
The Fate of the Campaign (Part-1)

Despite his best efforts, Remus would ultimately fail in his search for Lord Parker's body. Thus, it would be assumed that the poor man had perished by drowning in the river along with Lord Macht and his entourage.

This would leave Lord Kite the highest living noble from the Heeat sides.

While on the Margraves side, this distinction would be a toss up between Miss Linda, Lord Bernard, or that senior nobleman who had ditched Lord Bakerfield to try and save his own hide. 

Yes, he had been captured by the hunting parties a few days later, though he appeared as only a hollow and sunken shell of his former self. 

He had been lucky to cross the raging river in his horse, but after two days of staying outdoors without any proper food or shelter, he was hungry and dehydrated nearly to the point of unconsciousness.