
Hero's Odyssey: Being a Yandere is The New Trend

Edwin, an inexperienced but exciting hero chosen by a possessive goddess, finally embarks on his journey full of challenges. But what begins as an exciting adventure suddenly turns into a serious crisis when he is burdened with a great responsibility from the past. With his old friends no longer at his side, Edwin, who has finally recovered his former memories, will struggle to change the fate of people who are unaware of the danger approaching from shadows. Ohh! He will also have to deal with some tough romantic stuffs... ******** Tags: Handsome Protagonist, Race Changing, Huge Harem, Romance, Possessive Women, Adventure, Politics, Nobles, R18+, Saving the World, Powerful Protagonist, Strong to Stronger, Naive to Experienced, Academy, Gentle Love Interest, Older Love Interest, Yandere, Slice of Life, Vampire ******** (For Some Extra Chapters) patreon.com/GreatCloudy

GreatCloudy · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Jealousy?

Edwin was relieved to see Amber finally say something. He took off the white glove on his left hand and introduced himself to Amber with a smile on his handsome face. Even though he had just introduced himself, he didn't mind.

"My name is Edwin, a warrior chosen by the Goddess Livian, nice to meet you, Ms. Amber."

When Amber saw Edwin's smile, she looked at him as if bewitched. But, having done her mental preparation, this time Amber didn't freeze in surprise for long.

"Ahem... I-It's nice to meet you too, Sir Edwin." She paused, realizing something, and then asked aloud with a puzzled expression. "Y-You are a warrior chosen by the Goddess Livian!?!"

"Yes, it may be a bit sudden, but allow me to quickly explain the general situation." He took a deep breath and continued. "I was sent to this world a few days ago to complete a sacred mission. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in this forest and started wandering around. Later, when I was walking in the forest, I heard the sounds of fighting and I decided to lend a hand." After saying these words, he stopped for a while and looked away from Amber because he was a little embarrassed. "Well... I was wondering if you could show me the way out."

Thump thump!

'C-C-CUTE!?! How can this guy be both so handsome and so cute!? T-That's not fair!'

Amber clutched her chest as if she had been shot in the heart with an arrow, she bowed her head and tried to hide the expression on her face with her long red hair. Edwin's gestures, movements, demeanor, in short, every move he made started to cause strange bursts of emotion in her. These sudden bursts of emotion that she couldn't control were continually catching Amber off guard and she didn't even know how to react to these situations.

Trying to control herself, Amber came up with an idea and lifted her head to look intensely at Edwin.

"How about coming with us, Mr. Edwin? We're done here and we're planning to head back to our camp. Besides, it's not good to be wandering alone in the forest at this time of night. A-And you can also spend the night at our camp." Amber said her words as seriously as she could, but the tremor in her voice betrayed her excitement.

"With you? Are you sure, Ms. Amber? I mean, we don't really know each other. And I don't want to be a burden." Edwin spoke uncertainly.

When Amber saw Edwin's hesitant expression, she hurried to speak and try to convince him.

"It's really okay! A-And we can talk and get to know each other along the way, right?" With those words, her pretty face turned serious and she spoke with determination. "Besides, you saved the lives of my soldiers. If I don't do even this much, I will feel indebted to you for the rest of my life."

For a moment Edwin stared into the bright blue eyes of the red-haired woman in front of him. Things had happened a little too fast and he hadn't had much time to think. Now that he had heard Amber's offer, he decided it would be a better idea to go with them. And even if he found a settlement, his main goal was to find a temple of the Goddess Livian and learn from them about what this evil was all about.

Edwin nodded and began to speak. "Hmm... Well then, I'm going to disturb you for a little while, Ms. Amber."

Amber was so happy to hear these words that she almost shouted "YES!" out loud. But she restrained herself at the last moment and started speaking with a calm expression.

"Good! Then we'll go back to the camp as soon as we've cleaned up." She turned around and called out to her soldiers. "Everybody gather around now- Huhh?" 

When Amber turned around, she was surprised by what she saw. Everyone had finished what they were doing and were watching them intently. Amber's face began to flush at the situation and she let out a silent scream in her mind.

'Aaahhhhhhhh! Everyone saw my embarrassing behavior! How will I ever face my subordinates again!?! What am I going to do now?" 

As Amber was thinking of something to explain the situation, she realized something and squinted her eyes, looking carefully at her subordinates around her. As she followed their eyes, she realized that they were all focused on Edwin. Some were looking at him with jealousy, some with admiration. But what caught her attention the most were the passionate looks of some of the women around.

Seeing this, Amber felt an indescribable feeling begin to spread in her heart. But she didn't think too much about what it was. Her brow was knitted and if one looked closely, one could see her lovely blue eyes glowing with a crimson light. In a slightly angry, harsh voice she called out to the people around her. 

"Hey!!! There is nothing to watch here! If you are done, start walking back to the camp!"

Hearing her serious voice, the people around shuddered, immediately turned around and started walking towards the camp. Some of the women among them seemed reluctant, but they obeyed their lady's orders anyway. Of course, they did not forget to look back at Edwin yearningly from time to time as they left.

'Hmpf! Look at these shameless women!!! In front of me, they're making flirtatious glances to seduce Sir Edwin. How dare they!?!'

Amber didn't realize it, but her face had become extremely frightening. But her expression changed very quickly when she turned around and addressed Edwin with a gorgeous smile on her face.

"Then let's go, Sir Edwin."

Not noticing her change, Edwin replied calmly. "Of course, anytime you wish, Ms. Amber." 

After his words, they started walking through the forest together. The light balls that followed them around them illuminated the darkness of the night. Edwin's opinion of Amber had changed a little because of the previous scene. When he had first met her, he had thought she was a bit air-headed, but when he saw the effect of her words on her subordinates, he realized that she was an domineering woman. 

Unfortunately for Edwin, Amber's back was turned to him as she spoke, so he couldn't see her frightening face and strangely glowing eyes. If he could, he probably would have felt very nostalgic.


Along the way, Edwin and Amber talked about different things. Edwin told her that he should go to the nearest temple and learn about the evil in this world. He had no intention of hiding his situation. Such situations were not unfamiliar to this world anyway. Throughout history many heroes and chosen warriors had been sent to this world to fight against the evil. 

"So Sir Edwin, are you really a warrior chosen by the Goddess Livian?" Amber asked, surprised.

Edwin nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, I am, and I can prove it to you if you want."

Amber tilted her head to the side. "Huhh? How are you going to prove it?"

Edwin smiled at her cute demeanor. "Watch..." Amber, mesmerized by his smile, began to watch Edwin in silence.

Edwin took a few steps back and away from Amber. Then he put his hand over his heart and closed his eyes. After a while, a white silhouette of a woman appeared behind him, floating in the air. This silhouette, which looked like a spirit, soon began to emit a holy aura.

Seeing this, Amber's eyes widened. "The divine aura of Goddess Livian... This aura is the same as the sacred aura emitted by goddess statues in temples."

Edwin opened his eyes, the silhouette behind him had disappeared. "I hope everything is clearer now."

"Huhh? Ahhh... Y-You didn't have to do that, Sir Edwin! I never suspected your words in the first place!"

Edwin smiled, finding the anxious face of the red-haired woman in front of him adorable. "Thank you, Ms. Amber. In any case, I didn't want to leave a question mark in your mind."

Seeing Edwin, Amber froze, 'Haaaa! If he smiles at me too much, my heart won't be able to take it.'

They continued to talk for a while. Amber introduced herself better and explained why they were here. Of course, Edwin's forehead broke out in a cold sweat when he heard that they were out searching at night because of a light they had seen in the forest. He felt really bad that the spell he had cast to help people find him had caused all this. He explained the situation to Amber and apologized. When Amber saw Edwin bowing his head and apologizing, she got worried and immediately changed the subject. They continued talking for a while and finally reached the camp.

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