
The Nobles' Pressure

Chapter 1274

Under Miss Linda and the other nobles' directive, it was made very clear to Heeats that there was no the Margraves would tolerate the Heeats hiding behind the city's walls and eating their supplies while their countryside burned.

Even Lord Parker's repeated insistence that they should wait for a just bit longer and have his 20,000 reinforcements join them before they set off went unheeded, as Lord Bernard under Miss Linda's direction urged that they could not wait so long due to the deteriorating situation inside the city.

"My lord, we have already told you those barbarians will not stay wait for us. Once they have enough loot, they will run rather than fight us and risk losing everything. We cannot let this happen. The people want these scoundrels hanged… especially the nobility. So many of them have suffered indignity at the hands of these beasts! Please try to understand our position!"