
Ptolomy and Farzah (Part-3)

Ptolomy knew Pasha Farzah to be a man of action.

And not the type to take a beating laying down.

"Hehehe," Hearing this assertive demand, at first the aged but strong man gave a little chuckle, confirming he indeed did a plan.

"Well, although we cannot reinforce Alexander, we can certainly take advantage of the situation and make Amenheraft pay. For example, there are a lot of nobles around here who follow Amenheraft. We could 'persuade' them to switch sides." Pasha Farzah made the cunning suggestion.

"Persuade? You mean kill! Revenge for Alexander?" Ptolomy's eyes did not glow with excitement, but wary.

Killing nobles was a bad thing, a very bad thing.

"Of course not. We are not like wild dogs!" And Pasha Farzah seemed to agree as he uncategorically rejected going so extreme.

It would set a catastrophic precedent following which nobles could start killing each other in broad daylight.

No one wanted to see that happen.