
Hero Is Defeated By Evil

The hero fell for the despicable trick of evil. Strong and beautiful heroes were reduced to the humiliating sex-processed vagina slaves of scumbag villains. *Male casting *Not impoverished *No spinning *No NTR *Virgin heroine

NescafeMTL · Urban
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51 Chs

[Episode 29] #7 Department store terror attack (4)

A moment ago, the hand of the spade clearly broke No. 13's neck.

I felt a definite hand touch, and the thing underneath didn't look like a doll dressed up as No. 13.

He obviously ended his life and would have died a gruesome death, but No. 13 is alive.

The reason is that it is too simple to be called a trick.

It was simply his ability.

In other words, [Immortality (不死)].

Even if you are cut by a sword, stabbed with a spear, even if your heart bursts and your brains scatter,

An ability that does not die and returns to its original state even if the limbs are torn apart, so to speak, almost like a foul play.

… Right now, since the constellations do not supply magical power, I can only use the magical energy extracted from Spade, so to be honest, I can only say that I have limited immortality.

Anyway, thanks to this ability, I was able to survive Spade's violence.

In addition, he was able to catch her off guard.

* * *

Clink! Kwajangchangchang!!

"Kaheuk… !"

Due to Spade's rushing kick, Club's body flew through the air and smashed into a shop window in a shopping mall.

Although the skin was damaged by broken pieces of glass flying around, it was still not fatal.

However, there is no room to feel relieved about that fact.

Let's go… Quick…

"Ugh, senior… Come to your senses!"

The spade enters the store shaking and swaying. It's clearly not normal.

Mind control series? Is that kind of ability?

At least, there was nothing like that in the information obtained when hitting the minnows of the [Abyss].

'Fuck! He seems like a man I can't quite figure out!'

It was the same the last time we met.

I knew for sure that I couldn't use my abilities, but I pulled something out of thin air, I don't know if it was a strange chain or an anchor...

It doesn't match the information obtained from here at all.

But there was no time to lament about it.

Shhh! Wow!!

Spade leapt towards the club rolling on the floor and stomped his foot down on the club as if trampling it.


As if avoiding that foot, the club grabbed the edge of the table right behind it and jumped up as if doing acrobatics to avoid it.

Float your body in a handstand-like position and climb over the table.

Movement as light as a cat.

In addition to having a flexible body, temporary propulsion was created with a 500 won coin placed on the sole of the shoe.

The bottom of the pile where I missed the club and hit it was broken and broken into a mess.

If it were a club, it wouldn't have killed him, but he would have been reduced to a groggy state in one hit... It is a blow filled with sincerity.

The good news is that there continues to be a lag in the movement of spades.

Even now, with his feet down on the floor, he has stopped moving for a moment before moving on to the next action.

Blame it, crackle!

Club kept his distance from Spade with light footwork and assessed No. 13's location through the broken window.

'If this is because of No. 13's abilities.'

'If only I could somehow deal with that man...' !!'

Club pointed the muzzle of the pistol in both hands at Spade.

bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

Two guns are fired alternately, a total of six shots.

The bullet, which was probably aimed at Spade, unknowingly changed direction in the air and evaded her, drawing an impossible trajectory.

"huh… … 100 million?!"

Pow! Burbubbubbubbuk!!

Number 13, who had left everything to Spade and was watching from afar, was struck by a bullet that flew in at an unexpected time, cleverly changing its trajectory, and fell to the ground after being hit all over his body.

However, the blood-covered body that had fallen to the floor stood up again, staggering like a zombie.

'Aren't you going to die? Fucking shit!'

"Cl… Love… ."

"Seniors… ? Ouch!"

Quagwang! Clink!

I barely avoided the spade's punch.

The unfortunate mannequin was hit by the fist instead of the club and flew away, breaking the remaining shop windows and falling around.

I almost died because I was so distracted by No. 13.

If Spade hadn't called my name, I definitely wouldn't have been able to avoid it.

'I don't have time to think about this or that.'

'The gun doesn't work anyway. If you want to kill that person for sure... .'

Club immediately threw the pistols in both hands towards Spade and put his hands into his pouch. Coins jingling in my hand.

The coins were scattered in the air as Spade knocked away the pistol that was aimed at him.

"[load! Japanese spray!]"

"[launch! You will become a spirit archer and shoot down the enemy!]"



Coins flying all around the narrow store.

Each of them drew a different trajectory, disrupting Spade's eyes and flying towards her from a blind spot.

Everyone's timing is different.

A barrage of coins where everyone draws a different trajectory.

Each coin is fired with the force of a cannonball, so even a spade cannot be ignored.

"under… Aaaaaaa!!"

Meanwhile, the club sped across the floor, leaving behind coins and spades flying here and there, and flew over the broken shop window.

The sharp glass that had not broken before I could cut my thigh and left a deep gash, but I gritted my teeth and endured the pain.

Since I decided to become a hero, I have abandoned my life long ago and am not afraid of pain.

Are you giving up your decision to hurts?

Pow! Shhh!

Release the magical power of the coin padded to the bottom of your boots, and leap once again with the resulting momentum.

Rushing in a straight line towards No. 13, who was in tatters from the aftermath of the bullet a moment ago.


No. 13 could be seen panicking, but he definitely wouldn't be able to avoid it from this distance.

'It seems that piercing or breaking it won't kill it.'

'then… I'll cut off his head!'

He pulled out a heavy special knife from the sheath fastened to his thigh and pulled his arm back, aiming for No. 13's neck.

I feel a strong weight in my hand and across my arm.

If you carry your weight with this speed, you will definitely be able to cut off that head.

"Please, die… !!"

No. 13 is unavoidable.

At this speed, with the performance of this knife, you can definitely cut it down!

With that certainty, the knife he swung with all his weight was about to fly near No. 13's neck.



"uh… … !?"

――For a moment, I thought a storm had arrived.

The one that caught up with the club that came close to No. 13 was none other than the spade.

I'm sure they must have trapped it with a barrage of coins so it couldn't move.

She ignored the barrage as if it had never happened in the first place, and leaped with the same force as the club that launched her body towards No. 13.

Stepping on a force so strong that the floor rises, creating a strong wind like a storm.

He snatched the club by the collar in the air, passed by No. 13, and slammed his body into the pillar right behind him.

* * *


"Wow... ! evil… … ..!!!"

The club was thrown into the pillar with a force that was unimaginable from the slender arm of the spade.

My legs were floating off the floor, and no matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't get out.

"Seniors… Ugh… Big... !"

Spade's eyes are still blank. She is out of focus, looking up at herself with her foggy, blurry eyes.

Even though Spade is not at full strength right now, it is impossible for the club to even deal with it.

This is a class A hero… !

ha… ha… ha…

"Seniors… mental… Serve it… please… !"

I shout out as if I'm grasping for the last straw, but there's no sign of my strength going away from the hand that's tightly gripping the club's collar.

What on earth have you done?

What would you do to Spade, to your respected senior... !

"Okay, good job Spade. "Hold on to it."

"you… No. 13… "What have you done?!"

"Am I a fool? Tell me everything."

Number 13 limped towards the club. This is because I was hit by a bullet from a club a little while ago.

Because life-threatening wounds are repaired first, wounds on the legs heal relatively late.

However, as I was walking towards the club, the wound was completely healed and I was fine.

"Don't do anything useless. And I know what you're thinking, but I won't die even if my head is cut off."

"Tsk… ."

It's true, but to be honest, my magic power was almost gone now and I couldn't survive anymore.

However, while calmly hiding that fact, No. 13 took out brainwashing medicine and a handkerchief from his pocket.

"Don't worry, club. "It won't be long before you become just like your senior."

Of course, there will be no memories left.

Without knowing anything, he will become No. 13's puppet, like Spade is now, without knowing that he is being used.

"Fuck… … !"

The club muttered indignantly, but that didn't mean they could solve the situation.

Where did the preparation come from?

What happened to Spade?

As of now, there is nothing we can know.

It's just that Number 13, who is now approaching, is trying to do the same thing to him as he did to Spade... I only vaguely feel it.

Even if you try to resist, there is no use. Spade is lifting the club with one arm, but that arm doesn't budge as if it were a rock.

'Anything…' I have to do something... !'

'I… I… !!'

"Come on, club. Welcome, you fucking hero bitch."

"Fuck… I don't forgive... I'm going to die... you… No. 13… I will kill you... certainly… !"

"Hehe... Try it if you can."

Number 13 declared so leisurely, and was about to put a handkerchief to the club's mouth.

It was then.

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