
Naval Dreams (Part-6)

"So, where is the next ship?" As the fate of the second ship was decided, Pasha Farzah was eager to see the next one.

But only got a nervous chuckle from Alexander.

This was because the third one had been a fully concrete tub boat, and Alexander had initially wanted to show it off as a miniature version of what his ships would ultimately look like.

But since even the cement and wood ship was too heavy to maneuver quickly, he felt that that was not even worth showcasing.

"I've been told that ship has had some problems. So maybe next time," Alexander made up the lame excuse, and then quickly diverted the topic.

"Now, as for the reason why I wanted to show you these ships."

"What I need the most are some experienced shipwrights to help with the construction of the ships. And some good sailors to man them."

Zanzan had neither of these and so Alexander hoped to turn to them to procure some.

And was instantly replied back by Lady Inayah.