"Hahaha, indeed as expected of you my lady"
Alexander did not hide his appreciation for Lady Parthia at her the correct answer, gleefully nodding his head, while missing the bitter look Lady Nanazin gave from the side. She cursed herself for missing such an obvious thing.
She was too focused on the front covers.
Fortunately the lady did not linger on this acrid feeling for long, and quickly also turned her focus to the coins' sides, confirming the presence of the delicately made lines, while running her fair fingernails over to admire the craftsmanship.
"Indeed, it is as Lady Parthia said, there are ridges around the side. And they seem quite well made. "Did you get permission from Ptolo… him?" Lady Nanazin then lifted her head to ask, very consciously avoiding that hateful name.
"...." While Alexander first gave a very revealing smile, then controlling himself confirmed,