
The Dark Part of Zanzan (Part-2)

The backstreets of the Eastern District were littered with illegal gambling dens, entertaining a significant part of the city's men every single day.

The occasional gamblers made up the bulk of the clientele, men who simply went out once a month with their friends for a good time. 

They were there to drink, eat, smoke and just have a generally good- the winning was simply the icing on the cake.

It was a rather innocent pass time. 

It was just too bad that for many, this relatively harmless hobby soon turned into a full fledged addiction. 

They became hooked on the thrill of the game, one where winning or losing was secondary.

Some of them, even if they were to win a million ropals, would come the very next day to try and win two million. 

These were the gambling addicts, people who could not get up in the morning without the thought not going to the dens.

And many of them would soon become the next type- the desperadoes.