
Pre-Battle Troubles

While the Tibian king was surveying Menes's camp, the general himself was currently inside his war tent, dealing with a huge problem of his own.

"General, we only have enough food to last five days. And the next shipment due at least a week away…. possibly two." His adjutant, a large man named Synadus reported with a slightly fearful tone to his voice.

"And that is with rationing?" Menes furrowed his brows as he sought the confirmation.

"Yes," Came the instant answer.

And it made the black man's face turn gloomier.

He knew that when his subordinate said one or two weeks, he solidly meant two and more, not anywhere close to one.

Synadus had only added the one week to console his superior and make it appear the next supply run was closer than it really was.

Which meant the army had to resort to rationing, where the soldiers would be given just one meal a day as opposed to the usual two.