
Hero Is Defeated By Evil

The hero fell for the despicable trick of evil. Strong and beautiful heroes were reduced to the humiliating sex-processed vagina slaves of scumbag villains. *Male casting *Not impoverished *No spinning *No NTR *Virgin heroine

NescafeMTL · Urban
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51 Chs

[Episode 27] #7 Department store terror attack (2)

'There are ■ hostages and six dolls on the first floor.'

'There are four hostages and dolls on the second floor.'

'On the third floor, there are ■■ hostages and seven dolls.'

'On the 4th floor――'

The club that brought the cat inside first counted to ten seconds and immediately rushed inside through the front entrance of the department store.

The cats that entered first were already roaming freely, taking in all the places inside the department store with their eyes.

Everything the cats captured in their field of vision was now being conveyed to the club as well.

――The club's ability is not specifically the kind that controls animals.

That ability is only secondary to utilizing the characteristics of the ability.

The identity of the ability called "clairvoyance" that the club is proud of lies in sharing the field of view with an object of the same wavelength.

[Sense sharing] or [Sense tuning (同調)].

Empathy ability to share not only the registered object and sight, but also the five senses such as hearing, smell, taste, and touch.

That was the essence of the club's abilities.

When No. 13 and Dorothy were cornered the other day, he was able to see through Dorothy who had quietly picked up a gun in a blind spot.

This is because I was sharing the view of the cat that was watching right next to me.

The reason I found the location of the two people right away without wandering around was because I had sent the cats to the previous floor in advance.

The reason he was unable to discover the flashbang prepared by No. 13 was because he knew the club's ability and deliberately avoided the cat's sight.

In the end, the trick itself can be seen as very simple.

Originally, people were exposed to the world in abundance with only their own senses...

The club's ability doubles, triples, quadruples that sense... It increases to an incalculable amount.

Even though there is a knack for it, the club is already outside the normal range in terms of being able to do it and process all that information.

Indeed, a capable hero.

… Just for reference.

The reason we only brought in cats was simply because cats are the ones that resonate best with the club among all animals.

'… … With this, I've figured out all the floors.'

Bang tang tang tang tang tang tang

Club quickly ran up the escalator that runs near the center of the shopping mall, and took out a large amount of coins from the pouch on his waist.

'Set the impact point based on the cat's field of vision.'

'The goal is... The dolls closest to the hostages.'

"[Jangjeon (裝塡). "Distributed aiming (照準)]"


Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!

Jangle jangle jangle jangle jangle!

The club scattered the familiar 500 won coins in the air.

The sound of metal colliding with each other and making a mess.

But at the same time, the coins scattered in a disorderly manner in the air all stopped in midair at some point.

It doesn't fall any further, just stops like a horse waiting for commands.

Meanwhile, the club that was running away, leaving the coins behind, chanted in addition.

"[Launch (發射). "You will become my spirit archer and shoot down the enemy."

A total of 27 coins were scattered in the air.

The magic of the club contained in each one is released at once.

All the coins became a single bullet and flew through the air.

* * *

"Both of you, please listen carefully. "Let me explain the operation."

A little while ago, in front of the department store, Apple finally summarized and explained the strategy to Clubs and Spades.

"First, what you need to know is that Villain No. 13 has a special escape ability. "It must be the ability of a villain called a staff member who is a member of the same organization."

Perhaps something like warp using shadows.

It's a troublesome ability, but they currently have no way to block it.

"Rescuing the hostages is important, but even after rescuing them, if the situation is unfavorable, No. 13 will immediately run away. "I can't leave it like that."

Therefore, what Apple proposes is a quick decision.

Number 13: Let's aim for an ultra-short decisive battle that will end everything while the person himself is still deciding whether to run away or remain.

That's what Apple proposed.

"Whether it is okay to run away or let it end like this, I will end it before the other person decides."

"I'll do something about bombs and communications, if it's just for a little while."

And the strategy was decided.

* * *


Peeeeee! Peeing! ping! Peeeeee! Peeing! Peeeeee! Peeing! Peeing! Pffffiiiit! Peeing! Peeeeee! Peeeeee!

Shhhhh! Hiss! Shhh!

The coins fired in the air by the club's magic flew individually through the central section of the department store, penetrating all floors, to the locations designated by the club.

As she instructed, I made several turns in the air, while barely slowing down.

The coin that flew away in the wind like that,

Next moment.


Quad deuk!


――The pottery-textured dolls were immediately torn to pieces.


『Uh, uh… ?』

『Boo, is it broken?!』

As the doll that was watching them from close range exploded, scattering limbs and debris, the people being held hostage screamed.

If you regain your composure, you'll be able to run away. Unfortunately, the club cannot afford to induce them at the moment.

'I think there are still dolls left.'

'If I take care of everything, they'll run away right away.'


The club looked up at the destination and ran up the escalator like flying.

If Apple goes according to plan, they only deal with urgent dolls that are currently holding hostage... It is expected that Villain No. 13 will be caught between the two options of 'taking hostage again' or 'running away'.

For that purpose, more than half of the dolls were left behind on purpose.

We intentionally left choices so that you could spend time thinking about them.

This is the same reason why the club runs across the central escalator of the department store.

As No. 13 hopes, the Club himself appears and uses himself as bait to make her spend more time thinking about it.

Although this plan is somewhat like gambling.

If the speed increases, the odds of winning in gambling go up.

Of course, I confirmed that No. 13 was not at the destination I was rushing to.

The area designated by No. 13 is Area F on the ■ floor. However, the place where Apple discovered him by manipulating the surveillance camera was two floors above.

No matter how you look at it, it is a location where you can visually confirm the arrival of the club and use some kind of device.

And, in addition, if the club finds out the location of number 13 and tries to go higher, it is a distance that allows them to run away with ease.

The accident of No. 13 was roughly understood.

I think I know roughly what they are aiming for.

The pathetic and disgusting thought of trying to watch the prey caught in a trap while being prepared to pull out at any time from a safe blind spot may seem like something you just can't see.

A monster capable of shattering that obvious plan from the front is now with this team.



Before we arrived at the target location, a loud noise rang out from a distant upper floor.

Also, the terrible groan of a man who seemed to be in pain.

For a moment, I thought it was a hostage's scream, but when I thought back, it was a familiar voice.

If so, we can guess the cause of the loud noise and screams just moments ago.

'Senior Spade… How did they arrive already?'

'It's a monster after all... .'

* * *

"Villain No. 13 is monitoring the scene through surveillance cameras."

"I found traces of hacking. "Although control of some cameras was taken away without anyone noticing."

Likewise, with what Apple mentioned during the strategy meeting a little while ago.

A suspicion was raised that was close to certainty that No. 13 was using surveillance camera footage to understand the situation.

That was something Spade had expected, so he immediately hid in the bathroom to avoid being caught on camera.

Number 13 probably doesn't even know that Spades is in this place.

However, no matter which staircase you use to go upstairs, you cannot avoid being caught on camera.

If there was only one person in the club in sight, No. 13 would hesitate to run away.

If the spade is visible, it will try to run away without even looking back.

"So Mr. Spade, please approach Number 13's location without being caught on camera."

Honestly, if you look at reality, it was an absurd request,

I knew that it was possible, so I couldn't pass up Apple's trust-filled proposal.

so that.

Spade went straight to the exterior wall of the department store.

Climbed vertically up the exterior wall of the building.

I threw my body out of the window as if I was an acrobatic, and ran up the wall, defying the laws of physics.

So all at once.

Long before the club running up the escalator.

We arrived at the location where No. 13 was located.

* * *

When I realized it at some point, the spade was already within close range.

Stupidly, No. 13 didn't even realize that she was getting closer until she was about two steps away.

Should I say I was overly careless?

Or should I say that the silent stealth technique that kills Spade's presence is exceptional.

Whoa whoa!


There was no time given to be surprised.

When Spade suddenly approached at close range, No. 13 was hit in the middle of the abdomen and flew through the air.

However, before his body could reach the floor, Spade quickly jumped and approached No. 13, who was flying in the air, grabbed him by the collar, and threw him down to the floor.

On the marble floor, with all my might.


"… … !!"


A heavy and powerful shock. My head hit the floor, my brain shook, and the air was immediately forced out of my lungs, and I almost had trouble breathing for a moment.

It's not just about adding weight.

Even though his bones were broken and his internal organs were ruptured, he was struck with such force that it was not surprising.

How can you pick up an opponent who was kicked into the air and throw them back at them?

It really is monster speed and monster strength. Being an A-class hero is definitely not cool... !

"Kahak… Wow... ."

"Don't miss today, number 13. "If I hold you like this, you won't be able to use that special escape technique, right?"

"Monster, monster... really...!"

Spade's two red eyes, looking straight down from above, were shining menacingly with a wild light.