
Perseus's Struggles (Part-1)

In some ways, Perseus was glad the enemy chose to fight.

Because that meant he would get to try his new toys.

"Let's show them the might of our new weapons- The catapults. I want to use it to grind their fighting spirit into dust…. under the heel of my stone volleys," Perseus loudly proclaimed, wanting to defeat the soldiers at their highest morale and thus deal the greatest blow.

Thus, with the king's command given, the curious wall defenders patiently waited, as they observed the enemy not launch a mass charging assault, or start lobbying arrow volleys as one would expect, but only move some strange wooden contraption on wheels up close to the walls, stopping around 100 meters from the walls.

Once there, a few soldiers then moved to then load a large rock onto a bucket that was attached to the arm, before another soldier at the back quickly pulled a level, making the arms shoot forward and upward.