
Here we go, Desert Rangers!

Tired of just playing video games all day, a young man was ready for a change. He wanted a real challenge, something that would give him a sense of purpose. So, he joined the army, thinking he'd finally found his calling. But life had other plans. Bombings were happening left and right and before he knew it, he was gone - vaporized in an instant. Or so he thought. Next thing he knew, he woke up to the sound of a beep and the strong smell of alcohol. He looked around and realized he was in a place he didn't recognize and had no idea how he survived the blast. Talk about a crazy twist of fate. 3 - 4 Chapters per week. I need to take it easy and improve the quality of each chapters. Sorry. ------------------------------------ My fan-take on Wasteland 2 story and tackling the Wasteland 3 story to gain a more in-depth perspective on this fictional world's apocalypse! PLEASE SUPPORT THE WASTELAND TRILOGY! AN UNDERRATED GAME! ------------------------------------ I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE. Kindly contact me should you want me to change it. Thank you.

CarbonatedDrink · Videospiele
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36 Chs

Choose a Trainer

<<< Pick a Trainer >>>

Category 1:


■ Big Boss ««VS»» Sam Fisher ■


Category 2:


■ Jin Kazama ««VS»» Ryu ■


Category 3:


■ Lara Croft ««VS»» Nathan Drake ■


Category 4:


■ Agent 47 ««VS»» Natasha Romanova ■


Category 5:


■ Mechanist ««VS»» AntAgonizer ■


Category 6:


■ Engineer ««VS»» Medic ■


Category 7:


■ Gordon Freeman ««VS»» Julia Chang ■


[List Ends]


Presented with the choices, Houmin scratched his head. He was expecting tangible trainers waiting for them, not video game characters.

"What happened? Why are you acting like that?" She asked. "Move over and let me see! That's a random set of names-- Oh, hey! Julia Chang. I know her! I always play her in Tekken."

The conversation went ahead to a confusing yet relaxing atmosphere. Houmin gave in and let her took control of the console.

Earlier, both of them were still upset as they entered the room. The information and visions they got were too much for them. They saw the destruction of their home, their friends burned, or the general population just melted all around. However, in contrast to what Houmin saw, his vision showed his family got dusted away from the blast. While Skylar only saw her family disregards her even in memory, and this was enough for her to breakdown.

The room was again dark. Only the lights from the opened door are providing some light inside the room. The doors behind them closed, turning everything to dark again. Houmin and Skylar didn't even flinch at that turn of events. They were too busy with their thoughts to care.

Then a bright flash of light appeared, almost blinding them.

"Kek! Noooo~ Count Dracula is hurting in the light~ Kek~." Houmin playfully said. He tried to block the light with his hand.

"Pfft!" Skylar held her laugh. "Why'd you sound like that? It's so stupid, haha." laughing for a bit as she wiped a tear in her eyes.

"Why?" he replied. "Blasting this many lights in front of us is uncomfortable. Now, I know why vampires hate the light so much."

"Haha!" She smiled. "Well, then Mr. Vampire, can you stand there? I'll use you as shade since you're taller than me." She gestured.

The room got filled with happy bickering of the two when they were interrupted by the sound of a booting up computer. Before them, a floating computer monitor like the one used in the early 2000s,

The two looked at each other. Wordlessly agreed to each and walked closer to the monitor. At a distance away, the screen shines a green hue, but if you move closer, it just turned to black. Houmin recognized the given information and quickly concluded that those are all video game character, and added to the fact that Skylar confirmed that one of those names is a video game character.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" She looked at him. "You look like you knew each one of the names,"

He nodded, "Just like you said, Julia Chang is a video game character in Tekken. You can connect the dots why I look like this when I saw the names."

"Seriously?!" She jumped in surprise. "All of them are video game characters? This-- You think this is some joke of his? I'm getting a Saw movie vibes about this." As she thought more about this, she clenched hard on her fist.

"Saw?" He looked at her, seeing her bit her lips in anger. "From everything we experienced, the blast, the burns, the deaths, and the wars, and linking it as a Saw movie? I can see why you think that. Maybe we'd been drug, trapped in a room, forced to survive and sacrifice each other. I think it's unlikely."

"Why?" She said.

"That hobo earlier, I knew him-- Before you try to sneak a punch to my face, hear me out, okay?" He hurriedly said as he reflexly protected his head.

"You better cough it up before I kick your balls in!"

He looked at her with an arched brow. In the spur of the moment, coughed at her. Skylar reacted by kicking him at his thigh.

"Ahh! Stop! Stop! That hurts!"


"Alright- alright. Stop." Houmin begged. "The hobo's name is Scotchmo!"

"So you do know him! I knew it! HAH! Freaking kidnappers! Rapist! Pervert! Take This!"

"Stop it! Did you forgot that its the GOAT that said his name?!"

Skylar stopped halfway, with her fist just before Houmin's jaw.

"Go on..."

"Scotchmo is a character from a video game, Wasteland. " He quickly said. "He's a hobo but great with a shotgun. GOAT was calling him out casually like its a natural thing. He's the one that nearly splatted us both on the wall back there, and the one thing GOAT said about us living in the Wasteland."

"I don't see your point..." She looked at him, making her evaluate him to be a weird one.

"We're going to be living in a game." He said.

"...WHAT?!" she grabbed him, screaming at his face.

"That hobo was too real. The room looks like something out of the fallout games, and the one calling himself God speaks like a freaking Italian-American Capo." He screamed back. "EITHER IT'S TRUE OR THEY'RE OUTSTANDING COSPLAYERS, AND THIS IS A SEX DEN!"

The speaker trickles to life, "One more word like that from you, and I'll make sure my favorite Scotchmo will be cleaning your blood from the walls. Now, hurry it up!"

The speaker cut off.

Skylar narrowed her eyes and looked at Houmin, menacingly.

"I want Julia Chang." She said. She stepped back from him.

Houmin nodded back. He examined the list again. At his back, Skylar was leaning close, watching and waiting for him to do something. Houmin scratched his head and looked back at Skylar.

"I have no idea what to do. Hehe." He shyly laughed, but when he looked at her, staring down at him, he hurriedly moves his attention back at the screen.

Not sure what to do, he let his hand before the monitor and pressed the black spot. Hoping something will happen, and sure enough, it did something.

Then a click sound followed. He got taken aback a bit and looked back on what he did.


Category 7:


Gordon Freeman ««VS»» Julia Chang ■


Now, the black square on Gordon Freeman was gone.

"Who's Gordon Freeman?" as soon as she asked that, Houmin's head got shaken for a bit.

"He's a scientist and the MC in a game, Half-Life." He replied. Fortunately, he didn't show his contempt.

"Oh? A scientist? Julia is also a scientist, you know."

And just with that, something finally clicked in him.

"I get it now!" He clasped his hand on the other. "The choices are rivals or opposites to each. By choosing one, the other one will be hers."

"Julia's mine." She said. "Now, unclick that and click that one instead."

He smiled and look at the screen.



Category 7:


■Gordon Freeman ««VS»» Julia Chang


After doing so, Houmin got confused about why he had to do so. Luckily, Skylar saw his reaction.

"You just said choose one, and I got the other." She said. Along with that, she can't help but feel different from what's going on. She didn't consider voicing it out.

His hand on his chin, Houmin rummages around his memory.

"Julia Chang, huh." He voiced out. "She's scientist, you say. What field?"

"She's studying how to revive a forest." She tapped on the side of her chin. "And archaeologist? That's about it. How about him?"

His eyes popped out as he realized it. He calmed himself down again. "Freeman's a theoretical physicist."

"Huh, so does he have a theoretical degree for it?" She said.



Houmin's eyes twitched, while Skylar smiled widely with scheming eyes.

"Moving on, Engineer or Medic?" Houmin said. He traced his hands up.


Category 6:


■ Engineer ««VS»» Medic ■


"What about 'em?"

"I'd hazard a guess. These two are from Team Fortress 2. and well, As their name implies, they're Engineer and Medic. Which one do you want?"

"Me? Why me?" She said in surprise.

"This is a team effort, after all. I wanna know what you think." He looks at her in a deadpan manner. However, Skylar looked away and grunted while feeling a bit of heat in her face.

"I'd take the Medic." She pointed.



Category 6:


■ Engineer ««VS»» Medic


"How about this one? Mechanist and Ant-agonizer? They're from the fallout games."


Category 5:


■ Mechanist ««VS»» AntAgonizer ■


"You mean Antagonizer?" She asked.

"...Yeah," He weakly said.

"Let me guess... One's a grease monkey, and the other has something to do with ants?"

"Pretty much."

"I'll take the Ant then." She humphs.



Category 5:


■ Mechanist ««VS»» AntAgonizer


"That's a girl's name, right?" She tapped on his shoulder as she points at the name, Natasha Romanova.


Category 4:


■ Agent 47 ««VS»» Natasha Romanova ■


"Well, yeah." He agreed.

"I want her." She added.

"Why? You haven't even heard me explain who she is!" Houmin argued.

"Shut it, nerd! That's a girl! And that's fine with me!" She demanded.



Category 4:


■ Agent 47 ««VS»» Natasha Romanova




Category 3:


Lara Croft ««VS»» Nathan Drake ■


On to the next one, he automatically clicked on Nathan Drake. He looked at her, and she nodded in approval.

He sighs.


Category 2:


■ Jin Kazama ««VS»» Ryu ■


"How about this one? Both are martial artists, one from Tekken, and the other is from Streetfighter--" Before he could finish, Skylar cut in.

"Jin." She flatly said.

"Uh, no hesitation?" he asked.

"Jin." She said again.



Category 2:


Jin Kazama ««VS»» Ryu ■



Category 1:


■ Big Boss ««VS»» Sam Fisher


"Why'd you click so fast on this one?"

Houmin smiled, "Cause he's my idol!" and gave her a thumbs one.

In return, Skylar just stared her like he's trash.


<<< Pick a Trainer >>>

Category 1:


■ Big Boss ««VS»» Sam Fisher


Category 2:


Jin Kazama ««VS»» Ryu ■


Category 3:


Lara Croft ««VS»» Nathan Drake ■


Category 4:


■ Agent 47 ««VS»» Natasha Romanova


Category 5:


■ Mechanist ««VS»» AntAgonizer


Category 6:


■ Engineer ««VS»» Medic


Category 7:


■ Gordon Freeman ««VS»» Julia Chang


[List Ends]



"I think it's asking us if we're okay with this setup." He explained, "Any second thoughts with you?"

"Nah. I'm fine with it." She replied.

"So we're good?" He asked again.

She just nodded.



Inside a bright room, Houmin was looking at the people he chose earlier.

"Hey, kid. Kept us waiting, huh." said the man with an eye patch. "Let's start your training."

♪Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours) - Stevie Wonder♪

Late upload due to a job interview.

I'll try to have this kind of chapter in a minimum, too many system elements is not always good in this kind of series.

Kept you waiting, huh.

Stay safe and stay healthy!

CarbonatedDrinkcreators' thoughts