
Perseus in the Manor (Part-3)

In the time that Perseus's adjutant had started to look for Cambyses, he did not forget to carry out his king's other orders too.

So with his command, parts of the army all began to carry out each of the tasks.

One of the groups got to clearing the dead bodies, starting with the most visible ones laying on the first floor.

These corpses were all carried or dragged by their feet out of the manor and thrown into a nearby heap, soon to be buried or cremated, though not before the Tiibans would strip them of everything valuable- their armor, clothes, shoes, jewelry, and even things like gold teeth.

And it was among these piles of dead bodies where lay JU as well, still breathing, still unconscious but fortunately no longer bleeding so profusely.

And even more fortuitously he was placed around the top so he did not get crushed in the heap and in such a way that he could still breathe.