
Hero Is Defeated By Evil

The hero fell for the despicable trick of evil. Strong and beautiful heroes were reduced to the humiliating sex-processed vagina slaves of scumbag villains. *Male casting *Not impoverished *No spinning *No NTR *Virgin heroine

NescafeMTL · Urban
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51 Chs

7th Division C-Class Hero Club

――The base of the Hero Association's 7th Division, the restaurant.

"Senior Spade? Seniors!"

"ah… .?"

During the meal, Spade, who had become lost in his thoughts, suddenly came to his senses when he heard a voice calling him.

In front of him was his homemade Spam fried rice, and even further in front of him was the club where he had just sat down with his lunch box in front of him.

… Ah, I was dazed again.

"Why are you doing that? You keep saying that these days. "Please worry too, Captain."

"ah… Sorry. "I had a strange dream last night."

"A dream? nightmare?"

"well. Should I say that I remember that, or that I don't… ."

"What is that?"

Anyway, since it was a dream, I don't remember all the details.

At least that disgusting face looked like the face of a pathetic and annoying villain.

I even vaguely remember being treated by that man in a very shameful way... .

'Ah really. You're trying to remember again.'

Just thinking about it makes my heart start pounding and my face starts to heat up.

Strangely enough, in response to this situation, I sometimes feel a tingling sensation in my groin.

'… Something is strange... my body... Why are you like this... keeps on… .'

Approximately two weeks have passed since the incident with No. 13.

I don't know why, but I've had this dream three times in that time.

Since not all dreams are recognized, there may be more than that.

'I guess it's because I'm upset that I missed that guy from No. 13.'

I was incredibly angry at the guy who held Apple hostage... .

Anyway, if I'm thinking about that guy so deeply that he comes out of my dreams, I don't think that's the case.

And for some reason, when I think of that guy, my body feels strange... .

Should I say that something, like a wick inside, was making a sound?

For some reason, I felt like my lower abdomen was throbbing.

'ha… What's really going on?'

I felt strangely nervous, and before I knew it, I was comforting myself with my hands.

Normally, I would only do self-consolation once a month.

In the past two weeks, I've already done it four or five times.

"ha… ."

"Today is really strange, Senior Spade. "Are you menstruating?"

"Can you please stop saying things like that while we're eating?"

Spade glanced at the club sitting across the table with a sigh.

Club, ignoring Spade's gaze, puts the contents of the lunch box he ordered into his small mouth and chews it down.

Black hair cut neatly around the neck.

On the head is a ribbon with a clover pattern to match the code name.

A junior who feels like a picky cat in many ways, such as the slim jawline, sharp eyes, and overall thin lines.

'… … 'It would be rude to ask how much you masturbate usually, right?'

I think it's pathetic of myself to think like this in front of my junior, but... .

'I'm worried.'

As a spade who is not familiar with sexual activity,

He masturbates two or three times a week and is so worried about his transformation that he cannot bear it.

So Spade was wondering whether he should ask this or not, but in the end, he shook off his distracting thoughts and just said something reasonably normal.

"Now that you think about it, it's been three months since the club came here, right? "Have you gotten used to it?"

"yes. There is no problem adapting. "It still feels a bit weird to eat in a useless, empty restaurant."

As the club says, this restaurant is spacious enough for two people at most.

Even if all the other members of the 7th Division gathered together for a meal, there would still be a lot of seats left, so it would be empty.

In addition, most off-duty personnel finish their meals in their own rooms upstairs, so the place is inevitably always empty.

"There were still a lot of people here not long ago. "It was also used as an evacuation center during the [Great Disaster]."

"Even though the place I was at was a base, it was a narrow space. We always eat together and eat together. There was no such thing as quiet back then."

"You said you came from an island?"

"yes. "It was a really boring place."

Because he had such a flat expression, it was hard to tell whether he really felt that way or not.

It hasn't been long since the club was assigned to the 7th division.

After the [Great Disaster], as villain crimes decreased, heroes were not needed as much as before, and many people here and there in the country retired or dispersed.

There are various reasons, including finances, rather than simply personal will, so it feels more like a restructuring.

The island where the club was located had a number of heroes dispatched to monitor a villain organization of note.

The island was a strategic point for monitoring villains who were in secret with overseas organizations on a scale different from that of the domestic one.

Not long ago, as a large number of brokers who were assisting in smuggling were arrested at the time, the number of villain organizations using that route has decreased to the point where it can be safely said that there are almost none.

Naturally, there was no more work for the heroes there and there was almost no need for them, so only the minimum number of people remained was sent to branches where there was some demand.

The club is one of them, so I came here to Division 7 not long ago.

"When you live on an island, you always eat the same thing, and even if you go out to play, it's all there…

Even though I was off duty and tried to rest, I was really, really, really bored because I saw all the faces I always saw when I walked around outside."

"Compared to that," he said, holding up the lunch box the club placed in front of him.

"This is a completely different place. Anything you want can be delivered to you with just a few taps on your smartphone! The land is absolutely fucking shit awesome. "The metropolitan area is even better."

"Surely, just having a lot to eat and good delivery will make a difference in your life satisfaction… What's wrong with the way the club speaks? "The girl is rude."

"Fuck is my identity, so I can't help it."

The two continued to eat, chatting as usual.

The captain of the 7th division seems to be busy, and no one else comes to the restaurant, as if the other heroes are off duty or have other things to do.

Just two.


'… Should I ask you now? that… 'How much do you masturbate?'

I still couldn't shake that thought.

Our respective bowls are now almost empty, so honestly, if you're going to ask, it shouldn't be any later.

But for a senior who should show dignity in many ways to a junior, to show such an attitude... Also a little…

Ahhh… But I'm curious… .

"Senior Spade, what are you doing tonight?"

"… huh? "I'm on patrol tonight."

"That's too bad. "I was thinking of asking you to go out with me if you're off duty."

Club put his chopsticks down on his empty lunch box. It looks like the meal has been completed.

"Last time, a large number of members of the [Abyss] were arrested, and a reward was given."

"Oh, come to think of it, it was like that. "Has the rehabilitation work been completed?"

"yes. As usual, he bowed down in front of Mr. Apple with tears and pledged his lifelong loyalty."

"… "Really, what is that person?"

"Do I know something that you don't know?"

Not long ago, not long after I arrived at this unit.

At that time, while on patrol, the club encountered a group of villain organization [Abyss], led by a staff member, who were carrying out a certain operation, and knocked down and arrested them all on the spot.

Unfortunately, the chief of staff who was leading the group at the time was missed.

I still remember the club proudly saying at the time that they had destroyed his body so thoroughly that he was unable to move for a while.

staff… . [Abyss]… .

'No. 13… .'

As I thought of No. 13 again, my heart pounded! jumped up

Starting from the lower abdomen, the heat slowly rises.

… My junior is also in front... no… Please, I feel strange… Don't lift it… .

"――That's how it turned out, I guess there was a reward, at least a new pair of shoes… Spade senior? Are you okay?"

"ah… huh. Because it's okay. And if you're going to buy shoes... ."

Spade told me the name of a famous department store in S City, the jurisdiction of the 7th Division.

Since it is a large mall, there are sure to be products that will satisfy even the most picky clubs.

"I see, ■■ Department Store… I guess I should go tonight. thank you."

"okay. And there is a very famous dessert shop there. Be sure to stop by there too. "I'll give you money, so buy some for me."

"dessert… ! "I will definitely stop by!"

With an excited expression on his face, Club wrote down the names of the department store and dessert shop he had just heard on his smartphone notepad.

Speaking of dessert, I'm already so excited for tonight that I can't help it… !

* * *

"Hyaaaaa~~~~! Dorothy, Dorothy. This ice cream is fucking delicious… It feels like my tongue is melting away... Ah, it's a good thing you came here today... I wanted to eat this... !"

"… … Don't make a fuss. "Because it's annoying to look at."

――Somewhere in S City, ■■ Department Store.

In a famous dessert shop located on the top floor, No. 13 and Dorothy were sitting side by side.

No. 13 had a happy face as he scooped up ice cream from a cup, while Dorothy across from him had a disgruntled look on his face as he cut off a sticky rice cake with ice cream inside.

For reference, Dorothy also took off her usual white robe and dressed casually.

The sight of Dorothy, not in white, was quite refreshing even for No. 13.

"No. 13, do you have any awareness that you are a villain who has been sold and is even wanted?"

"What are you doing again? You wouldn't think a villain would be walking around in a place like this. "Do I have to stay locked up in a hideout for the rest of my life?"

In fact, even though No. 13 had no special disguise, no one recognized him as a villain.

As long as you are confident, no one will look suspicious.

How sad would it be if you came to a well-known dessert shop and couldn't even taste it because you were so worried about what other people thought.

"… … After all, I wasn't recommending it to a guy like you... Ah, but I didn't want to come alone… Since it's ice cream, if you don't eat it directly at the store… ."

"Dorothy usually fills her meals with things like Calorie Mate, but she's really craving sweets."

"Noisy. Since my brain structure is different from yours, I need that much more sugar. "You have to be sincere when it comes to sweets."

"I'm very upset, but it's true so I have nothing to say."

The boss locked himself in his room today because of the gacha game event and didn't want to come out, and the staff member said he wasn't in a good mood today and passed.

However, today is the last day to sell this store's seasonal dessert products.

Dorothy, a dessert fanatic, couldn't get over it, so she ended up dragging number 13.

Now, I regret it in many ways.

"If it weren't for me, they wouldn't have been able to order properly."

"… … I could do it. Point your finger... Show it as a memo on your smartphone... ."

"I wouldn't have been able to sit alone in a store and eat."

Pfft… !

That was true, so Dorothy had no choice but to keep her mouth shut in displeasure.

This is because he understands very well his extreme social phobia.

Instead of being open-minded and understanding, I keep getting nervous and shrinking in front of unspecified people, so I can't even speak properly.

If it weren't for No. 13, I wouldn't have been able to eat dessert in person at the store.

I should definitely be grateful for that, but for some reason, I just don't want to say thank you to this man.

"Anyway, I'm grateful that Dorothy recommended it. "I wanted to come here too, but I couldn't because it was awkward for a man to come alone."

"No. 13, you usually shoot well."

"Because I went with my staff at that time."

"what. "You're talking as if you don't have any staff right now?"

"Now the chief of staff is a woman. You want me to go around places like this with a girl I'm not dating?

...No, is she really a girl? Is she a real woman? Huh, Dorothy? Please say no. Because I still don't believe it.

This is all a joke, right? "Are you conspiring and cheating on me?"

"There are a lot of things I want to say, but are you two men going to places like this?"

If you're going to come to a dessert shop like this, isn't it better if the other person is a woman... ?

If you think of two sturdy men facing each other in this cute dessert shop, silently eating ice cream... .

Thinking that it was Staff Department No. 13, Dorothy, who did not like that type of character, felt a little disgusted.
