
The Dark Part of Zanzan (Part-7)

The following examples were how most working girls in Adhania ended up- maids, mistresses, cheap playgirls, vagabonds, or slaves.

And aside from the first two, the reality was far far less glamorous than what it looked from the outside.

This was also not counting the girls who simply 'fell out' mid way.

It was only natural for a great many to simply die from various sicknesses and diseases along the way- life in the cities was already hazardous enough, from all the plagues, cholera, smallpox, and other various outbreaks.

Then add to it the dirty, dingy places that were the brothels and questionable sources of its water and drinks, and it was hardly ever the face of hygiene.

There was also the ever looming threat of pregnancy and subsequent death from delivery as only the very top courtesans got to even hear about the miracle contraceptive, much less have access to it.