
Politics of The Margrave Family

Listening to Lord Janus explain Lady Miranda's situation, Alexander could finally see how things had gotten to where they were.

The Margraves family faced stifling exports and a collapsing domestic market right when their expenses were peaking.

This caused their treasuries to rapidly shrink, resulting in a want of change in the leadership.

"Is the free trade agreement really unpopular with the people?" Hearing the gist of the thing, Alexander thus posed so to Lord Janus, pointing, "We also import a lot of duty free grain, meat, wine, timber, pottery, ores, jewels, wool, slaves, and luxurious fabric from you. The trade agreement should be beneficial to these people too, right?"

In Alexander's mind, the riches should have gone both ways.

"Ye… yes, you are right in that my lord. But… the volumes are not equal," Lord Janus slowly squeezed out the point, implying the agreement benefited Alexander more than Lady Miranda.