshing to see the quiet Xion actually show emotions? He was usually rather reserved, so this was definitely hinting to a bigger picture, what that was was still a mystery.

"Shut up!" Snapped Ash finally as the two had already hit each a few times in a slight skirmish. "Mother wouldn't want us fighting right now and I'm sure Ray doesn't want to see you guys squirm on the floor after just recovering" 'huh? Why are you bringing me into this? Speak for yourself, this is hilarious!' Ray chuckled to himself as the two still pissed off at each other took their seats once more.