
Ongoing Renovations

Theocles read and re-read the piece of paper, holding it so gently that it was like it was his newborn son in his hand.

"Is…is this the goddess's revelation?" Theocles asked in a hoarse, shaky voice, excitement dripping out of his voice.

"....." Alexander only lightly smiled, sending a profound gaze at the man.

"I want you to start writing a bible regarding a new religion. It will be the faith of Gaia and these topics must be the centerpiece of the book." He instructed Theocles.

"Yes….yes, my lord. I will see it done immediately," Theocles literally jumped up from his chair and stood up, shaking his clenched fist in elation.

He looked as if he was going to start writing it right now.

"Wait, wait, calm down," Alexander gestured for the man to sit down.

"Ah,,,yes. My apologies, I got a bit distracted," Theocles quickly plopped down, a bit flushed.