
Hero Is Defeated By Evil

The hero fell for the despicable trick of evil. Strong and beautiful heroes were reduced to the humiliating sex-processed vagina slaves of scumbag villains. *Male casting *Not impoverished *No spinning *No NTR *Virgin heroine

NescafeMTL · Urban
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51 Chs

First brainwashing, Hero Spades (3)

'This fucking bastard… !!'

Spade trembled with anger in front of the surprise box that seemed to be teasing people.

However, I quickly turned my attention back to Apple when I heard the sound of "eup-eup" coming from below.

Anyway, I'm glad you're safe.

With a slightly weary sigh, Spade removed the tape from Apple's mouth.


"Ugh… !"

Although Apple opened it carefully, it still grimaced as if it was in pain.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? "I'll release you right away."

Next, I tried to loosen the restraints on the chair, and found that everything from the chair to the parts that held the limbs in place were made of iron.

No matter how spade it is, it is impossible to work with metal with bare hands.

It might be as simple as bending an iron bar.

"This is why you need a cutter… ."

"Mr. Spade!! Run away!"


Apple's urgent cry.

While they are puzzled because they don't know what it means.

Rattling! Couuuuuuuuck!

The warehouse door, which had been wide open until now, closed of its own accord.

"oh… … … !"


As if this wasn't the end, an unknown gas burst out of small container boxes placed here and there in the warehouse.

'Tear gas… ? or not… !'

"You can't drink it!"

Apple shouted urgently.

Even if it is not said, you can intuitively know that it is a dangerous-looking aircraft.

I quickly tried to open the door, but there was no handle to begin with.

Does it work mechanically? It was clearly operated from a distance with something like a remote control.

"profit… !"


I kicked the door with all my magical power, but the heavy and thick iron door was only slightly dented.

And in the meantime, Apple was coughing and coughing from the gas that was already starting to fill the space.

Spade is also not safe, so you can sneakily inhale the gas...

My head felt dizzy for a moment. It shouldn't stay like this. As it is… .

What should I do?

What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?!

"No. 13… !!"

The gas is getting thicker.

Spade poured out resentful words and desperately shook his head, sweating profusely.

* * *

"… … … … … Is it okay? "It's okay, right?"

Approximately 10 minutes.

Number 13, who had been waiting on a distant floor to avoid detecting Spade's animal-like presence, sauntered towards the warehouse room where Spade had been lured.

At this rate, no matter how monstrous that woman was, the medicine would have been enough.

"You broke the surveillance camera? "It's expensive."

They tried to check the condition inside, but Spade, who was trapped in the gas and was helpless, shot the camera and damaged it out of anger.

Thanks to this, I can't check the condition inside.

'I snuck it in from Dorothy's supply warehouse.'

I think Dorothy would be really angry if she found out. What do we do.

If you're going to get hit, just get hit. I felt resentful of Spade for struggling so needlessly.

This is an abandoned factory that was once used as a base by [Abyss], and it still has electricity and the equipment used at the time still remains.

The place where Spade and Apple are kept is a space that is both a warehouse and a shelter.

It is designed to be sturdy so that even powerful heroes cannot do anything, either inside or outside.

I never thought I would recycle this like this.

I arrived at the warehouse with a bit of emotion and used the terminal in my hand to open the door.


As the heavy iron door opened inward, the remaining gas that could not escape came out.

Wait a little distance away to avoid inhaling the gas, and then go inside.

Okay, then all we have to do is collect the fallen hero, de――

"uh… … … … … ?"

When I checked inside, there was no one there.

The Apple that was restrained in the center of the warehouse room, and the Spade that would be with the Apple.

No, not even that heavy iron chair in the first place... .

"Ten, three hooooooooooooooo!!!"



What I heard was a corner of a warehouse nearby.

Several parts in the warehouse were stacked on top of each other, and Spade, who was standing on top of them, immediately jumped down in this direction.

Coooooo! Quad deuk!

A downward strike with the force to crush No. 13's head.

The boot, which narrowly missed, hit the concrete floor with terrifying force, cracking it.

"Fuck... Tea!"

"S-spade ciii~! Hehehe~!"


Spade threw the apple he was holding up on the floor.

Apple, who is locked in a restraint and unable to move, can only scream in fear.

Anyway, Spade, who was barely relieved after putting down the Apple, glared harshly at No. 13.

"under… I'll kill you. "I will kill you!!!"


Without thinking of a counterattack, he turned around and chased after No. 13, who was running away awkwardly, and the spade chased after him, kicking the floor and the wall.

* * *

The gas that exploded from the container box instantly filled the narrow space of the warehouse.

However, perhaps because the weight of the gas was heavy, it quickly sank.

Spade, who figured out its nature, immediately stacked objects around him, including gas-emitting container boxes, and climbed on top of them.

Apple's restraints didn't come off, so she lifted them up with both arms and climbed up together.

Even so, it took time for the gas to settle, and there was barely enough space left around the ceiling.

In the end, the only thing that escaped the gas was the apple that was raised above the spade's head, and the spade had no choice but to be left in the gas.

However, the reason why Spade was able to stay safe was――

"I am! One hour! Hold your breath! "I can endure it!!!"



Craddangtangtang! Gurgling… !

"Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… !"

Number 13, who was hit in the side by a spade and flew several meters, barely stopped after hitting a disorderly row of container boxes.

However, he does not move as if his entire body is paralyzed by the shock that is felt throughout his body.

Tap, tap… .

"Do something cowardly… it's okay. "Because this time, I'm going to kill you."

"Ah, ugh… Hehe… Buy, save... Give… ."

"shut up."

I have no intention of forgiving you. No. 13 was originally included in 『Subject to purge』.

Considering his usual foolishness, he would have hesitated to kill even Spade.

Taking a fellow colleague hostage and making him breathe a suspicious gas can be considered dangerous enough.

So there is no hesitation.

I will kill this villain like this.

"Now, just a moment! School, exchange conditions! If you save me! "I'll teach you the password for that restraint!"

Spade, who was adjusting his gloves as he approached to suffocate No. 13, suddenly stopped.

"… password?"

"okay! That's Dorothy's special... Ah, we are genius scientists... Uh, anyway! It would be difficult to cut it with a normal cutter?! "If you promise to save my life, I'll tell you the unlock password!"

"… … "Speak up."

"You promise?!"

"… … ."

When Spade nodded wordlessly, No. 13 hurriedly gave the password.

It was an 8-digit password. I memorized the spade by repeating it over and over again so as not to forget it.

"Fu, I'm releasing you… ?"

Number 13 wakes up trembling with a pitiful face.

Spade looked down at Number 13 coldly, took out the pistol he had put in his holster, and aimed it at Number 13.

"uh… ?"


bang! bang! bang! bang!

Without mercy, without hesitation.

Aiming for No. 13's chest and stomach, he fires one after another.

Seven shots in a row.

I shot until my heart felt relieved.

"… … … … … … … !"

Number 13 twitched and eventually lowered his head as if he had fainted.

Spade looked at Number 13 coldly with unimpressed eyes.

"… … "I said I would save you, but I didn't say I would let you go."

It's a rubber bullet, so it won't kill you.

So I said I wasn't lying and I made an excuse that no one would hear.

There is a possibility that the password you gave me in the first place was wrong.

Spade put the pistol back in its safety lock and went back to the warehouse room where Apple was waiting.

* * *

As a result, the password was correct. Although it took him a while to find the small panel on the back of the chair.

"Thank you Mr. Spade. "I've bothered you."

"No, no. I was lucky that there were no injuries. "Didn't something strange happen to you?"

"yes. Was that person number 13…? ? "It seems like he was only interested in Mr. Spade."

You're trying to be so obsessed with me. I felt a little cold.

"Then let's arrest him and take him to base. "Whether you kill or live, the captain will decide for you."

Since he proudly challenged me to a duel and all, I thought about the possibility that his abilities were revived again.

I came prepared mentally, but looking at my appearance a little while ago, it seems that wasn't the case.

What on earth were you thinking of provoking people? ?

"Wait a minute, Mr. Spade. That's not the problem, I have important things to do."

I was about to leave feeling a little empty, but Apple caught me in spades.

Before I knew it, I was holding a smartphone and earphones in my hand.

"Actually, I found the villain organization's hideout. Originally, I should have reported it quickly and finished it, but... ."

However, by pure coincidence, I overheard the villains' conversation.

It also explicitly talks about something quite dangerous.

It seems that Apple overheard it and even secretly recorded it.

Although it is not an ability suitable for battle, it cannot be said that it is not an incredible amount of guts and courage.

"No, Apple, you did that alone…" Dangerously... !"

"I know it's dangerous, but I couldn't just ignore it. Please take a look at this. It's urgent, but Mr. Spade... !"

Apple touched the screen to select a video and handed it to Spade along with the earphones.

What on earth is it about?

"The front part will be blank, but if you look closely, you'll see something. You have to look really closely to see it. Because the distance is far, the sound is hard to hear, so please concentrate and listen. "Because it's really important."

"uh… … yes… … ."

hmm… That's right.

If Apple, and not just anyone else, says that, I can't help but think it's true.

Although he was a little confused, Spade did as Apple said and played the video with his earphones in and the volume turned up to maximum.

Spade stared with concentration at the pitch-black screen that seemed to show nothing, even though he was puzzled.