
Workshop Security (Part1)

Next day, Alexander was scheduled to visit the workshops around his personal estate, which were the future lifeblood of his land in his opinion.

And to protect this precious blood from being stolen by greedy mosquitoes, Alexander had decided to enforce truly draconian security measures, which were almost reminiscent of some of the measures employed around US military bases like Area 51.

"Good morning, Lord Pasha," As Alexander approached the wooden walled boundary with his entourage, the two on-guard soldiers, both of whom were from Alexander's original first phalanx and had not participated in the sacking of Adhan, which was part of the reason they got the job, greeted Alexander with a bow.

"Good morning to you too," Alexander greeted as he then handed over a rectangular piece of iron plate that looked very much like an ID card.

"Thank you," The guard accepted it with another light bow and then quickly read the information.

Engraved on it was Alexander's name,