
Plans for the New Kilns

Fabiyana was unable to understand even half of what the others were talking about, leading her to widen her childlike, limpid eyes and naively ask, 

"Ehhh? Does Elder sister Tayin need to sleep with everyone to get a baby? Won't just sleeping with big brother do it?"

The sweet chirping tone and the innocence held within became all the more pronounced by the fact that she took the phrase 'sleeping together' literally. 

Even now the twelve year old thought babies were magically created by a man and woman marrying and then laying together on the same bed.

"....." The rest of the room had to try very hard not to laugh by pursing their lips, knowing otherwise it would anger the feisty little girl.


The night for Ophenia would prove to be a very rewarding one.

She was first stripped of all of her clothes, revealing her fair, curvy, hourglass body, which was then quickly set upon by four very hungry beasts.