
Zanzan's Return

Mithriditus sounding the retreat with his meager bare voice only managed to travel around the confines of his vicinity.

He would have liked to use a bugle but since he did not have one, he could only use his god-given gift, the idea behind such a tactic being that others would hear Mithriditus and then pass it along from comrade to comrade until the whole army knew of the order.

This was of course not the best way to do this, and while a far better way that this existed in Perseus's hand, he did not blow his horn in fear of the men holding the lines breaking and running away after hearing it.

Instead, in a move that went against all fibers of his body, Perseus, already dressed in regular armor decided to serendipitously exit the battlefield seeing the battle was lost, taking only a makeshift team of bodyguards with him on horseback.

While close to 15,000 of his men were left behind to fend for themselves.